03/07/14 04:45AM
Help with newfound interest
Over the past few weeks, I've developed an interest in the milking fetish, specifically female machine milking. However, I cannot find any good videos that satisfy my tastes. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can look to?

I took a look at "sexylactation.com", but my bank denied the CCBill page (I don't think they approve of my newfound fetish :P),and I don't want to try the alternate Epoch.com site due to some scary reviews of it (1.9 stars out of 5).
03/07/14 08:09AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Over the past few weeks, I've developed an interest in the milking fetish, specifically female machine milking. However, I cannot find any good videos that satisfy my tastes. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can look to?

I took a look at "sexylactation.com", but my bank denied the CCBill page (I don't think they approve of my newfound fetish :P),and I don't want to try the alternate Epoch.com site due to some scary reviews of it (1.9 stars out of 5).

Elena has some milking (also some "milking") files on esuccubus.com, but >elena. Would still rec if you're into it and on here, even if she does make me cringe a bit.
03/07/14 12:05PM
I took a look at her site, to me it seems to be only hypnosis videos. I personally don't think I can be hypnotized for a few reasons. I do appreciate your suggestion, however.
03/07/14 12:21PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I took a look at her site, to me it seems to be only hypnosis videos. I personally don't think I can be hypnotized for a few reasons. I do appreciate your suggestion, however.

It's just audio from her. And hypnosis is probably all bullshit, but it's fun to roleplay if it turns you on. And you're here, so I assume it does. In my experience it doesn't have to work, you just have to go along with it. I don't know of any videos, but if you want to try ordering from sexylactation and your bank doesn't like it you could go buy a prepaid debit card from the store and just use that.

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