03/22/14 08:00AM
The Eve part one: Taken
"OPEN FIRE!" Screamed commander Gina Price, her mech's A 44 Pulse cannon ripping into the Alien tech of the Even mecha. The twisted creature-like machine hissed and squealed as bullets made of pure condensed plasma tore into the titanium alloy flesh of the beast. it withed for a moment, then shut down. The young commander was not in a good mood at all. There were not supposed to be Even on this mission!

Gina grimaced as she turned her mecha, the Zenith around to take out another Even mar mech, this one a Scorpio unit. Inside that foul beast was a Alien freak, that needed to be blasted to hell before they were able to take out one of her allies. Arming her machine pistol, the Commander opened fire, and soon the Scorpio was no more then a hunk of scrap. "Scrap heads are retreating! I repeat, scrap heads are retreating!" Reported her second in command, a older male named Hamilton Jack. He had a strange preference where his last name come first, not that Gina minded. "Fall in, wee need to head back to the base." said Gina, the young woman guiding her mech out of the battlefield towards camp. How dare the United colonies not tell them of Even on this planet? Her unit was not a cleanup crew, they were a colony defence force! these scrap heads (the informal name for Even) had not stranded a chance, but they came in waves, each more powerful then the last. "There must be a hive on this planet that was not detected by initial scans. We need to evacuate till a clean up crew can come and take it out." Said Gina. she and her men were about to leave when she felt...a cold sweat overtake her. She had to stay. "Go on without me, I need to take care of something." She said and headed off back to the place they had just fought, the young woman drawn back. She felt nauseous, like she had too much to drink, yet was empty inside. She stopped her mecha in a clearing, her scanners picking up an Even, and not just some run of the mill scrap head either. She wanted to get the others to come back and see about taking it out when she felt like she needed to do this alone. "You're mine..." She said, and started to look around. Before she had a moment to react, a large spider like Even had landed on her from above, it ripping her mecha open quickly. it had mere seconds before her mech informed the others of hull damage and they came running back. It tore open the hull and a metal tendril sought Gina out. She pulled her emergency pistol and fired at the tentacle like arm, it grabbing her wrist and stopping her, then pulling her out of the mech.

Gina screamed as the beast pulled her into its mouth, it taking her into a strange and moist insides. "Fuck! its gonna eat me!" She screamed as she pulled a knife and stabbed the flesh like innards. The beast did not react...synthetic just like the rest of the damn thing. She was pulled into a small stomach like section, where a clear fluid resided. she was dropped in and the way she had came sealed up. "NO! SHIT!" She screamed as she tried to stab her way out, but the flesh was too thick for a mere combat knife to cut through. she sat in the goo, and groaned. "I'm gonna die..." she said, and rested. The creamy goo was warm, and made her suit feel soaked...she looked down and saw holes appearing. "Acid...shit..." She said, feeling tired. so she was to be digested...was she? She moaned gently as the creamy fluid melted her womanhood out, her panties gone as she felt it touch her was not melting fact, it felt... "Good.." She said out loud as she started to relax even more. This was not too bad...for a way to die. Gina smiled and relaxed as her pussy started to create a great feeling, her hand rubbing her slit as she let the cream inside her. "Fuck..." She said and purred. That stuff...oh fuck..."Yes..." She removed what of her suit remained, her pilot gear melting as she played with her nipples, a hand teasing her breasts as a finger sank into her folds. to reward her, the small stomach filled with more cream, and she screamed as her breasts where now submerged. "Fuck! yes! I'm...AH!" She came, her cum mixing with the thick vat of lust inducing acid. She purred like a kitten, snuggling the pool of warmth as she added a finger to her slit. No was one orgasm going to cut it. She purred as she felt the Even shake. The sudden vibration only helped her shoot more girl cum into he pool, before she suddenly felt so tired that sleep overtook her within moments.

Gina woke up in a room. The room was pure white, except for a few splashes of color here and there. she looked to see a strange dog like Even cleaning the floor with a brush, it seeing her. "Good morning, unit 244." It said to her. "Your language has be 80 percent translate based on our current research. I am unit 9883, but you may assign a unit number of your choosing." It said. Gina looked down to see she was wearing a skin tight, latex suit of some kind. it fit her form perfectly , her large D breasts feeling a bit exposed. Her brown hair was in a braid, despite it being in a pony tail last she remembered. her face seemed different too...cleaner...perfected. She looked at the robot and glared. "Where am I?" She asked. The machine looked at her like she was a curious little oddity. "You are home, unit 244." He replied. "My name is Gina." She corrected. the machine blinked. "Authorized change made. Unit 244 is now referred to as Gina."

The Mech pilot was done here. She needed to get home, and was tired of playing games. She opened her door to see...paradise. There where humans just like her everywhere, all females. the entire area was filled with parks, shops, areas for sports, areas for children, schools, entire city filled with only places of learning and entertainment. She saw no men in sight, until she saw what looked like Even if they were shaped like human men, most of then horrifying abominations. She screamed and turned to ran, one catching her. "Good morning unit 244. I trust your sleep was relaxing?" It asked it a synthesized male tone. She shivered and moved away. "Who the fuck are you, and where the hell am I?!" She asked the mockery of a human man CHUCKLED at her. "My dear, relax. You are safe here. This is the garden, your new home." He said, his jaw moving horizontally like his face was sideways. She looked him over more closely. The man like machine had large arms, strong and powerful looking. She saw his chest, it a mess of wires and tubing with a lot of metal plating to protect his insides. His legs were the most human like, it having a sort of synthetic allow that looked like skin, if it were metallic. "I apologize unit 244, I am not entirely ready for you. my skin webbing is only applied below the torso." He explained. She shivered and looked at the other "males" and saw they were a lot less frightening, then back at him. "Do not touch me..." She said and moved back. "I intend to only when you are ready for my services. I ask that you at least return home until I am ready to meet with you proper." He said. she looked at him and turned, walking back into her house. Gina felt a soft pinch in her folds, and gasped...she would wait...but he better hurry up!

Waiting only a few moments, the Machine entered her home as promised. "Update master, this one prefers the designation of Gina." the dog informed the machine "thank you, please leave." He said, the dog leaving them alone. Gina watched as the man sat down in a chair and looked at her. "You are happy here? I hope I was not rough with you before. Taking you here was not something I wanted to fail at you see, so I had to be quick." He said. She glared at him. "Your not exactly a big spider..." She said. he smiled and sighed. "Gina, your kind are so...strange. You resist love and adoration to the point where we feel forced to show our affection." He said. Gina was not understanding him am all, and her face told that well enough. "Let me explain...Your kind refer to us as Even, but you are close but not quite. the N is silent in our tongue." He said and stood, walking towards her. Gina moved away and the man knew not to approach her least he make her uncomfortable. "I mean you no harm Gina, in fact I mean you only to be your friend...and in time, your spouse."

Gina looked at him for a good full ten minutes before she stood up. "You're mad...YOU'RE MAD!" She screamed "MARRY YOU!? YOUR A FREAKING ALIEN KIDNAPPER THAT HAS TRIED TI KILL MY KIND OFF! DONT YOU LIE TO ME ASSHOLE!" he raised his hand and she fell quiet. "Sit, my dear." She sat down and he walked over and pet her head. She moved her head away but he stopped her. "Enjoy my hand. let it caress you." He said. she wanted to move away, but instead she found herself letting him pet her, relaxing as she moved her head against his hand, his soft yet cold skin massaging her scalp so gently. She let out a soft blush, purring as he soon pulled her into a gentle embrace. "We need your kind to spread and create new create new places to live for our kind..." She felt the pinch in her womanhood again and listened intently, his words suddenly so clear...her anger not fogging her perceptions. "I...but you kill...and..." She was shushed by a finger to her lips and a pinch to her, her brain. "all for the greater good, Gina. all for you." He said.

Gina snuggled as he held her, petting her and relaxing with her. He said nothing as she forgot all those questions she had. Did it matter? she was happy now...well...she felt some thing nagging at her..." I feel pinches in my head and body...what is that?" he smiled and caressed her cheek ."its nothing dear, sleep." she nodded and fell into a deep sleep, mere seconds after her ordered her to. she cuddled up to her man, purring as he pet her. "Good you will be a great asset to us." He said and kissed her lips. "And to myself."
03/23/14 08:49PM
*thumbup* nice story. it could benefit from a revision as it seems like some words are left out but overall i definitely dig the style.

i like how it transitions...i didn't see that second part coming actually
03/23/14 09:00PM
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you like it and yeah I write this super late at night ha ha. I'm gonna revise it maybe tonight

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