08/16/14 10:17AM
hey all, quick update before I pass out. I'd like to give a belated welcome to cypresszeta and hebi, playing Atin the pervy cleric/wizard, and Lorraine, the just as pervy druid.

they've made it to the city now, but everyone is a catboy or catgirl! not what anyone expected. turns out, a merchant came by and enslaved the town with cute, brainwashing cat ears! now the venture into the depths of Arnwich to confront him! what horrible horrors await them? find out on the next episode of Dragon- I mean cat pants adventure!
08/17/14 12:53AM
Salbastro said:
hey all, quick update before I pass out. I'd like to give a belated welcome to cypresszeta and hebi, playing Atin the pervy cleric/wizard, and Lorraine, the just as pervy druid.

they've made it to the city now, but everyone is a catboy or catgirl! not what anyone expected. turns out, a merchant came by and enslaved the town with cute, brainwashing cat ears! now the venture into the depths of Arnwich to confront him! what horrible horrors await them? find out on the next episode of Dragon- I mean cat pants adventure!

OH MAN. *is on the edge of his seat*
08/31/14 11:23PM
Deep in the bowels of Arnwich, the party faces undead, ghosts, and the occasional naked catgirl. defeating the former, and telling the latter to head outside, the party makes it's way to confront the happy cat ear salesman. However, just before reaching him, a hidden door in the wall opens up, and Eilly is pulled from the rest of the group. Pressing on, determined to rescue her, they soon find themselves face to face with the evil merchant and the newest addition to his harem, Eilly! But before the party can even begin to fight, the merchant speaks in a long forgotten tongue, and Lorraine walks to his side, taking her place beside her master! Friend against friend they fight, the perverted priest tackling the villain while burning with the same love for Lorraine that burned in his heart, narrowly defeating the merchant abs escaping with his life as Lorraine summons her wolves to attack Atin. In the midst of the chaos, Alexia falls unconscious at the hand of Eilly, and has the brainwashing ears placed upon her head. In the end, justice triumphs, and all are freed from the merchant's control. The ears, however, still cannot be removed. Together, our heroes and the townsfolk return to the city, eager to rest after such a trial. But it is not long before the party is summoned before the ruling counsel of the city, cutting their rest short...
08/31/14 11:44PM
((And now, the elf making fun of the story.))

Deep in the bowels of Arnwich, the party faces undead, ghosts, and the occasional naked catgirl. defeating the former, and telling the latter to head outside...


... The party makes it's way to confront the happy cat ear salesman. However, just before reaching him, a hidden door in the wall opens up, and Eilly is pulled from the rest of the group.

"Because no one was paying attention... Idiots."

Pressing on, determined to rescue her, they soon find themselves face to face with the evil merchant and the newest addition to his harem, Eilly! But before the party can even begin to fight, the merchant speaks in a long forgotten tongue, and Lorraine walks to his side, taking her place beside her master!

"... Okay, I'll admit, not checking if the cat ears she always wears had been swapped for cursed ones wasn't my brightest moment."

Friend against friend they fight, the perverted priest tackling the villain while burning with the same love for Lorraine that burned in his heart, narrowly defeating the merchant abs [sic] escaping with his life as Lorraine summons her wolves to attack Atin.

"The idiot pervert set himself on fire and tackled the guy, making Lorraine put the fire out to save both their asses. Twice, somehow. I wasn't paying much attention, since I was kind of focused on punching people. Idiot merchant told me to 'subdue' them, and I don't carry blunt arrows."

In the midst of the chaos, Alexia falls unconscious at the hand of Eilly, and has the brainwashing ears placed upon her head. In the end, justice triumphs, and all are freed from the merchant's control. The ears, however, still cannot be removed. Together, our heroes and the townsfolk return to the city, eager to rest after such a trial. But it is not long before the party is summoned before the ruling counsel of the city, cutting their rest short...

"Woo, fourth level. Yay. Here's me waving an invisible flag. I DO NOT LIKE HAVING A TAIL."
09/01/14 04:03AM
Once upon a time the glorious forces of Celestial purity faced down the dark and devious heretics that would misuse the light of Ecrix for their own foul purposes. It is certain that they were just, for they were led by Lorraine - a speaker of all faiths, a noble Paladin Cleon, a pure minded psion, clever artificer, and others.

Though the heretics would have them slay innocent naked catgirls (and boys) and threw many a barrier in their way the party valiantly tricked the cats out of the place, burning down every barrier along the way. Neither shade nor zombie minotaur stood in their way, for they were prepared to face down anything.

Despite the ambush and surprise control of the enemy even those who had been earred were able to resist, to some degree, the foul heretics control. Eilly managed to merely punch while Lorraine was able to extinguish the fires on her teammates.

Though in the end the heretic was burned alive, a fate befitting one of his kind, it is clear that the problems are not yet over. More heretics remain to be burned and the favor of angels has yet to be earned.

Yet even partially compromised it cannot be said that the team has given up. They are even now learning the secrets of the magic behind the foul beings they face - and when they have found the source the enemy WILL burn.

Perhaps even worse they'll be forced to learn the grapple rules in the process.
09/01/14 04:10AM
This WILL be posted in full for the rest of us to enjoy right?...Right?
09/01/14 11:15AM
09/01/14 06:14PM
Oh god, grappling. I've got a flowchart I keep handy for whenever it comes up in Pathfinder, but a quick Google shows it's probably just slightly different enough to the DnD rules that it'd just muddle things.
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
09/02/14 06:58PM
JonSmisu said:
This WILL be posted in full for the rest of us to enjoy right?...Right?

I CAN link it, though it has whispers between me and players in it that the other players SHOULD NOT READ. So yeah.

rain said:
Oh god, grappling. I've got a flowchart I keep handy for whenever it comes up in Pathfinder, but a quick Google shows it's probably just slightly different enough to the DnD rules that it'd just muddle things.
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Its something like attack of opportunity, melee touch attack, opposed grapple check (melee attack from each player), winner of that can do what they want.
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