03/22/14 07:29PM
I'm going to be repeating myself, but I would like to know if it is technically possible to extend the functionality of the blacklist to include individual posts. Naturally, however, this doesn't deal with the scenario of new users being turned away if they spot something grotesque or related to a phobia of theirs*, but this could potentially help regular users regulate which posts they want to be visible.

[Petal] I like your idea, however as you said, implementing a "guro" tag like that could potentially be too broad. So far, it seems most people are in favor of the overarching tags.

* (Though then again, how can you account for phobias for new users when I assume everything can be a phobia to someone, without going through some really boring checklist?)
03/22/14 08:21PM
Oh boy, here we go...

Without addressing the topic of this thread,

Dantus said:
IMO that "real nightmare fuel" (or however you want to name it) should then be part of the default blacklist and the users can then decide if they want to add the "mild" tag to their BL themselves after seeing some of the pictures tagged with it.

The solution to the "real nightmare fuel" vs. "mild nightmare fuel" problem is to not put the "nightmare_fuel" tag on pics that are not actually nightmare fuel. This is why I was against the tag to begin with: it's too subjective, but it could still work if it didn't get added to every pic that made someone mildly uncomfortable. It may be worth noting that, at least on Danbooru, there is only a nightmare fuel pool, not a tag.
03/22/14 08:32PM
Ridley said:
As an insectophobic, the first time I saw that shit I nearly woke up the whole house.
I can understand the appeal, but do miku and the roach need to have varying degrees of realism? Holy fuck. Just thinking about it again hurts.

[first post!]

In that case you could simply put the "insect" tag (yes, I actually bothered looking for all the pics involving bugs and stuff today and tagged them as such) on your personal blacklist instead of using the general nightmare_fuel tag instead.

That should be the way to handle things for every single user with a specific boner killing phobia, instead of tagging related pics as NF and forcing all the other users to risk either switching their blacklist tag on and off and risk exposing themselves to the REALLY disturbing/borderline guro stuff (like the spaghetti parasite zombie head or the horrid mutant Sally Acorn siamese twin) that really deserves the tag or risk missing pics with mild or slightly disturbing content (for some people) they might actually like.
03/22/14 10:00PM
It's a tag on e621, and comes in handy because it can be used to blacklist. <<e621.net/post/index/1/nightmare_fuel|I think the images on it are fairly appropriate>> despite the subjectivity.

I still maintain that giving live birth to a colony of giant maggots somehow goes beyond a simple aversion to insects, and belongs with the tag.
03/23/14 04:35AM
Just popping in here to say two things:

1: We're totally not splitting the nightmare_fuel tag into even more subjective categories of extremes. That's just silly and we'll never be able to use it right nor enforce its use to any reasonable extent. I understand why you'd want to do this - it sucks missing out on something you like because you're hiding from the stuff you don't - but this won't really solve anything because people's tastes just vary too widely.

2: It's one of those things I've considered adding to the blacklist, myself. Back before we added the death tag, I'd have used the excuse that I don't want to add anything that isn't for the sake of legalities, but...now? Now, I can't use that reason, but I still have another. The nightmare_fuel tag, despite the name, is still very much a subjective tag and topic. I, personally, do not find even half the images with the tag here to be deserving of it. In fact, there are only maybe two or three that I believe should actually have the tag. And that's the point: it's not tagging something in the image, it's tagging a purely subjective concept. It should be up to each individual user if they wish to blacklist the tag or not. Having it on the default blacklist sets a bad precedence. Besides, the less we hide from our general users, the better.

We (all of us admins) got together and talked about this for a bit, and we decided that it's not a good plan. Continue talking about it, though, if you wish. You'll never know what a well-written opinion can change until it happens.
03/23/14 07:13AM
if you don't like it, just blacklist it...a lot of the images on this site are already fairly shocking but, if you don't like taking it to the nightmare fuel level nobody is going to force you.
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