10/03/14 07:33AM
Mindwipe said:
<<|New session, new hypnotist, same Mindwipe.>>

Holy hell, what an induction.
10/03/14 08:44AM
Tranceless said:
Holy hell, what an induction.

Yeah, that hypnotist is incredibly articulate. I very, very rarely see anyone who can use words that well.

Mindwipe has had nothing but praise for her for days, now. And that was before she tranced him. :P
10/03/14 09:56AM
Zko said:
WHOEVER THIS KYLE GUY IS HE MAKES THE BEST CHAT SESSIONS, i gotta take/borrow that "master hypnotized me and I love it idea" for somethingggg

I goo ta say he does good work fro, what I've read in these two sessions.
10/03/14 12:18PM
So we /do/ get forums! How exciting. Hello, thank you for the praise :3
10/03/14 12:34PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
So we /do/ get forums! How exciting. Hello, thank you for the praise :3

So you're the one Mindwipe's been talking so much about?
It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
10/03/14 03:17PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
So we /do/ get forums! How exciting. Hello, thank you for the praise :3

AAA I loved your induction so much! I'm super jealous of Mindwipe!
10/03/14 06:38PM
Aww I thought I had a session of my own saved (Me doing the trancing) but sadly it doesn't seem to be there any more. I do have a log of some post effects saved though I should probably ask the subs permission given some of the details before I post it. ^^;
10/03/14 06:40PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:

Aside from the praise I've been hearing about you from Mindwipe, you also name yourself after Bioshock characters. That is pretty damn awesome.
10/04/14 03:06AM
Good induction! (Why is everyone better than me!) Same with that Kyle guy, but he isn't here. :P

10/04/14 04:03AM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
So we /do/ get forums! How exciting. Hello, thank you for the praise :3

Did you make an account just to say hello? ;)

As BML said, it's nice to finally meet you in person, so to speak. From the samples of your chats that Mindwipe has funneled my way, you seem like a very pleasant person to have as company. I welcome you, out of the shadows of lurkerhood, as part of the HypnoHub community. :)
10/04/14 07:26AM
Vanndril said:
Did you make an account just to say hello? ;)

As BML said, it's nice to finally meet you in person, so to speak. From the samples of your chats that Mindwipe has funneled my way, you seem like a very pleasant person to have as company. I welcome you, out of the shadows of lurkerhood, as part of the HypnoHub community. :)

I know this lady, by the way. I almost called her out, but I though that Bioshock Infinite references weren't enough to go on. :P
10/05/14 08:42AM
Not mine, but I got permission to share it. It's a group trance from MrMeapify, the creator of Sleepychat.
10/05/14 09:40AM
<<|Long, but there's a reason why I had to change my name.>>

10/05/14 09:58AM
TrancedCas said:
<<|Long, but there's a reason why I had to change my name.>>

Another cherry popped; whatta week! Congratulations on being Tranceless-no-more :D
10/05/14 10:57AM
Kyle sure gets around, its so nice to everyone to have someone to call Master. @_@

In all seriousness though its great. The only thing holding people back is over thinking and not let letting go.
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