03/22/14 02:37AM
Suggestion: Add nightmare_fuel to the default blacklist.
I just came to the website not signed in, and I saw some fucked up shit. I mean jesus. This fetish is weird sometimes.

But seeming someone's face being distorted by a robot, and a cockroach impregnate a girl... it changes you...

Please, I beg of you guys, to add it.
03/22/14 03:01AM
volco said:
I just came to the website not signed in, and I saw some fucked up shit. I mean jesus. This fetish is weird sometimes.

But seeming someone's face being distorted by a robot, and a cockroach impregnate a girl... it changes you...

Please, I beg of you guys, to add it.

I second this. Though I myself don't have a single tag blacklisted, I understand that it can be traumatic to others.
03/22/14 03:09AM
Was it the bug-squid thing cannibalizing some poor dude's head? If so, I can totally understand why.
03/22/14 04:06AM
I still don't get why people think the Miku one is nightmare fuel. Very weird, yes, but nightmare fuel?
03/22/14 04:10AM
As someone with an empty blacklist, I support nightmare_fuel as default on guests and new accounts.
03/22/14 05:33AM
I agree actually as some of the things I have seen sight he tag are very disturbing.
03/22/14 05:46AM
Thank god I'm not insane here.
03/22/14 05:51AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I still don't get why people think the Miku one is nightmare fuel. Very weird, yes, but nightmare fuel?

As an insectophobic, the first time I saw that shit I nearly woke up the whole house.
I can understand the appeal, but do miku and the roach need to have varying degrees of realism? Holy fuck. Just thinking about it again hurts.

[first post!]
03/22/14 06:06AM
Can we just, like, get personal uploader blacklists? This would fix a lot of problems I've been having lately with /post. Maybe it's booru blasphemy, but automatically attaching the uploader's username as a tag (ul:username or something) should be doable.
03/22/14 06:12AM
I'll support this -- as suibjective as nightmare_fuel can be, it should be on the default blacklist just for convenience to the average user, who is presumably not seeking it.
03/22/14 07:16AM
Some of these nightmare fuel things I dont even understand. We come on this site for mainly one reason so what is the point of posting things like nightmare fuel? Though nightmare fuel for me is mostly because of something being either poorly drawn or realistically grotesque, getting pregnant by a roach totally floats my boat so I understand the subjectivity of the matter.
03/22/14 07:33AM
Zko said:
Some of these nightmare fuel things I dont even understand. We come on this site for mainly one reason so what is the point of posting things like nightmare fuel? Though nightmare fuel for me is mostly because of something being either poorly drawn or realistically grotesque, getting pregnant by a roach totally floats my boat so I understand the subjectivity of the matter.

The real question is "how much of our content is missing the tag"? Also, would half the site be automatically invisible to new users if someone decides the tag is too scarce and adds it to other images?

Ridley said:
[first post!]

[Welcome Ridley!]
03/22/14 09:37AM
Welcome Ridley.

Honestly I think making Nightmare Fuel a default blacklist would be a good idea.

Ogodei-Khan said:
I still don't get why people think the Miku one is nightmare fuel. Very weird, yes, but nightmare fuel?

I would say because it's something that can and does squick a lot of people out.

03/22/14 06:18PM
Quoting myself:
Dantus said:
a "mild nightmare fuel" and a "real nightmare fuel" tag would probably be a good idea at this point to separate mildly irritating stuff (like the cockroach miku pic from some days ago) from real mind scarring and boner killing stuff (that is also borderline guro in this case I'd say) like this. Would make blacklisting a lot easier without us blocking content the average joe might still be interested in or find arousing for the most part (-> cr. miku pic again).

IMO that "real nightmare fuel" (or however you want to name it) should then be part of the default blacklist and the users can then decide if they want to add the "mild" tag to their BL themselves after seeing some of the pictures tagged with it.
03/22/14 06:41PM
While it might be too broad a tag for what you guys are looking for, what about implementing the "guro" tag the way Pixiv uses R-18G, instead of just for gore? R18-G uses the actual gairaigo meaning of guro, grotesque, and covers stuff that a person might reasonably find disgusting without necessarily needing to have blood or guts.

Of course, the problem with Pixiv's R-18G is that it ends up covering both moderately gross stuff that I'm fine with and full-on horrific dismemberment and other awful shit, so toggling it becomes a risk. I guess having an overarching grotesque tag and another tag for actual gore is not really any different from the nightmare_fuel suggestion though :p
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