03/15/14 08:21PM
Who Would Win? (M.C. V.S. Thread)
The title is straight forward enough but I'll elaborate. This is your basic "who would win" thread in which we pit two or more different characters from different media against one another and try to explain beyond a reasonable doubt why each character would win or lose.

Naturally, this is mostly limited to characters with mind control abilities or skills. The scenario can be anything you can imagine. However, the goal in any case is to dominate not to destroy.

To keep things interesting you can either post two characters and tell how one would definitely best the other in some odd circumstance where they'd want or need to (one of the characters would have to have H&MC prowess) or you could mention only one character and let someone else say how another character would dominate or submit to them.

This thread encourages constructive arguments but they should always be on topic.

Lastly, to keep things just a little more organized, I'd like us to follow a sort of format here.
It should go as follows for single character posts:

Personal Opinion of the Character:

(Optional) Scenario:

[In response to a character post] Why this character would win or lose:

Remember to quote the post you're responding to. Feel free to add hyper links to the character's image when you post.

For double character posts you can just use the single post template twice (once for each character). The scenario section isn't optional in comparative posts or response posts since somebody has to explain why they're going against one another.
The scenario can be a boon or bane depending on how you write it so it's important to be detailed.

I'm a little hesitant to say this since I know how bizarre everyone can be with there differing interests but for the sake of not restricting creative freedom I'll say it anyway: Any character from any media is welcome whether it is Anime, Cartoon, Movie, TV or otherwise. The only rule is that there can be no OCs.

Well that's that I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this thread. Have fun!!
03/15/14 10:35PM
Okay I'll play. I wanna see how people respond to this.

Character: Misaki Shokuhou
Series: To Aru series (Railgun/Index)
Abilities: Total mind control, telepathy. Uses a remote control to direct her powers but it's not strictly necessary.
Personality: Manipulative queen bee, cheerful, dominating, hardcore schemer, friendly-condescending, surprisingly calm under pressure
Personal Opinion of the Character: Misaki-samaaa

...shut up I'm not biased
03/22/14 06:01AM
petal said:
Okay I'll play. I wanna see how people respond to this.

Character: Misaki Shokuhou
Series: To Aru series (Railgun/Index)
Abilities: Total mind control, telepathy. Uses a remote control to direct her powers but it's not strictly necessary.
Personality: Manipulative queen bee, cheerful, dominating, hardcore schemer, friendly-condescending, surprisingly calm under pressure
Personal Opinion of the Character: Misaki-samaaa

...shut up I'm not biased

I'm down for this.
Character: Mad Hatter

Series: Batman

Abilities: Able to design and build mind-control devices at the drop of a hat. [Funny enough, a hat is one of the more common ones.] High resistance to hypnosis in any form. Bizarrely fast reflexes, which helps him in fending off resistors.

Personality: Neurotic, obsessive, tenacious, childish, schemer for days,

Opinion: Mad Hatter is one of the more fantastical villains in comic books, even for DC. But they always play it up very well. His voice actors do a great job at making him sound creepy and unhinged, as well as retaining a whimsical tone to tie in with the Wonderland motif he loves.

petal said:
Okay I'll play. I wanna see how people respond to this.

Character: Misaki Shokuhou
Series: To Aru series (Railgun/Index)
Abilities: Total mind control, telepathy. Uses a remote control to direct her powers but it's not strictly necessary.
Personality: Manipulative queen bee, cheerful, dominating, hardcore schemer, friendly-condescending, surprisingly calm under pressure
Personal Opinion of the Character: Misaki-samaaa

...shut up I'm not biased

Who would win: I really don't know on this one. It's almost a coin toss. Hatter's resistance might help him somewhat, but TOTAL mind control?


Eh, Misaki seems pretty neat, she wins.

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