03/28/14 12:50AM
Heads up to the admins
Saw a post today on Facebook that Hasbro announced they're going to bring the hammer down on MLP porn torrenting sites. Don't know if its fake or not,but you might want to consider wiping MLP from the tag list.
03/28/14 12:57AM
Night1907 said:
Saw a post today on Facebook that Hasbro announced they're going to bring the hammer down on MLP porn torrenting sites. Don't know if its fake or not,but you might want to consider wiping MLP from the tag list.

I would look Into it further dear. Pony porn had a lot of haters, and I don't think they can just take it down without any evaluation from the law
03/28/14 12:58AM
wish I could but I don't know where to start since the FB post doesn't give any links,That's why I'm letting the admins know so they can decide.
03/28/14 02:04AM
Honestly to me this all sound fake.

The fact they didn't supply a link to where they got the info make it seem like some one just posted that cause they don't like mlp and based on a lot of the comments so are a lot of other people.

I don't get a lot of the comments either as they are acting like no other fan base has porn of it and such and they are all rather insulting.
03/28/14 02:06AM
I'm gonna have to side with Mistress Marea on this one. There's no proof. If there is proof, I see none.

If credible proof is supplied or we're contacted by Hasbro to remove the MLP stuff, then we will. Until then, I doubt anything's going to change.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, though. We'll keep an eye on it.
03/28/14 02:08AM
Mistress_Marea said:
Honestly to me this all sound fake.

The fact they didn't supply a link to where they got the info make it seem like some one just posted that cause they don't like mlp and based on a lot of the comments so are a lot of other people.

I don't get a lot of the comments either as they are acting like no other fan base has porn of it and such and they are all rather insulting.

To be fair I can see why has to would hate it it's really creepy sometimes but just cause I don't like it means it has to go. Besides, I don't think legally they can do anything...unless te website is hosted in th USA or the servers are. But that's because of a whole other can of worms involving loli con an underage characters
03/28/14 02:27AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
To be fair I can see why has to would hate it it's really creepy sometimes but just cause I don't like it means it has to go. Besides, I don't think legally they can do anything...unless te website is hosted in th USA or the servers are. But that's because of a whole other can of worms involving loli con an underage characters

Actually, loli isn't illegal in the US. They tried outlawing it numerous times to no avail (luckily).

Though, technically, they can do anything they want legally, because the characters are theirs. It doesn't even matter if you're making a profit or not, if they tell you to take them down, you're legally obliged to. Owning the characters gives them that right.

Fanart as a whole is only allowed because most companies don't care to stop it, as far as I'm aware. And why not let it be? I mean, in many cases, it's free publicity and advertisement.
03/28/14 02:32AM
Vanndril said:
Actually, loli isn't illegal in the US. They tried outlawing it numerous times to no avail (luckily).

Though, technically, they can do anything they want legally, because the characters are theirs. It doesn't even matter if you're making a profit or not, if they tell you to take them down, you're legally obliged to. Owning the characters gives them that right.

Fanart as a whole is only allowed because most companies don't care to stop it, as far as I'm aware. And why not let it be? I mean, in many cases, it's free publicity and advertisement.

In the USA there is a law called the amber alert. Unless it changed it protects underaged people and characters from sexual stuff
03/28/14 02:46AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
In the USA there is a law called the amber alert. Unless it changed it protects underaged people and characters from sexual stuff

Uh. An Amber Alert is for missing children. o_o
03/28/14 02:47AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
In the USA there is a law called the amber alert. Unless it changed it protects underaged people and characters from sexual stuff

I am America and what is this?

Internet loli's illegal when the executive cares to execute on it. This happens once in a blue moon right now because even they realize that it's a fuzzy area and not actually worth bothering with when there is REAL harmful shit out there. And count your blessings because these golden days of lax regulation are probably not here to stay. I don't even like much loli (vampire loli and kitsune in MGQ get exceptions because I am married to them) but when the belt tightens it'll probably be the first target. I doubt any legal agency cares to bother with Hasbro's thing right now, though, since it would essentially just be half-manual searching and firing off individualized DMCAs. It actually wouldn't be too difficult to write a crawler that searched the color schemes of images for possible infringements with decent accuracy for something as vibrant as MLP, but it'll take the people who care enough to WANT that kind of thing at least a few more years to figure that shit out.
03/28/14 03:32AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
In the USA there is a law called the amber alert. Unless it changed it protects underaged people and characters from sexual stuff

Loli is not contained with in the law of child porn as it is a body type, the person in a drawn pic can be 18.

Taking a picture of a real kid is illegal but drawing a non-existant person is t illegal.

Also an amber alert is what goes out when a child has been abducted, it's not a law.
03/28/14 04:10AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
In the USA there is a law called the amber alert. Unless it changed it protects underaged people and characters from sexual stuff

Mindwipe said:
Uh. An Amber Alert is for missing children. o_o

I loled. XD
03/28/14 04:43AM
Mindwipe said:
Uh. An Amber Alert is for missing children. o_o

Oh sorry I watche a video a while back that said loli on is illegal want me to link it here? I'm not trying to be misinformed lol
03/28/14 05:11AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
I'm not trying to be misinformed lol

I don't think many people actually try to be misinformed. :P

Nadiatheberzerker said:
Oh sorry I watche a video a while back that said loli on is illegal want me to link it here?

I believe you. Most people in the USA don't even understand their own laws, so it's very likely someone was misinforming others on the matter of loli.
03/28/14 06:15AM
Porn falls under fair use. They don't have a leg to stand on in that regard, because pornography made of a non-porn work almost always is construed as parody (probably why e-hentai changed "work" to "parody" under their tagging categories).

I'm going with fake just because it says "porn torrenting sites." Torrents are not the prime source for clop material.

Loli was illegal, briefly. Supreme Court Case Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition sorted it (and Ashcroft was not Bush's AG for too long, so that really dates that decision). Since that case, they did pass legislation as part of a broader law about child sexual abuse, but the "fictional child porn" part of it is basically never enforced because of the standing Supreme Court ruling.

Now, in many other countries, it is illegal indeed (though enforcement is obviously low on folks' priorities list). Germany, UK, Australia, and Canada are three important ones, meaning most of the EU and British commonwealth is a no-go. Japan and America are the two biggest countries where such is still legal.
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