11/13/14 04:58AM
JustinBaley said:
How does he free them? What does he free them from? This whole situation is so unpleasant. :(

To put it simply: online communities that revolve around the practice of hypnosis tend to be filled with delusional people, and then you get stuff like this. It's nothing to worry about, but it's a good example of why I've decided to forever wash my hands of said communities.
11/16/14 07:13AM
This was...intense. Fractionation people holy crap...

11/17/14 04:43AM
JonSmisu said:
This was...intense. Fractionation people holy crap...


that was a fun read, makes me want to try this chat session hypnosis stuff really bad
11/17/14 05:09AM
Zko said:
that was a fun read, makes me want to try this chat session hypnosis stuff really bad

Heh. Happy to help. :P

But to be honest, that was the third session I had, and I took it as slowly as I could. Speed is not my strong point. :P (Though what is s strong point with me?)
11/17/14 11:40PM
So one day I decided to make an induction, with a special focus. So it breaks down as this:
I, am there, as the tist.
I, am also there, as the subject's second persona, or rather, themself.

So in this induction in particular, we have:
Anonymoususer2 (That's me!)
ElysainTail-Senpai (Site Administrator, The subject)
Kira-Chan (His second persona, and the focus of the trance)

This induction, quite simply, is a challenge against himself, and in fact, is an idea that I've gotten from Demon Candy: Parallel, which can be found here: lorddragonmaster.deviantart.com/gallery/

This induction, for what it's worth, was seriously effective, it's more of an induction to find oneself, rather than the focus of the session being absolute trance.

I heavily edited this log, since parts of this log involve really personal stuff, and niether of us feel like sharing that with the general public.

I'm probably going to use this more for seriously analytical subjects and harder subjects in general.

Anyway, log! textuploader.com/on6w
11/18/14 03:26AM
And just because I was feeling tisty today, I decided to exhibit trance using desires and wants rather than the standard of relaxation and deepness.

Thank you Eshie~
11/18/14 03:50AM
Anonymoususer2 said:
And just because I was feeling tisty today, I decided to exhibit trance using desires and wants rather than the standard of relaxation and deepness.

Thank you Eshie~

I really liked the idea of that one... seemed like it worked well.

Seriously all of these though.... love reading them.
11/18/14 08:00AM
Metals said:
Seriously all of these though.... love reading them.

Seconded. This thread is my new favorite place.

Why are chat logs somehow the best thing ever to me? Not sure. But I hope they never stop being posted.
11/18/14 03:00PM
Metals said:

Seriously all of these though.... love reading them.

Hypnofilm said:
Seconded. This thread is my new favorite place.

Why are chat logs somehow the best thing ever to me? Not sure. But I hope they never stop being posted.

Finally, my thread is making my subfetish more popular
11/18/14 04:59PM
Zko said:
Finally, my thread is making my subfetish more popular

I don't think it was your thread that did that. I blame a particular series of art... :P
11/18/14 06:39PM
Zko said:
Finally, my thread is making my subfetish more popular

Your subfetish? I've been obsessed with chatlog hypno for years. I want to say about 7 years now?

I'm not sure what started it exactly, but i'd guess either Hypno S.'s (S's?) eMaster or Covert Hypnotist's Fan's Fan.

Though Skypenotized is a magnificent, spectacular thing. Never ever stop being amazing, Zko.

Aaand since I don't remember how to subtly drop in links (and am too lazy to just look it up like a normal human being), i'll throw these down here instead.


And since i'm on the subject, here's two more:

If anyone has any others they know about, show them to me! Maybe put them here, even if it's not quite fitting with the official thread purpose.
11/18/14 08:46PM
Hypnofilm said:
Your subfetish? I've been obsessed with chatlog hypno for years. I want to say about 7 years now?

I'm not sure what started it exactly, but i'd guess either Hypno S.'s (S's?) eMaster or Covert Hypnotist's Fan's Fan.

Though Skypenotized is a magnificent, spectacular thing. Never ever stop being amazing, Zko.

Aaand since I don't remember how to subtly drop in links (and am too lazy to just look it up like a normal human being), i'll throw these down here instead.


And since i'm on the subject, here's two more:

If anyone has any others they know about, show them to me! Maybe put them here, even if it's not quite fitting with the official thread purpose.

EMaster is actually one of the first things I linked in this thread, I'm pretty sure its in the OP and it is 100% my favourite mcstory, and one of the original inspirations for Skypenotized.

Vanndril said:
I don't think it was your thread that did that. I blame a particular series of art... :P

that may also be a factor
11/19/14 08:21AM
Zko said:
EMaster is actually one of the first things I linked in this thread, I'm pretty sure its in the OP and it is 100% my favourite mcstory, and one of the original inspirations for Skypenotized.

Oh, awesome! I have been following this thread for awhile in a lurky way, so I forgot you posted about that.

It's interesting, because eMaster claims to be a true story. Which may be why chat logs now have a "this is totally real" effect on my brain, despite lots of evidence to the contrary. Doesn't work during chat, but always is the case while reading even semi-realistic logs.

I'm so happy that someone else has this same random interest. Especially someone who can draw and is creating great work.

I've written a few things, and even one brief chat-log type thing, but just don't have the time or the will to do a ton of fetish writing. So since you basically match with my interests, I can be a bit lazier and wait for the awesome chat-log stories to come rolling in. :P
11/19/14 02:41PM
Hypnofilm said:
Oh, awesome! I have been following this thread for awhile in a lurky way, so I forgot you posted about that.

It's interesting, because eMaster claims to be a true story. Which may be why chat logs now have a "this is totally real" effect on my brain, despite lots of evidence to the contrary. Doesn't work during chat, but always is the case while reading even semi-realistic logs.

I'm so happy that someone else has this same random interest. Especially someone who can draw and is creating great work.

I've written a few things, and even one brief chat-log type thing, but just don't have the time or the will to do a ton of fetish writing. So since you basically match with my interests, I can be a bit lazier and wait for the awesome chat-log stories to come rolling in. :P

make chat logs for us anyway >8(
11/19/14 05:25PM
Zko said:
make chat logs for us anyway >8(

Will do officifer. :P
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