07/11/20 11:13PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
I'm talking about all the akward moments in your life, for example when you get visibly uncomfortable watching any sort of mind control in any media with friends together, reading hypno instead of hypo every time and suspecting a mind control trap behind everything (: has anyboy had similar experiences?

WOW it's good to know i'm not the only one-- i relate to all of those, and especially because i'm a psych major, i'll have been doing an assignment and accidentally read the word "hypothesis" as "hypnosis" waaaay too many times to count x_x
07/11/20 11:38PM
Much like Skullman, I absolutely refuse to allow my fetish to come to light. If it did, my life as i know it would be over.

Maybe this is just my aspie brain making things worse than they actually seem, but a small part of me doubts it. I constantly have invasive thoughts about my parents and siblings finding out about this, because one of my parents is abusive and their both Christian, so the odds are good that they'd think something was wrong with me. In the doomsday scenario that my brain seems to love tormenting me with, my parents find out and i am thrown into some kind of rehab facility or asylum in order to "fix me" and stop me from Just their good little autistic boy bumbling his way through the world. That or I would be out of the house and cut off from any and all familial ties. (Not that that would hurt me much...I'm bad at keeping relationships going even within my own family...)

I think the reality would be less severe, but still worse. If I know my family, and i'm fairly certain I do, it would come from my parents, and not my siblings, and as a result the rest of my family. My father would disown me, or try to beat it out of me. That parts plain and simple. In his mind, violence is the best solution when it comes to a disobedient child that is male (Even though im NOT). My mother would probably not disown me, but wouldn't talk to me. She'd probably """"SUBTLY"""" suggest getting help or going into some kind of rehab, seeing a psychologist or some kind of mental health expert or whatever.

Again, probably me making a mountain out of a molehill, but after years and years of things that i do being criticized, mock, insulted and not being taken seriously, It's a little hard to have faith in my family being accepting.
07/12/20 12:09AM
strandead said:
WOW it's good to know i'm not the only one-- i relate to all of those, and especially because i'm a psych major, i'll have been doing an assignment and accidentally read the word "hypothesis" as "hypnosis" waaaay too many times to count x_x

How about an interesting hypothesis about the hyperbole of a hypothetical hypotenuse of hypothetical hyposensitized hyposomniacs? :P
07/12/20 03:04AM
My only real problem is that I have more than a passing interest in hypnosis in general.

The topic has come up on occasion at work or with friends, and usually I end up clearing up misconceptions.

Nobody has really outright said anything about it. The most I've gotten is a "why do you know so much about this?" and the sort of weirder sects of Psychology have always interested me for... lets say the horror elements, so usually I can pass it off as a related topic (Even though I HATE horror combined with my hypnosis stuff)

Otherwise, when I was first getting into hypno porn my dad found out. Apparently he basically had my entire side of the family computer (Didn't have a personal one at the time) completely wired like a goddamn minefield where he could basically see if I even sneezed while on the computer. So he gave me the "porn iz bad" talk and eventually I just learned his password and started using his side of the computer instead.

He hasn't mentioned it in about a decade so I'm about 99% sure he's actually forgotten.
07/12/20 03:20AM
Hypnomaid20 said:
How about an interesting hypothesis about the hyperbole of a hypothetical hypotenuse of hypothetical hyposensitized hyposomniacs? :P

well, i...may have read more of those wrong than i'd like to admit ^^;
07/12/20 09:42PM
Surprisingly, I'm very good at masking it. I like to act as if it's a totally normal thing that I'm indifferent toward. Mind control and hypnosis are just a standard trope for me, as far as most people are concerned. A few select friends I trust know about it, and they don't really care. One is curious about it, but has a lot of personal anxieties to get over before I feel comfortable hypnotizing them. If anyone did manage to "out" me, it wouldn't surprise anyone, probably, as I considered a career in psychology or similar, in high school. Luckily, it's not the strangest fetish/interest among my group, so...
Regardless, I can keep myself well controlled when talking about hypnosis, or even performing it. I can compartmentalize pretty easily, and I know it's not a sexual thing for everyone. I do sprinkle some illusionist/hypno/mind control stuff in with fictional characters I make up every couple years, just to see if anyone picks up the hint, but nobody seems to notice, or mention it if they do.

That all being said, I have a GF I actually hypnotize on the regular, and do hypno shenanigans with. We used to run a blog for it, but it became more of a chore for us, than anything else. Then it got purged in the great Tumblr implosion, and now I just have a hypno twitter I casually use (half for hypno stuff, half for following lewd artists).

07/12/20 11:21PM
I don't think I'm as good at hiding as I think I am. It comes up so completely rarely in my real life, but when it does I try to keep cool but I'm probably a wreck.

Once, a coworker got hypnotized and almost everyone in the office was watching curiously after she went under. I had to keep passing the hallway and deal with it being the talk of the day. >///< For what it's worth all the suggestions worked on her extremely well and everyone was pretty impressed.

07/13/20 03:49AM
I have learned to play my fetishized view of hypnosis off as being curious of being hypnotized, though there have been a very few times where that has in fact came back to bite me in the ass.

One of my favorite moments was a girl I knew in college who brought up hypnosis while everyone was drinking, I think it was a plot point for a show or movie that was playing in the background. This being down my alley in terms of fetishes, I attempted to play it off, but she would not let it die, talking about how she wanted to try it constantly throughout the night. A dude who was trying to get with her that night started joking about more sexual acts (in such a smooth manner, insert eyeroll) while playing around with hypnosis. This chick doubled down and started jokingly mentioning how she would absolutely love to do all these sexual things while under hypnosis, and even so much as playing along when I pulled out a pocketwatch a roommate of mine owned and swung it in front of her as a joke. That was the quickest I ever grew to have a crush on someone in my life lol

On a side note for this, I tend to have trouble masking or otherwise dealing with my fetish if I am unaware something along my desires will pop up. Great example of this was when I went to see Incredibles 2 on opening night. I had my suspicions during the train scene because of the image you could see reflecting from the conductor's eyes, but I figured it was some form of bait and switch, as I have been disappointed many times in my young life from this considering my attention peaks whenever I see a spiral or swinging pendulum/crystal/watch in the hopes of it being hypnosis. When Mrs. Incredible stumbles across the giant poster with the giant HYPNOSIS text on it, and she walks toward the clock with the swinging pendulum with another HYPNOTISM poster in the background, I physically leaned forward in my seat thinking "oh my god, we are actually doing this!" I was disappointed with the goggles because that's not my preferred form of hypnotism, but I still vividly remember how hard my heart was beating when that clock came on screen. Good times.

07/15/20 07:48PM
Wow I was just shown a pretty recent video of me getting somewhat entranced with no recollection of it happening o: a lot of my friends were laughing when they showed it to me and were asking me if I really don't remember, but apparently I was sunk in a game and kinda grumpy and when someone tried to distract me with his finger, I was just kinda staring at it and my mouth was kinda open. Everybody thought it was harmless and funny, and I was really sleep deprived and not completely sober that night, but the fact that I have no recollection of it kinda scares me. I do want full control over myself when imagining me or playing out hypno scenarios, so yeah if I'm that easy to entrance in real life...
At least I didn't drool or follow orders (not that any were given to me :x ).
I also still vividly remember one night a few years ago where the guy we were at had his pc on with a bright light that kept shining into my eyes and I became more and more distant from everything the longer I looked until I didn't participate in any talking anymore. I still remember almost everything that was said during this evening though.

I never really thought about whether a hypno kink can make you more susceptible to actual entrancing since I was always so focused about not giving up control in my real life.
07/17/20 10:18PM
It is a bit awkward in public when I see a hot woman wearing headphones and I begin to wonder what kind of hypnotics she could be listening to.
07/18/20 06:05AM
It doesn't. I'm much more of a furry than I am a hypnofetishist, and very few people - nobody living in the same country as me, for a start - know even about that. I'm not even unusually private about those things in particular, just profoundly asocial.
07/29/20 06:53PM
I get paranoid about the idea of society insisting that cartoon exclusive kinks aren’t a thing, and the insistence that having/indulging in them is a reflection of what behaviors you’d tolerate IRL by default, and people getting wrongly demonized and cast out because of it.

I’d probably still feel this way without my kinks, but they do help in regards to emphasizing with the plight of other “problematic” kinksters.

Edit: Another thing, the fact that being hypnotized is at the very top of the list of things that turn me on, in spite of my stance that humans by default have too much autonomy to legitimately be corrupted by kinks in a way that endangers society. Really does a good job in establishing how irrelevant ones kinks and fantasies are to their morals and their understanding of the world. My power fantasies and desires for society are entirely contrasted by my sexual fantasies. One does not interfere with the other.
07/29/20 10:34PM
It makes consuming certain media a bit awkward. Doesn't help A LOT of new stuff is using mind control as the conflict. Nintendo especially has been doing it a lot lately.

So far there a only 3 people that know about both my public persona and this one. My brother and a friend of mine (accidentally) and a long-time friend of mine that does NSFW art and porn that I outright told, since I was finding her everywhere I went.

And despite having fantasies about having a Fembot servant, I don't have desires to do it to anybody I know IRL

Then on a different note, I have MANY young nieces and nephews, so I'm aggressively against loli and shota content.

07/30/20 05:24AM
My parents have found out like twice, but that was years ago. I think theyve forgotten about my fetish since then. Truthfully I'm terrified of giving anyone my phone for fear of what they may find
07/30/20 08:07PM
I do my best to conceal it: only a few really trusted confidants know. Normally it doesn't come up, but I've been playing a bunch of pathfinder lately, especially with the quarantine (we play it over discord and roll20, I'm lucky enough to have a good group without much drama). So pretty often someone gets dominated or hypnotized or hit with a Command or a Suggestion and I have to suppress my horniness. Normally I avoid making characters with abilities like that, even though Dominate Person is really powerful, but I did make someone who could cast Suggestion once, and it went exactly how I expected: while I played normally, I was beset by horny thoughts. The worst/best thing was that an extremely powerful member of our party was plotting to destroy us, and we knew that he would eventually make his move, so I hit him with a Triggered Suggestion: "When you attack us, you will give us a thirty second warning first." Since he failed the save against the triggered suggestion, not only did it take effect, but he wasn't allowed to remember it until it took effect. It was weird, a forgotten triggered suggestion is one of my real big kinks, but on the other hand, neither the players nor the characters are sexually attractive to me. So what I'm saying is that I haven't masturbated to this situation yet, and I don't plan to, but it's not off the table, either.
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