10/05/14 01:37PM

This was a triumph
10/05/14 03:14PM
Vanndril said:
Did you make an account just to say hello? ;)

As BML said, it's nice to finally meet you in person, so to speak. From the samples of your chats that Mindwipe has funneled my way, you seem like a very pleasant person to have as company. I welcome you, out of the shadows of lurkerhood, as part of the HypnoHub community. :)

Thank you for the warm welcome. I intend to contribute more than a 'hello' here.

If only I had the ability to draw...

Although, I might be able to handle digital art well enough to pull off a few ideas.

Hi :3
10/05/14 03:52PM
Rosalind_Lutece said:
Thank you for the warm welcome. I intend to contribute more than a 'hello' here.

If only I had the ability to draw...

Although, I might be able to handle digital art well enough to pull off a few ideas.

Hi :3

Even if you aren't confident in your drawing skill, there are many of other ways to contribute. Text and image manips are quite welcome, as well as scouting new art and artists. Just no IRL photo manips.
10/05/14 04:47PM
TrancedCas said:
<<pastebin.com/SAcJjRkk|Long, but there's a reason why I had to change my name.>>

CONGRATS! I knew you could do it! In fact, you did really freaking well, too. Amazing how things can change with the right approach, huh?

Mr.H said:
The only thing holding people back is over thinking and not let letting go.

I can finally see how true this statement is.
10/05/14 05:30PM
Mindwipe said:
CONGRATS! I knew you could do it! In fact, you did really freaking well, too. Amazing how things can change with the right approach, huh?

No kidding! It was amazing! :3
10/06/14 03:38AM
Oh man all these chat sessions XD.

Congrats on not being trancless anymore :P

Both Kyle and Rosalind seems like they do pretty nice jobs.

I've been so busy I haven't really gotten a chance to do much although I have been intrigued to check out Sleepychat.

Mr.H said:
In all seriousness though its great. The only thing holding people back is over thinking and not let letting go.

I'm still having this problem... I think most of the times it's just me being nervous for whatever reason, which happens quite a lot in almost anything and I honestly still don't know if I ever have successfully gone into a decent trance or not.
10/06/14 04:00AM
Hello, I am the hypnotist of this log:


If anyone would like induction, or my style, are welcome to send messages to the address on the chat
10/06/14 04:06AM
It's a shame I don't have a chat log for mine.... Maybe if I do a text one next time....

Metals said:
I'm still having this problem... I think most of the times it's just me being nervous for whatever reason, which happens quite a lot in almost anything and I honestly still don't know if I ever have successfully gone into a decent trance or not.

Hell I was nervous as hell before I tired. Just make sure you know what you want before hand and set up limits. Just start off with just a trance without any suggestions knowing it won't go further. You really don't have to do anything you don't want to, if you want to stop you can. Maybe find someone you wouldn't mind controlling you to begin with too.

It'll come, a few days ago I was just like you.
10/06/14 05:27AM
eshie said:
It's a shame I don't have a chat log for mine.... Maybe if I do a text one next time....

Hell I was nervous as hell before I tired. Just make sure you know what you want before hand and set up limits. Just start off with just a trance without any suggestions knowing it won't go further. You really don't have to do anything you don't want to, if you want to stop you can. Maybe find someone you wouldn't mind controlling you to begin with too.

It'll come, a few days ago I was just like you.

Yeah that is how I was planning on doing it, especially after seeing all these chat sessions coming up has motivated me a little bit to stop being so nervous and to actually try something lol.
10/06/14 05:50AM
Metals said:
Yeah that is how I was planning on doint it, especially after seeing all these chat sessions coming up has motivated me a little bit to stop being so nervous and to actually try something lol.

Heh it's like your me from a week ago....

I'm hoping I can find a female hypnotist next time so I feel more comfortable being submissive to.... Maybe that Rosalind Lutece, she seem highly recommended, she looks good in that log and best of all she's easy to contact because she posted just above.
10/06/14 06:17AM
Is being hypnotized a requirement for being good at hypnosis? Because it seems more and more like it is, which is problem for me because I have nor desire to be hypnotized whatsoever, and, in fact, am completely terrified at the mere thought of it. Like, I have no desire for, I doubt it will work, and everyone is going on about how awesome it is.

Ugh, I'll regret this later, but I need to get it off my chest.
10/06/14 08:01AM
JonSmisu said:
Is being hypnotized a requirement for being good at hypnosis? Because it seems more and more like it is, which is problem for me because I have nor desire to be hypnotized whatsoever, and, in fact, am completely terrified at the mere thought of it. Like, I have no desire for, I doubt it will work, and everyone is going on about how awesome it is.

Ugh, I'll regret this later, but I need to get it off my chest.

Hey, it's all good man. The thought of it can be scary and no one here is going to force you to be hypnotized. I believe it doesn't have to be a requirement, but I bet it helps. An extreme example would be comparing it to how police officers have to be hit with a stun gun before they can use one. It's one of those "that's what you're doing to someone else" kind of deals. That said, hypnosis is a MUCH tamer way of seizing up someone's muscles. I say listen to other people's experiences with hypnosis and get a feel for how a subject is supposed to feel and then read up on different ways a hypnotist can induct someone. I bet you'll do great even without having been put under. You can do it!
10/06/14 12:18PM
MrGerp said:
Hey, it's all good man. The thought of it can be scary and no one here is going to force you to be hypnotized. I believe it doesn't have to be a requirement, but I bet it helps. An extreme example would be comparing it to how police officers have to be hit with a stun gun before they can use one. It's one of those "that's what you're doing to someone else" kind of deals. That said, hypnosis is a MUCH tamer way of seizing up someone's muscles. I say listen to other people's experiences with hypnosis and get a feel for how a subject is supposed to feel and then read up on different ways a hypnotist can induct someone. I bet you'll do great even without having been put under. You can do it!


I would also recommend that you ask the person if they have gone under before and what it felt like to them. That way you would know how they have felt previously and you can use that in your induction. If they haven't then base it off of how other people have felt when they went under.
10/06/14 05:21PM
JonSmisu said:
Is being hypnotized a requirement for being good at hypnosis? Because it seems more and more like it is, which is problem for me because I have nor desire to be hypnotized whatsoever, and, in fact, am completely terrified at the mere thought of it. Like, I have no desire for, I doubt it will work, and everyone is going on about how awesome it is.

Ugh, I'll regret this later, but I need to get it off my chest.

I must admit, I find your comment to be rather baffling. First of all, for your question, I would say no, since I know of several (supposedly) good hypnotists who have never gone under themselves. But what Gerp said about it helping is most likely true.

But what baffles me is your apparent attitude about hypnosis. Bellchan mentioned this in another thread, but a hypnotist needs to project an air of confidence and experience. You want your subjects to feel like you know what you're doing and that they can trust you to do well. I've known several people who were afraid of the idea of going under, but never a hypnotist. To hear you say that the thought of being hypnotized completely terrifies you would put me off of ever wanting to be your subject, because it tells me that you fear your own craft. Like you feel that hypnosis itself has more power than you do or that hypnosis is something mystical and foreign to you. As a subject, I want to know that my hypnotist has a handle on things and understands what he/she is doing with/to me. I don't think you can be afraid of it if you ever hope to be truly good at it.

And I and plenty of others have said this many times before, but saying "I doubt it would work" is the most surefire way to ensure that it won't. Also, probably don't tell any of your subjects that you doubt hypnosis' effectiveness.

And, yes, it is awesome, and not frightening in the least.

eshie said:
It's a shame I don't have a chat log for mine.... Maybe if I do a text one next time....

You got to do it through voice? You lucky dog. That's what I really want to do next.
10/06/14 07:21PM

It appears that, once again, I cannot properly express myself. Sorry. :(

I'm not scared of hypnotizing people. I'm terribly shy about asking if I can do it. I'm still new at this, and have a lot to learn.

But I'm not scared of hypnotizing others. Cautious yes, but not scared. (Heck, I bumped this thread with a log of me doing just that!)

I'm terrified of being put under. Why? No idea. It's probably a personal thing, and me just being paranoid. I just...I try to be polite when I do hypnosis. I ask about boundaries. I try and stick to those boundaries. I ask permission before putting in triggers. I try to be as polite as possible about this, because I believe that that's important.

I...trust about two or three other people to do the same thing to me. It's probably something deeper that can't be solved by people on a hypnosis fetish board, but why not try?

Also, I know that it works Mindwipe. I just don't think it will (or don't want it to) work on me.
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