02/25/14 10:12PM
Did it just...?
I can't read Japanese and I know nothing of league of legends, but did that thing just mind-control her?
02/25/14 10:22PM
Sure does look like it.
02/25/14 10:31PM
Oh Vel'Koz, we all knew you'd be doing the rounds around the internet. A giant eye with tentacles in League? How could you not?

In lore, Vel'Koz does not have mind control abilities... but it is a seeker of knowledge that uses laser beams to 'understand' other things with the 'unfortunate' side effect of disintegrating them in the process.

Anyway, I agree that in that comic he is using Mind Control... however, we'll need someone that knows Chinese (I think?) to translate that.
02/25/14 10:32PM
That's actually Chinese.
02/26/14 07:22AM
Man I hope the artist makes more of these...
02/26/14 09:48AM
daltar said:
... however, we'll need someone that knows Chinese (I think?) to translate that.

Ogodei-Khan said:
That's actually Chinese.

I just assumed it was kana because I thought it looked familiar and now I look like a racist asshole.
Please forgive me.
02/26/14 11:50AM
BML-20XX said:
I just assumed it was kana because I thought it looked familiar and now I look like a racist asshole.
Please forgive me.

They share the Kanjis (the more complicated looking ones), but in Japanese you will always have a couple of Hiragana/Katakana (more simpler looking signs) in between them. If thats not the case, you're probably looking at a chinese text. :)

If it doesn't have complicated signs and looks more like some kind of algebra formular with weird signs as numbers - than you're lookling at korean. :D
02/27/14 01:30AM
Hmm since we established that it is Mind Control, shouldn't it be uploaded to the Hub?
02/27/14 01:39AM
Yeah, it could totally be posted.
02/27/14 05:35AM
Alright, added it! My first one ever so I hope I got all the tags right.
02/27/14 06:33AM
BML, do you have the link to the post page? Just in case it would help point us to the artist?

daltar said:
Alright, added it! My first one ever so I hope I got all the tags right.

Everything looked fine, except we've been using "(lol)" for League of Legend characters to save people the keystrokes (and one of those names seemed unique enough to not need the append).
02/27/14 09:39AM
Mindwipe said:
BML, do you have the link to the post page? Just in case it would help point us to the artist?

Sorry, I have been super busy with work and stuff lately. This thing floated by my tumblr dash, so I had to dig up the post. It linked to this as the source:
02/27/14 10:13AM
BML-20XX said:
Sorry, I have been super busy with work and stuff lately. This thing floated by my tumblr dash, so I had to dig up the post. It linked to this as the source:

Oh, that's bigger. I'll replace the first upload with that one, then.

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