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"I feel like I was instructed not only on how to walk and how to pose, but also on how to breathe. I practiced hard and worked hard until the end of the show."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:26:00Revert
"I got lost in practicing, like I had even forgotten to breathe, and when I finally noticed, the production was already over."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:28:14Revert
"At that time, I finally took a breather, and realized that the runway I was walking on was not a real one."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:29:10Revert
"I had been wrong not only in how I walked as a model, but also how I thought and my way of being. The show with Erita-san was when I realized that."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:29:51Revert
"That's why that show was so good for me, and afterwards I started to get more work."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:30:21Revert
"I've been invited to Erita-san's shows ever since. He's hard to work with, but I consider him my benefactor."
lifmcs2020-05-19 06:31:01Revert