03/04/14 05:23PM
Cat Pants Adventure
Hello all, Salbastro here to bring you the very first HypnoHub Dungeons and Dragons game. Brought to you by hypnotoad. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

First off, the players and characters!

NekoIncardine as EIllyassa Loreweaver, an elven Artificer displaced from her home

Elsrei as Reisle, an up and coming elven sorcerer

Kyprioth as Cleon, Paladin and GRIM REAPER OF JUSTICE

Dreamshade as Alexia, Synad and Psion from the Kingdom of Azurial

and Svennerson as Tanethir, An elven ranger from the woods of Belone

And now, on to the background of this story! (Warning, wall of text)

Hundreds of years ago, the continent of Meminster was all one kingdom, ruled by a council of representatives from the different races. However, as the years past, it became clear to the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and other assorted races that the Psionics and those with the power of Incarnum, who had the power over the mind and will respectively, had developed some rather disturbing practices. In their towns and cities, they had take up the practice of subjugating those of weaker mind and will, and making them serve the more powerful. To them, it was only natural for beings of such power to use it on each other. However, the other races would not have it; they banded together and drove the Psionics and Incarnates to the southern third of Meminster in a bloody decade long war.

Years pass, and two new kingdoms form: the Allied Kingdom of Belone, still ruled by a council of racial representatives and governed from the capital city of Belone, and the Psionic Kingdom of Azurial, ruled by the one possessing the strongest will and mind from the capital city of Azurial. By now, the war has faded into legend, the humans and other races telling of how they saved their children from the evil that was the psionic menace, and the psionics swearing revenge and to take back the land stolen from them.

Yet more time passes, now some 300 years since the war, and both kingdoms are just starting to come to more civil terms with each other, Azurial needing the food produced by the farm rich Belone, and Belone needing Azurial's rich metals. However, both kingdoms are still wary of each other, and there is a great deal of suspicion whenever someone of the other side crosses the border.

Our story begins in the Belonian town of Utgrove, a small farming village just north of the border, where there have been reports of suspicious disappearances in the night over the past week, and rumors of it being the work of demons, or the Azurialians.

Keep checking back for more updates from me, the gm, about the plot and other mind-control related shenanigans!

03/08/14 06:41PM
One quick update for my players:

I am adding the spell "Command" to the spell list for Sorcerer/Wizard as a level 1 spell. For obvious reasons.
03/09/14 05:05AM
Salbastro said:
One quick update for my players:

I am adding the spell "Command" to the spell list for Sorcerer/Wizard as a level 1 spell. For obvious reasons.

Wow dude, why would you even do this? It makes no sense. Worst DM ever.

03/16/14 06:39AM
I dunno if this is still a thing that's happening, but it sounds... erotic, if nothing else.
03/16/14 08:20AM
First off, I've only a passing familiarity with D&D rules, and have never actually played it, so what you're about to read is pure theory, and I'm sure any D&D player who knows their shit can tell me why and how it doesn't work that way in an actual game (not that I'm asking them to, especially not here).

That said, I'm a tad surprised no one made a bard. A look at their spell list reveals they have a bunch of treasures, including suggestions that the target won't remember afterwards, a geas, the more traditional dominate and charm spells, memory modification, calm emotion, and of course, glibness. Call me crazy, but the idea of being able to convince pretty much anyone of pretty much anything is a goldmine. Give a bard an hour alone with someone and they'll change your outlook on life completely, and best of all, without a spell to be dispelled in sight.
03/16/14 09:18AM
I keep forgetting what this topic is and then when it bumps I go "cat pants adventure? CAT PANTS ADVENTURE?? What glorious wonderful thing could possibly be called that? <<|That is the best title ever conceived by a human being.>>" Then I click and it's just D&D. :(
03/16/14 11:08AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
First off, I've only a passing familiarity with D&D rules, and have never actually played it, so what you're about to read is pure theory, and I'm sure any D&D player who knows their shit can tell me why and how it doesn't work that way in an actual game (not that I'm asking them to, especially not here).

That said, I'm a tad surprised no one made a bard. A look at their spell list reveals they have a bunch of treasures, including suggestions that the target won't remember afterwards, a geas, the more traditional dominate and charm spells, memory modification, calm emotion, and of course, glibness. Call me crazy, but the idea of being able to convince pretty much anyone of pretty much anything is a goldmine. Give a bard an hour alone with someone and they'll change your outlook on life completely, and best of all, without a spell to be dispelled in sight.

In practice, it's not nearly as good as it sounds - because by the levels where they get a lot of this stuff, there'll be a lot of creatures and threats who are immune to it. :(
03/16/14 11:27AM
greasyi said:
I keep forgetting what this topic is and then when it bumps I go "cat pants adventure? CAT PANTS ADVENTURE?? What glorious wonderful thing could possibly be called that? <<|That is the best title ever conceived by a human being.>>" Then I click and it's just D&D. :(

I am glad you like the name I came up with. :3
03/16/14 11:36AM
can i be a male spellsword with high charisma
03/16/14 11:41PM
Argonis said:
can i be a male spellsword with high charisma

Everyone has high charisma in Cat Pants Adventure!
06/04/14 06:45AM
Wow its been a long time since I started this thing, 3 months in fact, and we just finished up the first chapter of the adventure. A lot has happened since we started, and I promised you guys updates, so here is THE ADVENTURE THUS FAR!!!! *trumpet fanfare* (warning: ITS FUCKING LONG)

Arriving in the town of Utgrove, the adventurers met in the Naughty King tavern, where the barkeep told them more about the disappearances that had been happening. Apparently, they had been going on much longer than previously though, a month to be exact. At this, the paladin, Cleon, being a paragon of justice, set forth to right this injustice. Accompanying him were Tanethir, the ranger, Reisle, the sorceress, Eillyassa, the artificer, and Alexia, the psion. Together, they set out in search of the one so evil as to kidnap these innocent farmers.

Their chase began that night, as the demons once again assaulted the village, stealing away with yet another innocent, but Tanethir was quick to pick up their trail, tracking them deep into the forest. Along the way they were set upon by the denizens of the woods, eager for an easy meal or a bit of coin, but all were quickly dispatched, except for the brain moles, a native species who's favorite meal is the mind of young psions. These tricky little creatures managed to cause a... stir amongst the party before being slain.

After a rest and a bath, the party continued on, arriving at an abandoned mine housing a small tribe of kobolds, searching for what precious materials they could find after the fairer races left it. However, upon arriving, the party somehow managed to lose track of Reisle, one moment she was there, the next she had vanished. Inside the mine, they fought their way through the hoards of kobolds and traps, and even finding a fighter named Vanusk in a pit trap. Vanusk agreed to help the heroes on their quest, if only to get revenge on those who embarrassed him so. Descending to the lower levels, the heroes found a mage, apparently beset by a pair of hobgoblins. They easily bested the foul beasts, but were then attacked by the mage, a young Elan named CeCe. Upon her defeat, she was bound and taken back to the village with the villagers she had kidnapped, all but one who were now mindlessly obedient to any command.

The brave adventurers were given a hero's welcome upon their triumphant return to Utgrove, until it was discovered that not all the missing townsfolk were with them. Shocked by this revelation, the heroes vowed to search high and low for the missing family members, and bring whoever was behind this to justice.

Making their way to the barracks where CeCe was being held, the heroes wasted no time in questioning the young witch. To their surprise and dismay, however, her name was not, in fact, CeCe, but Efrix, a member of the legendary Blue Sun adventurer's guild, and she couldn’t remember a thing! Her last memory was exploring the ruins of the city of Arnwich, the bygone capital of Azurial.

Now that they had a location, the party sets out on the long journey to the city of Tuzmier, the City of Bells, a major Azurialian trade city, and headquarters of the Blue Sun guild...

~Mindwipe, traveling Bard
06/04/14 02:39PM
Man why would you even use D&D for this sort of thing. Dungeon World or even better Fate Accelerated is far better since playing them isn't like doing your taxes.

06/04/14 03:52PM
Ethereal said:
Man why would you even use D&D for this sort of thing. Dungeon World or even better Fate Accelerated is far better since playing them isn't like doing your taxes.

Because I like dnd, and my players like dnd
06/05/14 07:25AM
Have you played a lot of other systems?
06/05/14 08:05AM
1 2>>>

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