03/05/14 04:15AM
Bimbofans contest

Hi all.
TF-Artist is running a competition for bimbo transformation pics.
Most of the entries will be made with Kisekae but if you want to draw/manip/ sculpt something feel free.

Good luck to all who enter
03/05/14 04:57AM
Neat. Will look into it later. I don't have a DA account so I'll probably have to make one for it.
03/05/14 09:26AM
Cool, if not, post it wherever and I can upload on your behalf or something.
03/09/14 09:07PM
thx for the link might be worth a try
03/27/14 03:16AM
Hi all.
Bimbofans will now be running a monthly contest, sometimes with prizes.

This Month (well... April, but I've always been a bit premature.) the theme is Superheroes!

So write, draw commission, sculpt, knit something to do with superheroes and heroines and bimbofication and enter (Or just head along and check out the entries.

There is also an extra rule this competition.
For pictures there must be at least 3 panels and 200 words.
For stories there must be at least 1000 words.

Good luck and enjoy.

P.s if you have any suggestions for future themes feel free to suggest them. I have April & May already, but there's plenty of scope for the future!

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