11/15/20 06:09AM
Out of curiosity, are you planning on ever making a version that supports iPhone
11/15/20 11:06AM
Bashirider said:
Out of curiosity, are you planning on ever making a version that supports iPhone

I'm not the dev but iphones don't support installing apps from anywhere but the app store, and publishing an app to the app store requires paying 99$ a year.
Probably not a investement worth it

Also even if this weren't a problem, the app store guidelines are against adult content, so penlight probably wouldn't be allowed to be published anyway

Once again, i'm not the dev though, so who knows?
11/20/20 07:20AM
I really enjoyed the Sayori routes the most, great game!
Looking forward to seeing the development of the rest of the game
12/12/20 08:18PM
Hello again!

This is another monthly update I'm really proud of. First things first, I've gotten one path through the Doll storyline completely written up to a conclusion! I'm mostly really happy with how this one came out, and I'm sure it'll become a few reader's favourites~

There's "only" three new CGs with this release, but they're all spectacular, and you'll deffo want to revisit the Devotion, Reversal and Hiroko's first storylines to see them!

And finally, I also developed an entirely new story path almost entirely from scratch! The Redemption storyline, where Kyou initially starts on the path of villainy (the Devotion path to be exact) only to turn away from it and try to right that wrong, is now available in this release. It's... definitely not what people would expect to find in these kinds of games, but it's a very Penlight kind of story and it's the kind I've wanted to tell for ages. I hope folks will enjoy what's currently written and look forward to a concluding part after Christmas :)

Once again, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Happy holidays, everyone! I'll be back in the new year with another fun update~

What's New
* Sayori's Doll storyline is now scripted and playable up to a conclusion!
* New story path "Redemption" scripted to the end of the eighth day, and outlined to a conclusion
* New CG for Villainous Devotion storyline
* New CG for Nozomi's Reversal storyline, near the end of the currently-written script
* New CG for Hiroko's original storyline, near the end
* Akiko's sprite has been upgraded, featuring a new pose, casual outfit and some new facial expressions
* Word count is now around 252,000
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
01/01/21 03:54AM
Just played through a few of the routes. Very well-written stuff (even if some of the endings make me stare into the abyss a bit too much.)

From what I've seen, the most lewd things get are a few scenes with the girls in their underwear. Is there anything more extreme than that in the other routes and/or do you ever plan on doing anything more extreme than that?
01/02/21 04:09PM
There's a couple scenes where they're nude, but I'm not intending anything more sexually explicit than that for Penlight.
01/03/21 11:01AM
Angela_DeMille said:
There's a couple scenes where they're nude, but I'm not intending anything more sexually explicit than that for Penlight.

honestly a lewd dlc type thing vn for afterward would be great for it,really love these characters and they are horny college students~
01/09/21 11:08PM
Hey, everyone!

We're starting the new year by finishing off the Redemption storyline from last month. I'm really pleased with how it turned out, I think it's another strong story, and I hope many of you will agree! But I'm happy to now be moving on to other things that may be a little more fun for you lot~

Besides that, there's another trio of excellent CGs to brighten things up, including a first one for the Villainous Sleeper Agent storyline that was long overdue. Penlight's really got a lot of CGs going for it now, huh? And I've got no intention of stopping anytime soon...

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Anyway, that's about it for this update! Next month's release is going to be a bit of a mixed bag with no clear writing focus, while I have a feeling some of the art additions I have upcoming are going to be VERY popular :D

Enjoy the new release and I'll see you soon enough~

What's New
* Redemption storyline fully scripted to a conclusion along one path
* New CG for Sayori's Doll storyline, just before the epilogue
* New CG for the Villianous Sleeper Agent story path
* New CG for Hiroko's original storyline, near the end
* The dialogue for the Villainous Sleeper Agent scene where the CG appears has been revised slightly
* Word count is now around 256,000
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
* Minor typo corrections

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
02/13/21 11:55PM
Hey, peoples!

This update is, as I teased last time, a mixed bag of stuff. I've poked around at multiple storylines and added bits of new script and outline to each of them as I tried to settle on one or another. All those greyed-out choices are finally starting to get some attention and maybe I'll be in with a chance of actually finishing writing Penlight one of these days xD

Artwise it's been another fantastic month. The Redemption storyline has its first illustrations now, and Sayori's Doll story gets a couple more, but the highlight is the new one for Nozomi's Trance story. It's so much fun, and I know a lot of people will appreciate that scene coming to life with the CG in place~

As before, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Hope you enjoy this one! Next month will see me trying to focus on one of these new story branches with a view to finishing it, and there'll be some more great illustrations to come so look forward to that~

What's New
* Ticklish Hands: Added the option for Kyou to refuse help and then change his mind
* Ticklish Hands: Added the option for Kyou to refuse help and take advantage of the situation, written up to about halfway through day 5, the "Trickster" path
* Villainous Robot: Added the "I can't keep doing this" choice
* The first part of the "Become my girlfriend" choice on Nozomi's Trance path has now been written
* Two new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline
* Two new CGs for the Redemption storyline
* New CG for Nozomi's Trance Storyline
* Edited the bedroom scene of Nozomi's Trance storyline, expanding it slightly to make better use of the new CG
* A couple of new scenes outlined for the Reversal storyline, and some edits made to existing script
* Wrote a little more for the Villainous Robot storyline, along a previously unavailable path ("No, I need to chill out")
* Word count is now around 262,000
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
* Minor typo corrections

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
02/19/21 07:37PM
So I'm trying to work through all the new content I've missed, and getting all the new CGs, but there are a few I don't know where they are. It's bottom right of page 4, top right of page 5, and center right of page 5. Anyone know what routes those are on?
02/20/21 10:22AM
sleeperhit said:
So I'm trying to work through all the new content I've missed, and getting all the new CGs, but there are a few I don't know where they are. It's bottom right of page 4, top right of page 5, and center right of page 5. Anyone know what routes those are on?
In the latest public version (0.1504.2) those should be:

Page 4, bottom right: Devotion storyline (Choices from start: Use the penlight on Nozomi, convince to be my girlfriend, ignore her, Make her completely devoted to me). Play through to near the end, during Nozomi's flashback scene.
Page 5, top right: Reversal storyline (From start: Talk to Nozomi, tell her about hypnosis, make sure you accept her boundaries and say yes when she asks to switch things up). Play through to the karaoke scene.
Page 5, center right: Alter storyline (From start: Talk to Nozomi, talk about the show, visit the study club, make you think you're somebody else, never switch Sayori back when asked). It occurs during the date scene.

These have been in the game for a couple months, though :o

02/20/21 08:14PM
Angela_DeMille said:
These have been in the game for a couple months, though :o

Well I have been out of the loop for a couple months tho, soooooooooooo

Thank you though
03/13/21 09:39PM
Hey, peeps!

This past month's writing focus has been all on Hiroko, as I tried to get stuck into one of the branch stories I started on last time. The "Trickster" path, a branch of her Ticklish Hands storyline is taking shape but it's been hard going. See how I've gotten on~

Nozomi's Trance storyline has been the main beneficiary from the art upgrades this time around. There's two new ones and both are pretty striking visually! Also included here is a CG from early in the Villainous Robot route and another CG for Sayori's Doll route for possibly the best scene in that story.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the update! For next time, expect more progress on the Trickster path along with another bevy of new CGs spread across the storylines old and new. See you again soon!

What's New
* Two new CGs for Nozomi's Trance storyline
* New CG for the Doll storyline
* New CG for the Robot storyline
* Word count is now around 267,000
* Hiroko's Trickster branch of her Ticklish Hands storyline is now scripted with dialogue up to the end of day 5 and outlined up to day 7
* Slightly edited the scene in Nozomi's Trance storyline where the new CG appears
* Edited the Robot storyline scene in which the new CG appears, which occurs during the second day
* The music track "Rain", which plays during some dramatic parts of the story, has been cut down to make it loop more naturally
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
* Updated the end credits with the latest backers
* Minor typo corrections

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error
04/11/21 12:34AM
Hi, everyone!

This month saw my writing struggles continue as I tried to progress the new Trickster storyline some more. I never really got going, but a few new scenes have been written along with a little reworking of the previous month's scenes. It seems a good place to leave it for now while I find other things to work on because gosh, there's no shortage of stuff to do on this thing!

That means this month's new content leans heavily on its art updates once again ^^; With seven new CGs included here it's the biggest art dump yet! Why yes, this is getting to be rather heavily illustrated for a free visual novel. No, I do not intend to stop anytime soon...

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or pages:

So yes, next month I'm taking a break from Trickster to finish some other writing tasks (probably not Reversal, sorry T_T) and see how things are after that. Enjoy the update and I'll see you then!

What's New

* New CG for the Delusion storyline
* New CG for Hiroko's "Ticklish Hands" storyline ending
* New CG set for Akiko, covering two scenes on the Redemption storyline
* New CG for Sayori's Alter storyline
* New CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
* New CG for Hiroko's storylines, near the beginning
* New CG for the Redemption storyline, for the epilogue
* Hiroko's Trickster storyline has been edited and dialogued a little more through to the seventh day
* Added a check for two instances where the player can input a name to prevent Kyou from using something he'd consider inappropriate
* Word count is now around 271,500
* Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
* Updated the end credits with the latest backers
* Minor typo corrections

Known Issues
* Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
04/11/21 01:06AM
new release pog
<<<45 6 78>>>

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