03/16/14 06:49AM
Kiss the Rain: A Comic That Will Make You At Once Curse and Praise Its Existence
This short comic isn't MC related, but it is so good that I felt the need to share it.

I should mention that it focuses on two gay furry boys, one of which is extremely feminine. Even if that isn't your cup of tea, though, I still suggest the comic, as the sexuality plays a minor role in the story.

<< | Kiss the Rain>>

CAUTION: If you plan on reading this, do not look below. I expect the rest of this thread will be used for discussion of Kiss the Rain, which might ruin parts of the story for you.
03/16/14 09:29AM
>sexuality plays a minor role
Uh huh. Have I told you about Miu's awesome guro portfolio?
03/16/14 08:57PM
Okay, they are cuddley and there is a sex scene, but it's like a page long and not very important to the plot.

I haven't heard of who you are referring to. Is it a user here or on Fur Affinity?
03/17/14 12:44AM
sideunseen said:
I haven't heard of who you are referring to. Is it a user here or on Fur Affinity?

Miu does <<|cute stuff.>>


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