03/11/14 10:09PM
Writing Prompt
When writing hypnotic-themed stories, do you usually cast the dom(s) and sub(s) in specific ways? If so, what are their usual alignments? (Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil) What is the usual outcome? (Good End, Bad End, Bittersweet End, Slice of Life, Etc...)

For this prompt, please step outside of your comfort zone. Choose different alignments of your dom(s) and sub(s). Doesn't have to be opposite, just different. See where the story goes from there.
03/12/14 08:01AM
I go with what I want. Of the two stories I have posted I haw had good ends, bad ends, do a that were loving and doms that were controlling loli machine mothers.

My next story I'm experimenting with a side of hypno we don't often see, when the magic is not exactly wanted not is it easily controlled
03/12/14 05:08PM
I tend to prefer happy endings, although i'm not above bittersweet (dark is rare).

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