10/07/14 06:37AM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
Metals: I wouldn’t recommend sleepychat as your first port of call, as its UI allows for complete anonymity (no IP addresses) and consequently, complete lack of accountability. As far as your anxieties go, I /personally/ am not convinced your anxieties have necessarily been holding you back from becoming hypnotized. I’ve known some terribly anxious and overanalytical types, and those traits ultimately did not prevent any of those subjects from experiencing profound hypnosis. However, being analytical does come with the territory of /appearing/ to be a difficult subject, or a subject with a block. I’ll tell you a secret. I’m an impressively subby hypnoslut, sometimes. Hypersuggestible to boot. Despite this, I have often been called a difficult subject.

Ah ok... What would you reccommend then.... and I honestly am TERRIBLE and talking to random people... or just people in general honestly and especially with a subject like this that I haven't done any sessions with anyone or anything like that.... Whenever I actually start talking to anyone I get extremly nervous, especially with people I don't know >_<.

Rosalind_Lutece said:
I will illuminate. You see, suggestion is a wonderfully powerful tool. So powerful, in fact, one does not even need a hypnotic state to experience hypnotic effects, if the suggestion is delivered with sufficiently dissociative language ( However, many hypnotists prefer to use imperatives, authority, and instruction in their trances. And it can work! But neurologically speaking, it’s far more similar to guided meditation (with sexy fetish awesomeness, perhaps :D) than a state in which a person feels themselves being compelled to sink into a trance.


Rosalind_Lutece said:
Some people interface with suggestion in such a way that it doesn’t matter whether or not objectively dissociative language is used – what matters to them more is that they are being given the signal to go into trance. Other people, /especially/ analytic sorts, do not experience hypnosis in response to this style because the signal does not translate to anything. Because even ‘You must obey’ ultimately means ‘You must carry out these actions at my behest’. In dissociative language, you are not given the time of day to dream of carrying out those actions – they just happen, of themselves. And it is possible to be a very good hypnotist and not use that style! But it does mean that subjects like us can be, to the more unfortunately egotistical hypnotists, labelled as ‘difficult’ when we are in fact responding exactly right.

We are not forcing anything, and we are not fighting anything that seems to take. We can get nervous about it, but ultimately that doesn’t have to matter.

If I may be so bold, I invite you to entertain the notion that it’s not you; it’s them. (Not that I’m necessarily the answer to your hypnoprayers myself! I am no saviour.)

That's an interesting way to explain it, I think pretty much nails that.

Rosalind_Lutece said:
Eshie is very right about limits, and knowing what one wants beforehand. I think that explicitly outlining wants and limits is something of great importance not only to the hypnotist, but to the subject. Speaking as someone who has been there and back again at the hands of hypnoabuse, sometimes not being grounded in the foundation of one’s own wishes can have disastrous consequences. It can be fun to be blank, mindless, and unconcerned with what one experiences in the midst of a hypnotized and vulnerable state, of course. But it’s not always as simple as being able to stop if you want to. When one is uncertain about what one wants, sometimes the mind can become dangerously malleable. This isn’t meant to scare anyone off, but is to say that hypnoabuse can happen, and people can do things while hypnotized they later regret, or realize they never /wanted/ to do in the first place. Consider it similar to alcohol – hypnosis can be a gateway to abuse, and even though it doesn’t de facto *make* you drool there and take it, it does make drooling there and taking it far easier, for better or worse.

Right I can understand that and I do know what my limits are, especially when I'm just starting off, because I would only want to do simple things just to try to expereince trance a few times, before going into the more.... detailed expereinces. >_> <_<.

Rosalind_Lutece said:
Back to your writing, Metals, about stopping being nervous and actually trying something; there is no need for you to do anything with any anxiety you might have. The idea is generally to pay attention, and see what happens  Hypnosis is about how a person responds; there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

I guess that's a really good way to go with it. I wanna try to get over that and to just... you know, do it and stop worrying about it. Idk, then I get really nervous and end up not trying (or even asking anyone or whatever)... happens with a lot of things with me.

Either way, wow, this was an amazing response. :)

10/07/14 09:44AM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
So that’s… just over 1400 words. If you got through to the end of this post, you deserve a medal >.>

I think this is nearly as large as my largest post here.

Nearly. :P

I'll take that medal, now. XD
10/07/14 09:57AM
Vanndril said:
I'll take that medal, now. XD

A heads up, Rosalind here strikes me as the type of person that would flaunt it in front of your face and swing it back and forth as says that you're such a good boy for reading all of her subliminal messages, as she swings the medal back and forth...back and forth....back and forth............zzzzzzzzzzz
10/07/14 10:54AM
MrGerp said:
A heads up, Rosalind here strikes me as the type of person that would flaunt it in front of your face and swing it back and forth as says that you're such a good boy for reading all of her subliminal messages, as she swings the medal back and forth...back and forth....back and forth............zzzzzzzzzzz

Actually, I wanted that medal so that I could tie it to a string or attach it to a chain. <.< You know, for that reason...
10/07/14 11:32AM
I just like shiny things. :D
10/07/14 12:04PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
BML-20XX: I’d love to put text to some images; I hadn’t considered that. Are there any rules about which images are okay/not okay to appropriate?

Oh, um, I'm not exactly an authority around here, but I think the only real rules for that are not to post art that's on our DNP (which I think is small if existent at the moment) and not to use real life images that are not already of real life depictions of hypnosis. The reason IRL Photo manips are not allowed is that the person or persons from the original photo most likely never consented to having their image altered for a pornographic, fetish, or otherwise masturbatory nature.
10/07/14 02:00PM
Metals said:
Ah ok... What would you reccommend then.... and I honestly am TERRIBLE and talking to random people... or just people in general honestly and especially with a subject like this that I haven't done any sessions with anyone or anything like that.... Whenever I actually start talking to anyone I get extremly nervous, especially with people I don't know >_<.

You are welcome to talk with me about hypnosis any time you like :)

Metals said:
Right I can understand that and I do know what my limits are, especially when I'm just starting off, because I would only want to do simple things just to try to expereince trance a few times, before going into the more.... detailed expereinces. >_> <_<.

I'm glad you know your limits already, that's great :3 I meant to write this in my text wall, but I suppose I got distracted >.> Basically, it is important to know where your hypnopriorities lay; is trance part of the appeal for you? Because, if not, it is absolutely not needed for hypnotic effects. Similarly, trance does not have to be sleepy, or horny, or even mindless. One of my favourite trances I've ever done was an online group trance in which I intentionally kept each of the subjects feeling 'awake' and able to fluidly communicate, despite being completely hypnotized.

Metals said:
I guess that's a really good way to go with it. I wanna try to get over that and to just... you know, do it and stop worrying about it. Idk, then I get really nervous and end up not trying (or even asking anyone or whatever)... happens with a lot of things with me.

There isn't anything /wrong/ with that. For example! You are welcome to approach me about a session, if you like. But (brace yourselves, dear readers, pre-talk is coming :P) if you would like to be hypnotized by me, you would find from quite early on that (to put it gently) I encourage you to embrace however you are feeling, and let yourself respond in whatever way happens of its own accord.

Put more harshly, if you are into that, your anxieties do not /matter/. What you are thinking does not matter. What matters is how you respond to me. The nice thing about this hypothetical situation is that you /will/ respond, always. It does not matter if you respond by feeling a little more drowsy, or nervous, or focused, or even all at once. What matters is that /you/ respond to the things I am telling you.

When you are no longer the narrator, it can be quite amazing the things you can experience.

Metals said:
Either way, wow, this was an amazing response. :)

Thank you kindly! Writing this response just now is actually giving me a few ideas for uploads to this site... Half text images of Stanley Parable screenshots, in a series; half real-life hypno photo uploads that my brother and I might be able to shoot.
10/07/14 02:07PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
real-life hypno photo uploads that my brother and I might be able to shoot.

We actually don't allow this either. Our rule regarding real life pics is that they must either contain an obvious method of hypnosis (such as a pocket watch, spiral, or other), or must be from a source that is known to have hypnosis/MC content, such as a TV episode, movie, or hypnosis fetish video/photo shoot website.
10/07/14 02:13PM
Vanndril: I'm afraid I never said that you would actually *get* a medal :3 But if you're going to tie it to a string, I might be able to...

Be persuaded.

MrGerp: Not at all! My messages are quite easy to read, really. As liminal as they come!

strangeperson: Good taste.

BML-20XX: Fantastic! I may have to make good on some of my image ideas, then...
10/07/14 02:23PM
Mindwipe said:
We actually don't allow this either. Our rule regarding real life pics is that they must either contain an obvious method of hypnosis (such as a pocket watch, spiral, or other), or must be from a source that is known to have hypnosis/MC content, such as a TV episode, movie, or hypnosis fetish video/photo shoot website.

Noted, thank you :3
10/07/14 02:52PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
Is Finnish your native language? Also, do you play Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 because there is totally a quote in it about miserable piles of secrets <3

Yes and no, respectively, though I'm aware of the quote's origin.
Also, I appriciate the response. Not unlike what I'd figured would be the case, but it's always good to get confirmation I guess.
10/07/14 05:38PM
BML-20XX said:
Oh, um, I'm not exactly an authority around here, but I think the only real rules for that are not to post art that's on our DNP (which I think is small if existent at the moment) and not to use real life images that are not already of real life depictions of hypnosis. The reason IRL Photo manips are not allowed is that the person or persons from the original photo most likely never consented to having their image altered for a pornographic, fetish, or otherwise masturbatory nature.

Also because they were generally kind of shit.


I trust no one. Two out of three people I tried going under for went too far one way or another. As far as I can tell, I've just been role playing anyway, and not in the sense that I've been trying to make it work.

In the end, I'd really like to be turned into an empty-minded puppet sometime, but I don't trust anyone enough to let them do that to me.

I do have some IRC logs left over from that time, both of me being the subject and the hypnotist, but I don't see the point of posting me RPing nor posting other people I no longer talk to possibly RPing.
10/07/14 07:18PM
Dreamshade said:
I trust no one.

<<|I don't blame you>>...sorry not sorry. But in all seriousness, it's a shame that your experiences have been sub par. I hope someday you find someone you can trust and get that feeling of mindlessness.
10/08/14 05:55AM sheer lack of confidence make me want to ram my head into a wall.

Yes, I know that I was fine with hypnotizing people. I am. Get me going, and I'll be happy to try. The problem is that asking is an absolutely horrific experience that involves so much agony that you all would be absolutely dumbfounded at how I function in the world. Any advice?
10/08/14 06:16AM
JonSmisu said: sheer lack of confidence make me want to ram my head into a wall.

Yes, I know that I was fine with hypnotizing people. I am. Get me going, and I'll be happy to try. The problem is that asking is an absolutely horrific experience that involves so much agony that you all would be absolutely dumbfounded at how I function in the world. Any advice?

Practice on me sometime :D .
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