10/14/14 06:21PM
Mr.H said:
I wouldn't feel too dumb about it. I seriously doubted that I could be lulled into trance via text when I first tried it, and about an hour later I thought I was a girl so.......

I should try it someday.
10/14/14 06:29PM
Roxa said:
I should try it someday.

Well, you know where to find me :P
Either on Sleepychat or HypnoHub's chat if you're still timid.
10/14/14 06:39PM
Anonymoususer2 said:
Well, you know where to find me :P
Either on Sleepychat or HypnoHub's chat if you're still timid.

I've never been on any of those tbh.
But it's a good opportunity to test HypnoHub's chat.

Anyway, thank you for the offer. I'll tell you when I would like to try it. :)

Anonymoususer2 said:
if you're still timid.

Very. ^^'
10/14/14 07:06PM
10/15/14 01:12AM
Roxa said:
I should try it someday.

Same here, the urge grows... but I need the time, been falling behind with school and that's BAD for me. Honestly been getting too distracted by a million different things.

Whenver I get the free time to, which might be at some point later this week or something.
10/15/14 01:35AM

The tables have turned.
10/15/14 01:45AM
TrancedCas said:

The tables have turned.

For as fast as I can take someone down, I sure as hell can't do the same for myself for the life of me. That sure didn't feel like 2 and a half hours though.... o_o
10/15/14 01:46AM
Metals said:
Same here, the urge grows... but I need the time, been falling behind with school and that's BAD for me. Honestly been getting too distracted by a million different things.

Whenver I get the free time to, which might be at some point later this week or something.

Ask your hypnotist to leave you with the suggestion to focus only on schoolwork for a while post-session.
10/15/14 02:21AM
So I'm not too familiar with this thread, I only kinda check every so often, but I thought you guys might like this. I normally work with mp3s and I usually make my own (using a sleep trigger and deepener rather than a full induction). Normally I just use my self-made files to refresh the triggers I want to keep or to trigger myself for fun. However after listening to some interesting transformation ones and a brief discussion on monster girls last night, I wrote up this "monster" of a script. I recorded it before work this morning (it took a while ><) and just finished listening to it a little while ago. It's a story that took me through an <<|arachne>> transformation, and it was quite fun. That might be an understatement because currently my legs are twitching and I feel like I just came so hard I turned myself inside out XD

So it's not a super interesting induction, its just the script notes I made. I also improvised a few bits while recording. It should be noted I'm not a very good writer so while I knew what to expect it probably sounds sloppy. Also fun fact, any sentence that is narrated and not spoken by the arachne, I used a pitch change to make it super deep sounding. It was actually rather relaxing. I used a sexy, flirtatious voice for the arachne. Hopefully I can better work out the "corruption" idea in the future. I certainly felt my mindset change. Like everything in my head was like "Mwahahaha I'm evil nowwwww" but I didn't really get to use it for anything in trance.


(The Pocket Watch Deepener)

Imagine now, a dark, dusty cathedral in the dead of night, left to ruin over the ages. You are a wanderer, an adventurer. You seek to fulfill your curiosity in this strange land you’ve visited. On a late night trek, you come across this cathedral, surrounded by nothing but a few gravestones in the dense forest. It is the one clearing in all of the forest that you have encountered so far. On most nights, such a clearing would seem so bright and welcoming in the light of the moon. Tonight, however, the moon is new and hiding in its shadow, leaving the clearing almost as dark as the rest of the forest, if not for the twinkling stars above. The gentle sound of chirping crickets is all you can hear throughout the woods. It’s as though everything around you is sleepy. Or at least, they are pretending to be.

Ever so curious and innocent, you tread carefully over the uneven ground of the cemetery, taking care to keep your balance. You can feel it in your feet just how soft the ground is. Your shoes sink just so slightly into the softened earth with each step. It’s almost as if you can feel the souls beneath you still trapped, reaching up and trying to drag you down deeper into relaxation. Finally, you reach the door; a solid, firm piece of gothic-styled wood. Just from the sight of it, you can tell that the door is so very heavy. You push against it, but surprisingly, you feel it give way rather easily. It feels as though someone is helping you to open the door, allowing you to enter the dark abyss.

As you enter, you notice just how quiet it is. There are no sound save for the echoes of your footsteps. Faint glimpses of starlight illuminate the stained glass windows with a hint of color, but otherwise it is too dark to see. You fumble to strike a match, but you realize just how humid the atmosphere is. It doesn’t feel uncomfortable. You just notice the warm, heavy sensation on your body. Placing your hands on the remnants of the pews, you guide yourself to the very center of the cathedral. Beneath the faint colored lights you can make out the massive altar. It feels smooth, like a rich material. You can make out a few shadowy objects upon the altar. The first one you reach for feels like a dish. It has weight to it, but also feels genuine. It must be silver, you think to yourself. Instinctively, you find yourself placing the dish in your bag. As you do so, you hear what sounds like a light, high pitched giggle. You hesitate before dismissing it as your own imagination.

Next, you reach out and grasp what feels to be a goblet, heavy enough to possibly be made of gold. You glance around in the dark, noticing nothing different, and place the goblet in the bag. Again, you hear what sounds like a giggle and a scratching sound. Then silence once again. You think to yourself that you should probably leave soon. You reach for a third object. You can feel that it is also heavy, but on a chain. It must be an amulet with a precious jewel. Checking once again, you find yourself putting the trinket into your bag. Once again, there is a giggle, a scratch, and now a skitter. You think it’s probably best to leave this place sooner rather than later.

As you make your way back towards the door, you hear the skittering sound once more. With each step you take, it gets louder and louder. You quicken your pace, and the skittering quickens as well. Just as you find you are about to reach the door, it swings closed. You stumble to stop yourself, tripping over your own feet before landing on something sturdy. Looking up to see what stopped your fall, you see eight glittering gems in the darkness, just above your face. You reach for them, dazzled by the colors, and they move just beyond your fingers. Once again you hear that familiar giggle, although this time you can hear it coming from those gems.

You hear a snap of fingers and instantly torches around the walls of the cathedral alight. They are not very bright, but they allow you to see most of the details in the great hall. You look back to where the gems were only to find that in their place is a woman. More specifically, this woman is an Arachne. She has the face, arms, and torso of a slender human woman with long platinum blonde tresses of voluminous hair, but below her waist is the body of a large, black spider, complete with eight spider legs, one of which had stopped your fall. You find she is bent over your body, having caught you from falling. It becomes clear that the eight gems are her eyes, and the giggling had come from her mouth. She lets out a sly smile and one more giggle before speaking.

“Well now, little bug, what do you think you are doing with my treasures?”

The brief feeling of fear is soon replaced by awe. You can’t seem to form any words; your mind is completely dedicated to taking in everything about this woman, attempting to comprehend what she is.

“Did you plan to just borrow them for a little while? I’m sure that’s all you were doing, right?”
Her jewel-like eyes flash, and you find yourself forming words of agreement. Too faint, you lightly nod your head instead.

“Of course, little bug. Because you know that stealing would be something very bad. I don’t like when little bugs like you come in to steal my stuff. Now tell me the truth, little bug. Were you going to steal these few glamorous treasures of mine?”

Her gem eyes flash again and you find your own eyes are struggling to stop from rolling back. You form the word “Yes” on your lips. It feels so good to form it, and as you let it escape from your lips, it feels even better. An intense bliss flows through you as you say “yes” to this arachnid woman.

“Ah, so you were, is that right? Little bug, I appreciate you telling me the truth, but as punishment, I will have to take something of yours.”

You feel her glittering eyes scanning over your body, slowly and carefully, before she lets out yet another giggle.

“Hehehe I have just the thing for you, little bug. I will take your humanity.”

You are puzzled by her words. As you try to determine what she means by your “humanity”, her head lowers to your neck. Fear seizes you as you feel her lips gently kissing at your neck. It’s a wonderful feeling, the feeling of her moist lips on the soft, warm skin of your neck. She begins to sink her teeth into your paralyzed body, but you feel no pain. She lets out a little moan and as she lets her magic toxins pass from her mouth to your bloodstream. Almost instantly, you feel warm and tingly all over.

She continues to moan softly as you feel your whole body begin to float. The light begins to refract around you as your eyes become colorful lenses like her. In total, six more pastel eyes form on your forehead, and you feel your hair grow longer, softening into a texture similar to the softest of silks. Your legs join together, binding into a new body that grows ever larger before sprouting eight legs of its own. You feel your senses adapting quickly as your adjust to this new body. Through the process, you feel no pain, only pleasure. This is your reality now, you accept in your mind. This is your punishment.

You feel your clothes torn away, leaving your bare breasts and transformed bottom. Your breasts begin to swell as well, filling you with more pleasure. You realize that the arachnid woman is no longer kissing your neck. Instead, she is nibbling on your left ear. You can feel your ears growing long and pointed as well. She whispers softly into your ear as she continues to nibble.

“That’s a good little bug. No, you’re not a little bug anymore, are you? You’re a sweet Arachne, like me. That curiosity in you that brought you here grows ever more. You want to toy with the minds of others and play with their bodies, as I have with you. Let go of those niceties and the heart you hold for others. Your heart is yours, and yours alone. You want to dominate and command the minds and hearts of all you come across. You do things for pleasure and fun, nothing more, right?”

You find yourself nod, a sly grin spreading across your own face.

“That’s a good Arachne. I, Lady Rachnera, am the only one you would obey. It feels good to do as I say. Be a good Arachne now, and serve.”

You feel her lips press against yours before you can respond. She rubs her human fingers over your breasts, taking extra care to excite your nipples as you feel unable to resist the taste of her kiss. Your body gives in and returns the favor to her. Her spider legs find their way underneath your body to where your clit normally would be in your human form. She begins to slide her long legs along the special place and you feel amazing amounts of pleasure boil up inside of you, stronger than any pleasure you had ever felt in your inferior human form. You do the same for her and both of you begin to moan as you slip deeper into the glimmer of her flashing eyes.

She gently parts from you and flashes her eyes once again. Your mind goes blank and instinctively you begin to pleasure yourself, rubbing your special place as you continue to grope at your own right breast. You continue as she giggles at your helpless arachnid form, all eight of your legs buckling beneath you from the pleasure.

She wanders around to your backside and begins to spin her silk from her body. She deftly ropes the silk strands around you, binding your entire body except your eyes and nose in a soft cocoon of solid, form-tight silk. It becomes impossible to move, your hands trapped on your breast and clit. She places her hands over the silk where your hands rest, and begins to move them for you. You find yourself looking into her eyes again as they flash, and you feel an intense rush of pleasure.

“So close now, little Arachne. When I reach three, you won’t have any choice but to cum so wildly. This will complete your brainwashing. You want this, don’t you?”

You desperately try to agree, but the silk prevents you from moving. She rubs more vigorously.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Now 1, so obedient and corrupted, 2, doing things only for yourself or to serve me, no feelings of care for others, 3! Cum now!”

Cumming so strong, so much pleasure. So much pleasure.

(Pause, maybe throw in a giggle)

“That’s a very good girl. Now, little bug, you can return to your spider form whenever you or I or any of your most trusted say the words “Arachne Time, Pet”. When you hear or read the words “Arachne Time, Pet” from yourself or those you trust to do so, you will return to this wonderfully corrupt form and spread your domination until you or someone else says “Normal Time, Pet”. When you hear or read the words “Normal Time, Pet”, you will return to your normal human state, acting as you were before we met. Do you understand?”

You try to nod in excitement, nearly gasping from the pleasure.

“That’s a good girl. I think it’s time we bring you back to reality now. Visit soon, little bug.”

She smirks and presses her lips to yours one last time. Then, she begins to count.

(No-Amnesia Wakener)

10/15/14 06:20AM
So then, a group session on the theory of brackets.
Also, ["This is a test."]

Sorry, just wanted to try it. Won't do it again. :P
10/15/14 06:21AM
This is a test.

Edit: Huh.... So it works here too.... But it's against the rules right?
10/15/14 06:22AM
This is a test.

Oh. ._.
10/15/14 07:18AM
Have I mentioned that I love this community today?
10/15/14 10:04AM
I give in, where can I formally apply to join the brackets club?
10/15/14 10:11AM
Go on sleepychat, look for familiar names.

Have fun.
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