03/29/14 02:35AM
kasp99PL said:
I'm using AVG free edition and it meets my expectations

Avg is the top free anti-virus and I use it too.

Love it
03/29/14 03:15AM
I use both avast! at my main 'base' and AVG free in virtual XP^^'
Never had any problems with any of those D:
Avast! always gets the highest prizes in the category of the free AntiViruses ;)
03/29/14 04:49AM
While it isn't blocking me from loading the page, it -is- giving a warning popup. I'm guessing that it's one of the Ads on the page that is causing the warning. Given the formating, it's an ad that is using Javascript so... :-/ Take what you will from that.
03/29/14 06:54AM
copy/pasted from rule34.xxx:

Its either a virus from the ad network or a false positive from Avast antivirus. I assume everyone who gets this has avast? If so this is almost certainty a false positive.

If there was real malware on it then google would have fucked rule34.xxx over when it started.
03/29/14 06:58AM
slayerduck said:

If there was real malware on it then google would have fucked rule34.xxx over when it started.

Well...there might actually be a picture of that on it >_____>
03/29/14 06:58AM
I added the whole of hypnohub to my avast exclusion list and I still can't see the posts. No warning beyond the first one, just a blank page that won't respond to anything.

EDIT- AH well that explains it, somehow the shields got turned back on, I thought i shut those off ages ago and just used the virus scanner.
03/29/14 08:01AM
We did an adswap with rule34, right? Saw us when I checked for something over there the other day.
03/29/14 08:38AM
TakyonH said:
We did an adswap with rule34, right? Saw us when I checked for something over there the other day.

Yes we do.
03/29/14 11:05AM
strangeperson said:
Well...there might actually be a picture of that on it >_____>

Well...you're strange :P
03/29/14 11:23AM
Yes I am. Right?
03/29/14 01:24PM
Came here to report getting the same thing with Avast, but looks like it's been well-covered already.
03/29/14 03:18PM
So, is there anychance this will clear up or that we'll remove whicheverads are causing this? I'm less inclined to just assume it's a false positive.
03/29/14 04:33PM
Really seems to be a false-positive as of virustotal:
03/29/14 08:32PM
petkitsune said:
So, is there anychance this will clear up or that we'll remove whicheverads are causing this? I'm less inclined to just assume it's a false positive.

Like slayerduck said, everyone who's had this issue uses Avast, which makes it extremely likely that Avast is the problem. I think our ads periodically change, so it'll fix itself eventually.
03/29/14 08:36PM
and I've already given you guys the means to shut avast up for this site so we should be good until it blows over
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