03/15/14 09:12PM
Mindwipe said:
Sorry, but if I had tried to do it while I wasn't feeling up to it, it wouldn't have been much fun to watch. I'll probably do it sometime between Monday and Wednesday.

I completely understand.
I'm glad you're even doing something like this honestly, it's not something I've seen before.
But back in the days of Hypnochan and uh... a few others that aren't with us anymore there wasn't Twitch.
I can't speak for everybody, but I'll definitely tune into this when I can.
03/17/14 10:22PM
Thanks to all those who tuned in.
03/29/14 01:59AM
After a bit of a hiatus, the stream is planned to return on Sunday, the 30th. Will start around 2:30 PM Central time.

Edit: Aw, screw it. It's one of "those" days, ya know? I wanna get this back and ongoing soon, but I don't want to do it today.
04/20/14 08:07AM
It should be obvious by now, but this stream series is on hiatus. I've gotten myself a job and the free time I'm left with doesn't lend itself well to streaming. I hope to be able to start again soon.
06/22/14 04:15AM
New plan, people! For the foreseeable future, I'm going to dedicate my streams to game corruptions. I already did one recently featuring Super Mario Bros. It was a big hit with the audience. If you missed it, check it here:

Check the OP for when streams are planned.

h4. Disclaimers

1.) If you're epileptic, you may want to stay away from corruption streams. Flashing lights are a possibility.

2.) Although I turn the game volume down, be aware that loud noises are still possible.

3.) Just bear with me. Corrupting is not a science, and a lot of corruptions simply don't work.
06/23/14 11:53PM
I've gotten some questions about these corruptions, so I thought I'd make this.

h4. FAQ

What are corruptions?

To simplify it, they're ROMs that have had their coding messed with by a program. There's obviously more detail than that, but I'm not really the person to ask.

What are you using to make these?

<<|The Vinesauce ROM Corruptor>>.

Are you loading these from somewhere else?

No. I will occasionally find corruptions while not streaming and write down the numbers I used to make it to use in a stream, but I'm otherwise making these corruptions as I go.

What do you mean when you say "good corruption" or "corrupts well"?

Corrupting a game is easy. The problem is, most corruptions just make the game crash or freeze. When I say "good corruption" or that a game corrupts well, I mean that the corruptions I get are at least semi-playable. These are the most fun to experience.

Are there corruptions for X game?

I'll check for you when I have time.

Can you corrupt more than NES games?

Sure, but the higher you go in generations, the harder it is to get functioning corruptions. For now, you won't see me doing any corruption outside of the NES, but I plan on trying SNES corruptions soon. You'll probably never see me go above the N64.
06/24/14 08:10AM
I remember when I showed you a Vinesauce video 7 months ago.

What have I done
06/24/14 09:21AM
RebKMG said:
I remember when I showed you a Vinesauce video 7 months ago.

What have I done

A wonderful, miraculous thing, Mugi. :3
06/24/14 05:29PM
Vanndril said:
A wonderful, miraculous thing, Mugi. :3

why the f do i never see you around during the great stream time of our master and beloved Mindwipe?!
06/25/14 03:49AM
slayerduck said:
why the f do i never see you around during the great stream time of our master and beloved Mindwipe?!

Multiple reasons. Two important ones would be: that I never watch streams for anything, and that I'm usually busy when they happen.

More importantly, since when are you trying to make him famous with all those banners, Slayer? :P
06/25/14 04:05AM
Vanndril said:
Multiple reasons. Two important ones would be: that I never watch streams for anything, and that I'm usually busy when they happen.

More importantly, since when are you trying to make him famous with all those banners, Slayer? :P

Since last week, cuz he is da man.
06/25/14 04:25PM
So, I'm an idiot. In my excitement a couple days ago, I said I might move the stream up an hour and even said in the OP that it was scheduled for 5 PM. Well, I forgot that I CAN'T stream at that time, because things get really fucking loud around here from around 5:30 to 6:00. So, the stream is going to be around 6, as usual.
06/26/14 08:22AM
Mindwipe said:
So, I'm an idiot. In my excitement a couple days ago, I said I might move the stream up an hour and even said in the OP that it was scheduled for 5 PM. Well, I forgot that I CAN'T stream at that time, because things get really fucking loud around here from around 5:30 to 6:00. So, the stream is going to be around 6, as usual.

that's what you get for having dreams.
06/26/14 01:45PM
mindwipe your voice is SO CUUTE!!!
06/26/14 10:01PM
RebKMG said:
mindwipe your voice is SO CUUTE!!!

Lol, did you only hear it for the first time, now?

Besides, Mindwipe is adorable, remember? That's his thing. Not cute, adorable. Just ask Henry. :P
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