03/17/14 06:51AM
Requesting Prompts/Story Request?
So I know... someone who is interested in getting back into writing again. They were never very good to begin with but their work wasn't awful. Now they sort of requested that I make them a thread where people can pitch writing prompts and story requests that may inspire them to write something remotely interesting and enjoyable for others to read.

So I made this thread. If you have any story requests or just a general writing prompt please post it here and I'll see what... err... they'll see what they can do.

It would be most appreciated, all the same.
03/17/14 07:22AM
tell your friend they should probably pick up on the styles of their favorite authors, and combine that with a plot that they find hypnotically fascinating
03/17/14 08:13AM
Pilgrims disembark from their ship into a strange new world. What kinds of pilgrims, ship, and world - historical, futuristic, or fantastic - is up to taste.

An agent is tasked with a little corporate espionage, but gets more than they bargained for.

A few friends get lost in the woods, but how? They know these woods so well-- what was that noise?

Taylor has been feeling strange lately, sensual and commanding. Sensual? Commanding? What on earth is happening?
03/17/14 09:39AM
Local wizard terrorizes populace. Adventurers called in to deal with the problem. Hijinks ensue.

Traveling hypnotist solves peoples problems.

Interrogation of a captured enemy (I could see it going either way with this one).
03/17/14 04:00PM
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate that people have responded to this thread. I might actually combine a few of these suggestions with something else just to keep it interesting.
03/17/14 06:33PM
I suggest: A helpful hypnotist meets pilgrims terrorizing corporations. Leprechauns ensue.

I best wishes for your ...friend's attempts. I look forward to it.

Especially if it includes leprechauns.
03/18/14 08:18AM
what if you made a story about a dying man in a hospital, like he only has a month to live, and he gets hypnotized every day by a young nurse that works there, against his own will. she prevents anyone else from finding out. does he like it? how does she do it?
03/20/14 04:35AM
Beached mermaid seduces a woman, takes her under the sea, mermaid-ifies her.

Granted, it's been done, but it's a solid plotline still. Transformation plots i've found are the most erotically compelling.
03/20/14 11:39AM
A lamia who uses hypnosis to treat the psychological and emotional scars of adventurers before sending them away thinking they've been defeated so that more will come.

Things to explore:
The lamia is not evil, so why do they accept that role?
Does the lamia get anything out of doing this?
What story has spread about the lamia in the first place?
Is there a grain of truth to that story?
Does anybody else know?
03/20/14 07:43PM
BML-20XX said:
The lamia is not evil, so why do they accept that role?
Does the lamia get anything out of doing this?

I think I know ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

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