10/13/14 02:54AM
Anonymoususer2 said:
I'd have to thank you for that one, as the bracket suggestions like in Skypnotized kinda became a running suggestion in SleepyChat. I usually give them out in second session, tying them to trust as opposed to a specific person, and it's just a generally good way to get to the subconscious of someone without the need for an induction or trigger. It's a great idea.

As long as you guys keep posting sessions and the stuff you do under hypnosis or from triggers I'll keep posting more skypenotized 8)
10/13/14 03:09AM
Zko said:
As long as you guys keep posting sessions and the stuff you do under hypnosis or from triggers I'll keep posting more skypenotized 8)

I'd recommend you hover around on SleepyChat, as a lot of the bracket stuff usually happens outside sessions, and it's usually hilarious.
10/13/14 03:12AM
Anonymoususer2 said:
I'd recommend you hover around on SleepyChat, as a lot of the bracket stuff usually happens outside sessions, and it's usually hilarious.

I'll think about that, I rarely go on chats since classes started but it seems like this one can give me some good ideas
10/13/14 04:00AM
Zko said:
I'll keep posting more skypenotized 8)

Zko said:
more skypenotized 8)

Zko said:
skypenotized 8)

Zko said:

<<www.scary-terry.com/pictures/hal2002/pops1l.jpg|Still waiting for Skypenotized>>

I'm kidding.
10/13/14 04:31AM
So then, me and Mindwipe had a session. It was fun.
10/13/14 04:53AM
Anonymoususer2 said:
So then, me and Mindwipe had a session. It was fun.

7 minutes... I dropped in 7 minutes. Sweet Jesus. @_@
10/13/14 04:55AM
Mindwipe said:
7 minutes... I dropped in 7 minutes. Sweet Jesus. @_@

It'll take me a while to beat that time I think.

I'll try though!
10/13/14 04:57AM
Mindwipe said:
7 minutes... I dropped in 7 minutes. Sweet Jesus. @_@

*cough* Two seconds *cough*

I'll love you forever, refresher file T_T
10/13/14 06:25PM
Got another member in the bracket club, this time with a Questioning Induction.

In case you couldn't tell I like to throw some variety in my inductions, as using the same one gets really stale.

10/14/14 12:40AM
Another wonderful session, this time with the amazing Eshie: textuploader.com/ojdc

Who went down faster than Mindwipe, 4 minutes.

Edit: That was the most casual conversation induction I ever had.
10/14/14 12:42AM
Heh I win Mindwipe! Now where's my prize!

Seriously that was fun!
10/14/14 01:25AM
Anonymoususer2 said:
(I exist by the way, Hello.) If you guys are looking for trances, then I would recommend going to Sleepychat, as it's been constantly updating, and it's really good for private sessions compared to other places like Omegle and Chatzy.

If you're skeptical about it I suggest you read some of my trance logs:

My handle on SleepyChat is the same as here, so if you're free go ahead and drop by, I might just be on there to have a session with you. :)

I'm kinda confused right now.
I didn't even know that hypnosis by chat was possible before I read this thread, I feel like a total ignorant about hypnosis now...

But reading your sessions is also fascinating.
10/14/14 03:12AM
Soon all of the hub will be affected by brackets.

But please do keep it up, these are great. Not only that, it's sorta educational
10/14/14 03:16AM
I admit, this wasn't my best. There are like, three places where you can hear my brain grind to a halt, but I think that I handled it well.

10/14/14 10:18AM
Roxa said:
I'm kinda confused right now.
I didn't even know that hypnosis by chat was possible before I read this thread, I feel like a total ignorant about hypnosis now...

But reading your sessions is also fascinating.

I wouldn't feel too dumb about it. I seriously doubted that I could be lulled into trance via text when I first tried it, and about an hour later I thought I was a girl so.......
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