03/09/14 05:55AM
Pools Problem?
Is anyone else having an issue with the pools section? Whenever I click on it I'm brought to a blank white page with a single link. The link is something about red shoes and men. Is anyone else experiancing this? And if so do you know how to fix it? I'm browsing using my iPhone's default Safari if that's any help.
03/09/14 06:22AM
Same here. I wonder why it isn't working.
03/09/14 06:36AM
The spambot is back.
03/09/14 06:37AM
Sounds like a hacker got into the system
03/09/14 06:40AM
It's not a hacker. Or at least we don't know that it is. Somehow, a spambot got in here with a user ID tag of 0, which shouldn't be possible. But it could be that this is some sort of glitch, not a hack. In any case, the 0 user ID is what causes the page to break whenever it posts anything. I've fixed it for now, but the next time it posts, it'll break the page again.
03/09/14 07:11AM
Mindwipe said:
It's not a hacker. Or at least we don't know that it is. Somehow, a spambot got in here with a user ID tag of 0, which shouldn't be possible. But it could be that this is some sort of glitch, not a hack. In any case, the 0 user ID is what causes the page to break whenever it posts anything. I've fixed it for now, but the next time it posts, it'll break the page again.

I know it's a bug but that actually sounds really cool...
03/09/14 08:16AM
Mindwipe said:
It's not a hacker. Or at least we don't know that it is. Somehow, a spambot got in here with a user ID tag of 0, which shouldn't be possible. But it could be that this is some sort of glitch, not a hack. In any case, the 0 user ID is what causes the page to break whenever it posts anything. I've fixed it for now, but the next time it posts, it'll break the page again.

This shouldn't happen again. The error that allowed people to make pools without being logged in has been fixed. That is what was happening and how the spammer was doing shit.

In short, the pool creation function forgot to check for user permissions before creating the pool. Because the user did not have an ID, the ID value defaulted to 0, which referred to a nonexistent user, thus breaking the pools page as it tried to render.
03/09/14 07:40PM
These pools causing problems are older than the last round that was deleted, actually, so you might just need to go through and remove the buried ones.
03/09/14 08:00PM
Vanndril said:
This shouldn't happen again.

*happens again*
03/09/14 11:09PM
Mindwipe said:
*happens again*

Leave them for me next time so that I can check what's causing the error. :P

Just pray that it's not ID 0. That shouldn't be possible, anymore.
03/10/14 07:05AM
Alright, I left it this time.
03/10/14 07:40AM
Alas, it was ID 0. Fortunately, I figured out how they were getting around the dev's fix and have reported it to him. In a day or two, we should no longer have this problem.

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