08/13/18 10:59PM
Imasuky said:
I had a light and fun session with none other than the drool queen, pokemongirl. I removed the trigger for privacy reasons.

08/20/18 10:49AM
Exsit said:

I actually had fun but then he becomes a "Nice Guy " at the end

Christ that just got fuckin creepy.
09/09/18 01:06PM
Exsit said:

I actually had fun but then he becomes a "Nice Guy " at the end

everytime I've tried to open this link, it never loads xD
09/09/18 02:10PM
TheForbidden1 said:
everytime I've tried to open this link, it never loads xD has been down for the last few weeks.

Edit: The site is back up as of 9/25/18.
10/02/18 02:53AM
Tried one for the first time today with somebody on Discord (have a different name on there but changed it to my hub handle just for convince sake. Also changed the name of the 'tist for his protection). God, it felt so good. Way better than the zillions of files I've listened to.
03/05/19 11:06AM
Never left your gf with trigger go around omegle, full of inexperience tist
03/30/19 06:45AM
digtalmon said:
Never left your gf with trigger go around omegle, full of inexperience tist

Wait some of these things are actually real?! They're more than just trolls?
03/30/19 08:37AM
TheForbidden1 said:
Wait some of these things are actually real?! They're more than just trolls?

Idk, that log seems to tell a pretty tall tale...
04/12/19 08:49AM
Another day, another omegle spiral ...
Sorry fans of hypnotic spiral, no offense.
05/15/19 07:32AM i was catfishing pervos on omegle. Actually get a pretty good roleplay out of it. If only he didnt coward out
05/20/19 02:31PM
Anonymoususer2 said:
In related news, Scott Butcher, one of the developers of Sleepychat, has a story (in progress)! It's a fantasy story based on Sleepychat, and while it's not entirely real, it very well could be. :P

This was posted five years ago and it's a pretty interesting (unfinished) story.

Since the original link 404'd I checked to see if it was still online anywhere and found which was last updated on December 1st 2014, but I have a copy from August 4th 2015 which includes chapters 9 and 10 so I figured I'd post them here for archival purposes.

Edit: This copy of chapter 8 appears to be more complete so I've included it too.

[spoiler=Chapter 08 - Complications]---BEGIN CHAPTER 08---

This chapter was *heavily* edited by Hypnonymoose, 'cause he's so cool (and probably better at polishing a story than ScottB). - ScottB

D'awww, you shouldn't have~
- Hypnonymoose

Sometimes, two people editing a story just isn't enough.
- Anonymoususer2

All the mayhem in this chapter happens because of an open trigger, that is, a trigger that can be used by anyone. Hypnotists reading this, please never make an open trigger. :) Other things you should probably avoid without them explicitly giving consent are marks, illegal stuff, phone/cam, sharps/blood or anything that'd get them in trouble at work or kicked out of their apartment. Subs, if you don't want erotic hypnosis make that clear, unfortunately it's kind of assumed that erotic hypnosis will take place (although most will be happy to keep it tame). Rant over, let's get on with the story!


Samantha is a very good maid. Tonight Master is hosting a movie night with his friends, which means her job to make food and serve drinks and sate whatever other needs Master's friends have. How exciting! And they were all here already, sitting on the couch with Master, watching Stir of Echoes, sipping beers, eating snacks. But as she walked back and forth from the kitchen to the living room, refilling drinks, preparing snacks, she could feel them looking less and less at the movie, and more and more at her, half-naked in her French maid outfit, helplessly exposed, stripping her in their minds. God, it was making her horny.

Whenever she served them some drinks, she made sure to lean all the way forward, making her unbelievably deep cleavage spill out of her tiny top. She loved seeing them just looking at her, mesmerized, unable to tear their eyes away. And whenever she walked back to the kitchen to bring some snacks, she was sure to sway her hips back and forth, making her round, bubble butt stick even further out from her tiny skirt, jiggling with every step. Occasionally she'd even "accidentally" drop something and bend all the way down, just to remind them of her complete lack of underwear, to feel their eyes on her glistening snatch, to see the tents in their pants.

It wasn't always like this, was it? She could still remember something... something before Master, something boring, sad, lonely... But it wasn't important anyway. She smiled happily. Now she has Master, and he takes care of her, and loves her, and owns her. All he wants in return is her never ending servitude. As if she wouldn't have given it to him anyway.

Master snapped his fingers. She knew exactly what this means. Smiling happily -- this was, after all, her purpose -- she stripped naked and stood in front of the couch, his friends, their arousal against hers. She shivered in sheer delight at what's to come. And she felt whole.

* * * * *

Samantha snapped up in her bed, breathing heavily. She looked around her room. Everything was normal. She was normal. And naked. Again. The clothes she went to bed with were folded in a neat pile next to the bed. And there was a sticky mess between her legs. What did she dream about? Something about a party... some friends? She shook her head. It's probably not important anyway.

She got up from bed, stretching, and went into the shower. She turned on the warm water and let it wash over her, waking her body up. She found herself smiling to herself as the hot water poured over her. She was always a morning person. She started soaping herself up, her arms, chest, belly, and down to her va-- **pussy**. She blinked in surprise. Where did that word come from? She always uses the word va-- **pussy**. Oh, that's right. Her **pussy** (yes, that seems right) was still very sensitive. Was it that dream? She shook her head again, washed the soap away, and toweled herself off. She had the whole day, she wasn't about to waste it idling, thinking about weird (*sexy*) dreams.

She put on some old baggy morning clothes and went downstairs to make scrambled eggs for breakfast. As she prepared her eggs, she found herself humming some beautiful tune to herself, repeating over and over. She didn't think she'd ever heard that tune before, but it was beautiful, and relaxing, so she sang it some more. It was so easy to just relax into making the eggs, into the tune, maybe she sang some words, hardly even noticing, probably not important. It was a very nice song to sing to herself whenever she was alone. It made her feel good and happy, a bit absentminded, like she didn't have a care in the world. It was very easy to get lost in, just singing it over and over...

A shriek from her phone snapped her out of it, her heart almost leaping out of her chest. After taking a moment to calm herself down again, she checked her phone and found a text message from her cousin Andrew. She sighed. Her song was so nice. Although, she couldn't remember how it went now. Odd. She shrugged and opened the message.

`Andrew: i need to make a website for college applications. do u think u could design one for me?`

Is her one day off really the time to bother her with work stuff? She moved the eggs to a plate, irritated, and toyed with the idea of ignoring him and trying to remember her little song again (**like a good girl**), but ruled against it. He's still family. She took a spoonful of egg and wrote back:

`Samantha: Good morning to you too. What kinda website? I can do it for free if you just want something simple.`

`Andrew: shouldnt be too hard. i just want something that says my name and has a picture of me and some info`

`Andrew: apparently it looks good on a college application`

She took another bite. There's nothing she'd like less right now than to design websites. But she could probably slap something together using some free host in about half an hour. Shouldn't be too hard.

`Samantha: Maybe, we'd have to talk about it more.`

`Andrew: can u come over to my house in about an hour? so can talk then`

`Samantha: Fine, see you then.`

She sighed again. This was going to be a long day, but at least she still had a bit of me-time. She finished her eggs, and popped on her computer. She hastily replied to a few work emails, and went straight to Hypnohub. On it, she flicked through a few really nice YouTube videos (something by a hypnotic ninja? He had a German accent), and just barely resisted the urge to buy a *really hot* fishnet top and a tiny skirt on Amazon.

After a few minutes, she remembered that she needed to pick up some groceries, and drove to Walmart. She picked up a bottle of milk, some eggs, and other boring things, and got back in her car.

She put her key into the ignition and turned, and felt a deep wave of pleasure washing over her, making her hot, horny, needy. All of which would've been very disconcerting **and really hot**, if she didn't suddenly wake up, standing in her house, having just come in with her groceries. She paused and looked around. Everything seemed normal. What's going on with her lately?

She paused and tried to remember what happened on the way back, but something told her it's nothing to worry about, so she just stopped and smiled. She put the groceries where groceries go, barely even noticing the few new sex toys she seemingly picked up on the way home. But that's probably nothing to worry about either, so she hid them at the bottom of her night-stand drawer.

She was about to sit down and log onto Sleepychat again **having finished her task like a good girl**, but then she saw the time, and sighed. She has to go do the thing for Andrew now. Might as well get it over with it so she can come back home **and be rewarded for being a good girl**. She took her phone and drove over to Andrew's.

* * * * *

She rang the doorbell and waited, when she suddenly noticed she forgot to wear a bra. Her big brea-- **tits** were kept from the world by nothing more than her too-small tank top, and that didn't do much to hide her nipples pointing angrily at the door. This isn't something she'd ever forget, but apparently she did today. She moved her hand up to correct her shirt to cover as much of her as it could, and accidentally brushed against a nipple.

She gasped. Fuck, did that feel good. Her hand moving almost on its own, she stroked it again. And again. Then pinched it lightly, and whimpered. It didn't normally feel this good, what was going on with--

"Hey, hey, hey." said a voice, and the door opened. Her hands shot to her sides, and she saw Andrew standing at the door, not even bothering to look up from his drawing pad, a pencil in hand. She was sure he didn't see anything, but she shone bright red anyway, her nipples hard like bullets.

After a few seconds he looked up at her, smiled, and waved her in, saying, "I'm so glad you made it. I've had a few ideas in the meanwhile." She followed him inside, trying as hard as she could to ignore the very distracting sensations from her shirt, rubbing against her over-sensitive nipples with every step. She gratefully accepted a glass of diet coke from Andrew when he offered.

As she drank and cooled down a bit, Andrew began talking again. "So, I was thinking it should have, like, a blue banner at the top with a picture of me, and my name right below it, and then below that it looks like a tan-ish fabric and it has my GPA and--"

"Hold on." What's he even talking about? A hello would be nice. "If you want a super fancy website like that... Well, there's more to it than drawing ideas on a piece of paper. You have to actually write the thing. With computer words." He looked unimpressed. "I can set you up with a simple, free host kinda deal, but you're not going to have that much control over it."

Realization dawned on him, and he seemed almost heartbroken at the thought, as if all his dreams were crushed. After a moment of scrambling, he held up a sketch he had drawn of what he wanted his site to look like. "How much of this do you think will be possible?"

She could be playing minecraft right now instead of explaining this to him, such a pain. "Well, I'm not really sure," she said, "What we should do is look through the themes on Google Sites and you can find one you li--"

"Heyo, whuddup, Sam!" there came a mighty shout from upstairs, making both Samantha and Andrew jump. 16 year old Rebecca zipped down the large staircase along the rail and hugged Samantha, almost dropping her to the ground.

Andrew didn't seem amused. "Go away, Rebecca, we're trying to talk about my website!"

"The same website you wouldn't stop talking about for the past three days?" she stabbed, making a face at Andrew. "Besides, I think I have the right to chat with my cousin when she finally drops by for a visit." Andrew angrily opened his mouth and then closed it, like he wanted to do something and it was taking everything he had to restrain himself. Rebecca didn't seem to even notice, and jumped up and down, "Remember that math test I had to study for? I got a 100."

Samantha whistled appreciatively. "A 100? how long did you have to study for?" she asked.

"I actually didn't study at all," replied Rebecca, giggling.

Andrew butted in between them, saying, "A 100 is really, really good. But now, Samantha and I really need to get working on this site--"

"I'm not a kid anymore, Andy. Will you just let me chat with Sam for a minute?"

"Okay, fine, Rebecca," he said, but he smiled victoriously, almost evilly. Then he innocently asked, "Has anything else been going on lately?"

Samantha felt a little tingling in her **horny, dampening, aching pussy**. She tried to ignore it, but over the next couple seconds it grew and grew, making her hornier and hornier, and she knew that in a minute or two she was going to rip her clothes off and grope, pinch, rub, anything to get off, even if she had to do it on the floor in front of Andrew. Her left hand already started to move towards her **wet pussy**.

Next to her, Rebecca slurred, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom," and ran off. Andrew just nodded and looked back at Samantha, clearly pleased with the result. "So, as I was saying--"

"Hey, actually, I kinda do too," she said, turning away from a disbelieving Andrew and ran to the nearest bathroom. She practically ran to get there, and she almost forgot to lock the door on her way in. She was in too much of a rush to get her shorts completely off, so she just pulled them down around her ankles. She stuck her hand inside her panties, and began to rub herself. She noticed a shadow move under the door but payed it no mind as she continued to touch her va-- **pussy** with one hand and grope her br-- **tits** with the other. After a minute she came, and although she had tried to remain silent a moan escaped her lips. She looked down. There was some moistness on her panties, but she had been quick enough that nothing too noticeable had come of it. She pulled her shorts back up and adjusted her shirt (her lack of a bra made that an erotic experience of its own), then flushed the toilet and ran the tap in case Andrew was listening.

She walked back down to the kitchen, where Andrew was waiting patently.

"Ah, you're back. Okay, let's go on that Google Websites thing you were talking about to see what we can do," he said, staring at her tits for the entire time it took him to say the sentence. She was glad he was coming to his senses, at least.

"Good idea." They walked over to his computer and sat down, as he swiped his pointer finger down the fingerprint scanner. He opened up Internet Explorer and went to Google Sites, where they looked at different themes for a few minutes. She heard a toilet flushing upstairs, which must have been Rebecca finishing going to the bathroom.

"None of these are any good, are there any other sites like this?"

"Well if you want something that looks pretty simple but still nice we can try Github Pages. I'm not sure how to use it, but I hear you can have full control over your site with it, or just use a pre-made template."

"Well that seems nice, let's try that. Well, I'll let you work."

"Okay then, I shouldn't be too long."

Andrew walked out of the room, leaving her on her own. After spending a few minutes learning the UI, she copy and pasted the contents of "Andrews college application.doc" onto the site. After editing the formatting a bit she felt pretty good about how it turned out. She yelled "Hey, come see if you like this!"

He practically ran into the room, slightly out of breath when he came in. "It's pretty good, that's great actually! Although there is one thing..."


"Well I'd kind of like it to be more... webby, you know?"

"Oh yeah, I getcha! It might take a while though, so you'll have to let me work in peace."

"Sure sure, I'll just be outside if you need me."

After he walked out she switched the template from "Slate" to "Merlot", and then started playing flash games. She got stuck on a level after about 10 minutes, so she called him back in.

"It was hard work, but I like how it turned out."

"It's pretty nice, a lot more webby. But do you think you could make the text just a little bit bigger on the top?"

She could do that, but it would take her a couple of minutes and she knew that he would just have another suggestion when she was done. She was getting tired of this, but she decided to humor him. She shooed him away, did some CSS to change the font size to something that looked nice, then brought him back in.

"Do you think you could give the text a kind of purplish tinge?"

"Actually Andrew," she said, laying a hand on his arm, "I have things I need to do today and I don't really feel like spending much more time doing this."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Do you know how important going to college is?"

"Yes, but the text being purple isn't going to be a make or break kinda thing."

He looked at her like she was crazy, then turned around a locked the door. He seemed conflicted for a moment, then said "Has anything else been going on lately?" Once again, she felt that arousal grow inside her va-- **pussy**, and new that she was going to masturbate in a few minutes no matter what. She tried to avoid breathing more deeply than normal, then moved for the door. Andrew blocked it.

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"I have to have a website for my college application."

She felt the need to masturbate grow inside her. "Please, I really need to go!"

"Oh come on, you didn't have to a few minutes ago."

She felt like she did earlier, like she was going to grope, pinch, rub, anything to get off, even if she had to do it in front of Andrew. "Please please please, let me out!"

"Will you finish my website?"

She ran forward and tried to shove him out of the way, but he pushed back on her. Unfortunately, the spot he chose to push against was her left breast. Pleasure flew through her body, and she suddenly had a hard time thinking about anything except coming. She groped her breasts, and was about to move her hand onto her **dripping pussy** when Andrew jumped over and gave one of her nipples (that was poking through her tight shirt) a squeeze. She suddenly orgasmed, crying out. Andrew seemed like he couldn't believe what he had done. After a few moments she realized that he was no longer guarding the door and bolted out, running out the house and into her car as fast as she could, her face hot with embarrassment. Andrew wasn't even chasing her.

---END CHAPTER 08---[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Chapter 09 - Making Things Right]---BEGIN CHAPTER 09---

Annon already had the contents of this chapter spoiled to him because he read my secret plans file. *pouts* - ScottB


Samantha ran inside. The embarrassment of Andrew seeing her like that, and even groping her, were still hot in her memory. It was that tist Jolly who did this, the trigger that made her have to masturbate. She wasn't angry at him, but she wanted that removed. Would it even be possible to remove it? It was hard to think, she was already horny.

She stripped her shorts off and got on her laptop. After ctrl+tabbing through a bunch of smut, she finally found the Sleepychat tab and logged on.

` ?↑DeepSleep`
` ♂↕anders`
` ♀↕AmyPeach`
` ♂↕hypnoamp`
` ♀↕KatB`
` ♀↓Nic`
` ♀↓FireGirlKasi`
` ♀↕FallingInward`
` ♀↓Cookie`
` ♂↓ThatOneGuy`
` ♀↑Mira`
` ♂↑Incubus`
` ♀↓subbyRose`
` ♀↑Mistress-Y`
` ♀↓mindToy`
` ♀↓flowerbomb`
` ♂↓Bumblebrox`
` ♂↑Cloud`
` ♀↓GoodGirl`
` ♂↕Dunkel-fish`
` ♂↑WiseGnu`
` ♂↓CrispyCritter`
` ♀↕Gaige`
` ♀↓gudgurl`
` ♂↓Herrozod`
` ♀↓SamIAm`

`8:32:23 am: [INFO] SamIAm♀↓ has joined.`

`PennyDreadful: MesmerAdam, I may be a cow like greeting, but I have the swiftness of a mongoosee`

`SamIAm: Hi all!`

`ScottB: Hey Sam!`

`Dunkel-fish: Hi SamIAm`

`SamIAm: Okay I have a question `

`Mira: wow, that was intense `

`SamIAm: is it possible to get rid of a suggestion?`

`ScottB: Oh yeah, it's pretty easy `

`ScottB: Do you have one you want to get rid of?`

`SamIAm: Kinda yeah. At least make it not work for a certain person `

`8:33:27 am: [INFO] ScottB would like to chat with you privately!`

`8:33:27 am: [INFO] *Click here to enter the room*.`

She entered the room, but what was he going to do? Was it as simple as putting her in a trance and saying "the suggestion no longer effects you?"

`8:33:29 am: [INFO] For your safety, private rooms are logged and viewable only by the Admin. The room can opt out of logging if all users opt out. You can opt out by typing "/private" into chat. You can also force logging for complete safety by typing "/private never" into chat. Please only opt out if you trust your hypnotist.`

`8:33:29 am: [INFO] SamIAm♀↓ has joined

`ScottB: So what's the trigger?`

`SamIAm: Jolly gave it to me. Whenever someone asks "has anything else been going on?" I get incredibly horny`

`ScottB: Oh my`

`ScottB: I can see why you'd want that removed`

`SamIAm: Yeah my cousin accidentally used it and it was super embareassing`

`ScottB: Jeez, what happened? If you feel like talking about it of course `

`SamIAm: I don't really even want to think about it, it was *super* humiliating `

Thinking of it, she actually didn't mind so much being humiliated like that, in that particular case. The idea of being forced to humiliate herself was incredibly arousing, although she didn't actually want to do it, at least not yet. Some fantasies should remain fantasies.

`ScottB: Well we'll get your head straighted out in no time :)`

`SamIAm: :)`

`ScottB: Are you ready to start?`

`SamIAm: Yep`

`ScottB: Hypnotime `

She suddenly felt like she was falling insider her mind, her brain "opening up" so to speak. Then she was suddenly wide awake and feeling great, like she always did coming out of hypnosis.

`ScottB: Hi`

`SamIAm: Hi :P`

`ScottB: How do you feel?`

`SamIAm: Great!`

`ScottB: The trigger should be gone, but do you know of any way to test it?`

`SamIAm: No, it doesn't work in text I don't think`

Suddenly, her phone started to ring. She glanced at her phone, and Andrew's face was displayed on her screen.

`SamIAm: Oh someone's calling, gtg`

She sighed and picked up her phone. Should she answer? He might be calling to apologize for his behavior, but he might also pester her for some more changes to his site. She answered the phone.

"Hey, Andrew."

"Sam! I just wanted to let you know that I know the truth."

What the heck? Did he know that she was into being hypnotized?

"Oh you do? And what truth is this?"

"Oh come on, we both know it. The truth about why you suddenly have to 'go to the bathroom' whenever I ask what else has been going on."

"Okay. So what are you calling for?"

"I just wanted to know your opinion about... that thing."

He didn't really know anything about it! He was just phishing for information, and doing a rather poor job of it too. Might as well mess with him a little, he deserved it.

"It's terrible! How they take away our choice like that!"

"I know, right? Is there anything you can do about it?"

"Not really, once they put us in the brainwashing chamber we can't talk to anyone about it unless they already know."

She could hear him gasp on the other side of the phone. This was going to be good.

"What does it feel like, the brainwashing?"

"I don't know, they wipe our memory."

"What kind of stuff do they brainwash you for? Like turning you into a sex slave?"

Wow, he had a dirty mind. Was he really so gullible? She couldn't think of what to say next.

"Er... yes?"

"I knew it! Do you have to act like a sex slave all the time, or is there a word they say to activate it?"

"Yes, I mean, there is a word. It's 'Yudkowski'"

"Really? Okay, Yudkowski"

Oh wow, he was really going to try and use it? Might as well go along with it.

"How may I serve you, Master?" She was trying to sound as robotic as possible.

"Oh, I like that. Send me a pic of your boobs, naked I mean."

He was seriously trying to do that? Could probably mess with him a bit though.

"You are not a registered user, place a sum of 100 US dollars in a letter on the subject's doorstep for her to transfer to the slave guild to become a registered user for this subject."

"What! I don't have that kind of money, is there any other way to become a registered user?"

"There is not. Subject will return to normal state in 30 seconds, do you wish her to have memory of her time as a slave?" This was hilarious.

"No, no, and could you remove the memory of her time since I called her as well?"

"Memory erased. Returning to waking state." She waited a moment. "Hey Andrew, why'd you call?"

She heard a sigh of relief. "Oh, I just wanted to say hi."

"Oh, okay then. I feel really weird now, like I should remember something..."

"Maybe you're sick! You better get some rest." Well this was going to make for some interesting conversations in the future. "Has anything else been going on?"

She felt a burst of arousal, then a moment of weird confusion like her body hadn't caught up with her mind yet, and then she felt exactly like she had a moment earlier. "No, you?"

"Huh? No, nothing else. Well I'm going to go let you get some rest, I have some stuff to research."

"Okay, see you later then."

She glanced at the clock. It was past nine, and she was a little tired. She decided to work on a work project for a little bit, then go to bed.

Although, when glancing down, she realized that her panties were sitting on the floor next to the chair...

---END CHAPTER 09---[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Chapter 10 - Sucked In]---BEGIN CHAPTER 10---

All the sluttification in the previous chapters was consensual, she just doesn't remember consenting to it :). Also everything in this chapter is consensual as well, for the same reason --ScottB


Samantha woke up the next morning, her red hair a tangled mess all around her, her clothes piled up on the floor next to her. This time she didn't bother putting any on, instead walking over to the bathroom and preparing the shower. She'd just quickly clean up, put on something nice, make breakfast, and play around on sleepychat for a bit. However, when she stepped into the shower she gasped as her body reacted to the warm water splashing her **tits** and nipples. Without even thinking she began to play with herself, rubbing and squeezing and pinching. ALl the while she was humming a very arousing tune, one that her mind could forget but her body could listen to.

Forty-five minutes later, she stepped out of the shower. She wrapped herself in a towel, blow-dried her hair, put on a loose, short skirt and a tight, low cut shirt. She was considering matching her bra and panties, but all her black panties were in the wash so she decided to just wear the bra.

After eating some Mini Wheats she thought about thinking about packing for her trip that was coming up, but instead Samantha logged onto Sleepychat public chat, just to see what was happening.

` ♂↑Mesmerrick`
` ?↕GardenRakeTrollMaster`
` ♀↓ChessAmy`
` ♂↕Gatsby`
` ♀↓LittleLizard32`
` ♂↓Omega`
` ♀↕TheCatterflyEffect`
` ♂↑Captain_Smisu`
` ♀↕Poison~Ivy`
` ♀↓Elyse`
` ♂↕englishharry`
` ♂↕Calix`
` ♂↑Haydn`
` ♂↓SleepyGoldfish42`
` ♂↕kiwiboy`
` ♂↑A_Gentleman`
` ♀↓subbyRose`
` ♀↓gothikagurl`
` ♂↓GoodRabbit35`
` ♀↑Binding_Angel`
` ?↓Lycati`
` ♂↓GoodWolf27`
` ♀↓GoodGirl`
` ♂↑knowing-smile`
` ♂↑Hypnoticporcupine87`
` ♀↑BeeBee`
` ♀↓SamIAm`

`7:52:25 am: [INFO] SamIAm♀↓ has joined.`

`Captain_Smisu: Hello!`

`Anonymoususer2: Ooh! A ball of yarn!`

`Anonymoususer2 chases after it.`

`SamIAm: Hi everybody!`

`ScottB: Hey Sam!`

`TrollMaster: ;)`

`Captain_Smisu: TrollMasterXSleepychat OTP`

`TheCatterflyEffect> Yarn?? :D`

`Binding_Angel intercepts Annie and brushes her gently, giving her lots of snuggles too`

`SamIAm: So guys, I was wondering, why would anybody be a tist?`

`SamIAm: Like, when you're a sub you get to experience everything, but when you're a tist you're just telling someone else what to experience `

`ScottB: To use a crude example, subbing is like watching TV, tisting is like being the director`

`ScottB: Not to mention, I get off on control :P `

`SamIAm: Still seems kinda weird to me`

`ScottB: '\_(-_-)_/'`

She set Sleepychat to ding whenever she got a message or someone mentioned her name, and browsed Hypnohub for a bit. There were a few good ones added since the last time she checked, and even a couple nonsexual ones (which still managed to turn her on). After a few minutes, she got a *bing* from sleepychat.

`ScottB whispers: Do you want to watch a session? It'd be fun :) `

`You whisper to ScottB: Haha, sure!`

`*8:45:59 pm: [INFO] You've been invited by ScottB to the HypnosisDemo public room!*`
`*8:45:59 pm: [INFO] Click here to enter the room.*`

She entered the room. Samantha couldn't actually remember any of her hypnosis sessions, so this would probably be a cool learning experience.

` ♀↓SamIAm`

`SamIAm: So I should just stay quiet?`

`ScottB: Well it'd be nice if you didn't distract Gaige `

`Gaige: Yis don't distract me :)`

`ScottB: Okay are you ready to start?`

`Gaige: Yep`

`ScottB: In a moment, I'm going to say *tize*, and when I do, that'll be the signal for your body to go into trance`

`ScottB: Then when it's time to come out of trance I'll say *awaken* and your body will stop being so nice and relaxed and you'll come out of trance `

`ScottB: And I just want to show you how it's going to work, so you don't need to go into trance just yet, but I'm just going to say`

`ScottB: *tize*`

`ScottB: And you'll notice your eyes getting heavier, and your body relaxing, and you might find yourself going down...`

Wow, this was a really effective induction. She was glad she wasn't on the receiving end of it, because she was already starting to feel sleepy and tired and relaxed.

`ScottB: And then to signify that it's time to come out of trance I'll say *awaken* and you can come back out of trance `

`ScottB: *awaken*`

`ScottB: And let's try that again `

`ScottB: *tize*`

`ScottB: And you'll feel your whole body relaxing `

`ScottB: And your mind slowing down `

`ScottB: And you might feel like my words just go straight into your subconscious `

`ScottB: Coming back now, *awaken*`

`ScottB: And now going into trance once again `

`ScottB: *tize*``

`ScottB: And now I'd like you to tell me`

`ScottB: What are you wearing?`

`Gaige: Blue jeans, black t-shirt, red panties, pink bra `

Well, since he asked she might as well answer.

`SamIAm: Red skirt, black shirt, black bra `

`ScottB: Huh? You're under also?`

`SamIAm: of course not!`

`ScottB: Are both of you alone?`

`Gaige: yes`

`SamIAm: yes`

`ScottB: then could both of you take off your shirt, please?`

Well she kinda felt like taking her shirt off anyway, so she might as well. She pulled it over her head and tossed it on the chair next to her.

`Gaige: done`

`SamIAm: Okay `

`ScottB: Hehehe`

`ScottB: How do you two feel?`

`Gaige: good. relaxed.`

`SamIAm: Pretty relaxed, kinda horny now that my top is off actually :)`

`ScottB: If you had to put that on a scale from 1 to 10, where would you be`

`Gaige: 2`

`SamIAm: 3`

`ScottB: And now something interesting is going to happen...`

`ScottB: You might begin to feel that number rising, rising up to 5`

She began to feel a bit of arousal build up, and some wetness accumulate in her **pussy**. After a few moments, she was squirming and wiggling her legs a little bit.

`SamIAm: I *am* getting horny, but just thinking of hypnosis gets me goin so it's not because i'm in trance or anything `

`ScottB: Of course `

`ScottB: Gaige, could you take off your jeans, and Sam could you take off your skirt?`

She was horny anyway, so she might as well. She pulled off her skirt and tossed it to the side, feeling kind of silly to be wearing a bra and not panties.

`SamIAm: Okay, what's next?`

`Gaige: done`

`ScottB: And you'll notice now, that (for the rest of the time you're in this chat) whenever someone says a body part, it'll feel tingly for a few moments, in a very good and slightly arousing way `

`ScottB: Like so: palms`

As soon as he said that, she did feel a tingling on her palms, moving up and down and around, it felt very good.

`ScottB: And Gaige, I'd like you to become awake, while staying in trance, so you can talk or act like normal but everything I say seems to come true `

`Gaige: I'm awake `

`SamIAm: Hehe`

`SamIAm: Neck`

She felt the tingleing on her own neck, she wasn't expecting that.

`Gaige: Ohh that felt good`

`Gaige: So I just say a body part and it works?`

`Gaige: Toes`

`SamIAm: Gah! I'm ticklish!`

`Gaige: Ooh I know how I'm going to use this then~`

`Gaige: Toes`

It was actually tickling a lot, but she could handle it for now.

`SamIAm: Two can play at that game!`

`SamIAm: Toes`

Eesh, it still felt just as ticklish when she did it. At least Gaige would be feeling it!

`Gaige: I'm not ticklish on my feet, that's why I was able to do that :)`

`SamIAm: Grr`

`SamIAm: Under toenails`

Now *that* felt extremely odd. Not unpleasant (actually, sorta pleasant), just weird. She'd never felt anything under her toenails before.

`Gaige: Whaag!`

`Gaige: Now *that* tickles`

`SamIAm: I bet I can make you sneeze `

`SamIAm: those hair things in the top of your nose`

Samantha decided that "Ewaw-wa-waig" was going to be the word for when something felt *so abnormal that she had no idea how to react*.

`Gaige: Holy crap that felt odd `

`SamIAm: ha!`

`SamIAm: It's what you get for tickling me`

`Gaige: Well 2 can play at that game `

`Gaige: Uhhh... tendons in your palms `

`SamIAm: Ewaw-wa-waig `

`Gaige: Huh?`

`SamIAm: Nvm`

`SamIAm: areolas `

`Gaige: however often youve been told you're evil its not often enough `

`SamIAm: nipples `

`SamIAm: man that feels good`

`Gaige: clit`

`SamIAm: Mmmphh`

`ScottB: Unfortunately I'm going to have to cut this one short (I have to go do something with my sister). Both of you, put your clothes back on and come out of trance`

Come out of trance? But she wasn't in... oh.

`SamIAm: awww`

`Gaige: Okay`

It was probably the best though, she had some work to do and she needed to pack for when she was going over to her parents' on Tuesday, just two days away.

---END CHAPTER 10---[/spoiler]
05/24/19 03:06AM
Thanks for posting that! I haven't read that in a long time, and I'm not sure I'd ever read the additional chapters. I can't seem to get enough of chatlog-based hypnosis stories.

Sort of a meta fantasy of what the sleepychat site users wished was happening on the other end of their conversations. When the reality was more along the lines of some male catfish waiting for a chance to break out the RP asterisks.
07/25/19 09:14AM
You would think there would be a lot more in here by now?
07/25/19 07:06PM
TheDetective said:
You would think there would be a lot more in here by now?

likely most people want their logs to be private, don't keep a log, or use voice/phone/in person methods
09/27/19 07:50PM
Not really log but an email I got from a sub recently
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