PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
025606anonlv0002020-02-20 02:15:35Revert
025607anonlv0002020-02-20 02:15:41Revert
025608anonlv0002020-02-20 02:15:45Revert
025609anonlv0002020-02-20 02:15:50Revert
025610anonlv0002020-02-20 02:15:55Revert
025611anonlv0002020-02-20 02:16:02Revert
026661Shiho: Yeah, it’s just a short while, but you looked like you were controlled by somethingtong08502020-02-23 17:28:58Revert
026662Shiho: But don’t worry. This choker will nullify everything, so don’t ever take it offtong08502020-02-23 17:29:04Revert
026663Aoi: Thank you very much, Shiho-santong08502020-02-23 17:29:10Revert
026664Shiho: It’s fine. And that girl will be fine tootong08502020-02-23 17:29:16Revert
026665Aoi: What do you mean?tong08502020-02-23 17:29:22Revert
026666Shiho: Your feeling of “I want to save my friend” got through me strongly. That girl is also being controlled, isn’t she? So I’m thinking that I would help youtong08502020-02-23 17:29:56Revert