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"Eh? No, I told you I was..."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:00:02Revert
029191Camera Guy:
'Hold up, Mizuha. This could be a good opportunity. Erita-san seemed confused about who you are, so maybe you can get an inside look as a model for the show?'
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:00:41Revert
"I don't know who he was expecting, but I guess I was mistaken for a new model."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:01:07Revert
029193Camera Guy:
'This is exciting. You'll definitely get more information if you actually participate in the show.'
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:01:26Revert
"I don't know, that seems kind of fishy..."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:01:51Revert