07/30/20 09:14PM
TheFinalAnubis said:
My parents have found out like twice, but that was years ago. I think they've forgotten about my fetish since then. Truthfully I'm terrified of giving anyone my phone for fear of what they may find


I will never feel comfortable with people handling my phone unless I KNOW that they're like me...If i ever meet someone in real life that's like me...
07/31/20 05:12PM
Defcon7 said:

I will never feel comfortable with people handling my phone unless I KNOW that they're like me...If i ever meet someone in real life that's like me...

You guys keep your kink stuff on such an easily accessible device? I keep my business on external hard drives and alternate cloud storage accounts... well hidden from the curious and nosy individuals in my life
08/06/20 02:45AM
My partner knows about it to an extent, but I have played it down. I mostly get by with just a dom-sub sorta vibe in the bedroom and have been able to make do, rather than role-playing hypnotizing her or the like. I honestly have been avoiding actually trying it out (I suspect my partner would be at least willing to try) because I don't think it would do much for her. She's not the best actor, so I imagine we'd just fumble through it awkwardly. Even though we have been married for a few years now, and have been in a relationship for longer, it still feels like such a private part of myself that can never be hidden again if exposed. I sympathize with all my fellow hypnofetishists on here, heh.
08/08/20 10:47PM
I mostly keep it to myself. I don't think anyone else knows, or if they did remembers, so I just say nothing and deny it if it ever rarely comes up.

Although, I'm always looking over my shoulder when on my computer or phone. It's full of hypno porn.

And I can't stand when people are on my stuff unless I know for a fact that they cannot access my stash of lewd-ities.

Other than that, I see things that are just normal everyday things as stuff that could be used in hypnosis.

(Like a scene in a locker room, or a pool floatie, or certain kinds of clothing.)
And from there I'll just fantasize and try and keep it to myself.

No one can know. I'd die of...embarrassment? I guess? It's not like I'm ashamed of my kink, I'd just be mortified if anyone found out.

You know that hentai image of the girl that says her mind is full of nothing but lewd thoughts all the time?

That's me. But with hypnosis. I see it everywhere. Especially in certain words like OBEY.
That word just...does something to me deep inside...
08/09/20 03:41AM
I remember when I was fifteen, my dad took me for a drive in the truck. I had thought it was to run to the store, but he wanted to have a private chat with me because he discovered my searches to hypnoerotica. I was young and dumb and didn't think to delete search history on our family computer. (I used it more than anyone at the time.) That was embarassing as all Hell, Dad giving me the talk about how I'm at the age to be curious and such. Basically that killed that habit well until I got my own private computer years later.

He took it pretty well, all things considered. My dad didn't question the fetish at all, just thought "my son's looking up porn on the internet. Better make him stop." Pretty bog standard right there.
07/10/21 10:54AM
I have practiced Necromancy! Fall before my army of undead threads!

Just kidding, but this week my friends took me to see the Black Widow movie.

[spoiler=yeah that movie hasn't been out for that long so spoiler warning. Well the fact that I mentioned it here kinda spoils the fact that there is at least a tiny amoung of mind control in the movie but yeah]I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rooting for her to get mind controlled q.q it wasn't even funny, the villain was so hateable but he used mind control! q.q especially the pheromone scene was great! I was almost screaming stuff like "restrain her you idiot, she's pacified! you're just setting her escape up" and of course "don't wait that long to control her!". I mean at least have her be actually close to being mind controlled before rescued, or even be under control for a short amount of time...
But nonetheless the movie was mind control themed and that's what counts... well, not if you're in a cinema and afraid anybody notices that you're being a little too excited x:[/spoiler]
07/10/21 12:33PM
I've been able to keep my fetish a secret for 15 years now, only ever opting to tell one ex during undergrad and she had a negative reaction to me telling her but neither of us ever mentioned it again. I've been really tempted to tell my wife, been married two years, but I haven't yet. Outside of that it hasn't affected my daily life. I'll catch myself wanting to write hypnosis in a search bar but that rarely happens.
07/11/21 06:20AM
Only one person ever found out and it was my Ex. Whom when she did she kept calling me " Master " which I hate Mind Control media that still uses " Master ". It's over-used. Something like Darling or Dear would've been cute. It got super annoying but eventually she cheated on me. Since then no one has known about my Hypno-Fetish at all. I keep it a really good secret to be honest!
07/11/21 08:00AM
Cromsis said:
Only one person ever found out and it was my Ex. Whom when she did she kept calling me " Master " which I hate Mind Control media that still uses " Master ". It's over-used. Something like Darling or Dear would've been cute. It got super annoying but eventually she cheated on me. Since then no one has known about my Hypno-Fetish at all. I keep it a really good secret to be honest!

I had an ex who I told about my interest, as well as some very close friends that I know enough about in return to where it isn’t a serious concern, but I have the exact opposite problem where I enjoy the term you referenced, and my ex used it to tease me all the time when they learned.
07/12/21 08:26AM
In High School my senior year we had a hypnosis show, and I off hand mentioned how weird it was to a friend that something I fetishized was happening right in our own school…a strange look later and it was never spoken about again..,

Wel that an a few friends were over and noticed a link on my desktop to the Hub. ‘Cides some ribbing it hasn’t been mentioned since.
07/12/21 05:33PM
Friends know and don't care about my hypno and inflation fetishes. My mum kinda found out about my crossdressing fetish when she found a couple of dresses hidden under my bed when I was a teenager though i played it off by saying I was trying to discover my gender identity. My mum is pretty progressive considering her age so she was more than fine with it. Even offered to take me dress shopping and try out some make-up but I declined due to it being way too awkward. I told a close friend about my interest in ABDL and he took it just fine as he also consoled in me about his incest fetish so we both understood the uncomfortable nature of taboo fetishes. That's kinda it so far.
07/12/21 08:11PM
my friends know, they couldnt really care much aside from jabbing me about it every now and then, my family doesnt know, though its provided some immensely awkward moments, such as watching incredibles 2 in the theater with them
07/15/21 11:09PM
Once my mum found the crappy lewd drawings I did, thankfully it wasn't fetish art and I'm pretty sure she forgot about it. And that's why I thre it all way soon after.
Honestly this has never really affected me in real life except for this one really specific time when I was at a haunted house attraction with my parents and sister the theme was that it was supposed to be a creepy asylum that did experiments on people and they were treating you like a patient. At the start you were supposed to go through a room that "conditioned" you to be a patient, but all that happened was they projected stereotypical spiral in a darkened room. It was all played up to be scary of course so really I just didn't play along and looked away feeling slightly awkward. Luckily it didn't last long either.

geekgirl8 said:
Oh no, having to read a section in a book where someone is mind-controlled aloud to people was so embarrassing, I know the feeling. I had to read some kind of wacky alien invasion book in elementary school (I think it was called Zombie Surf Commandos from Mars or something) where the aliens ate people's brains and made them into monotone zombies and that was hellish to hear/read aloud with my schoolmates present.

Then, why did you write a story about that if you knew it'd be awkward?
07/15/21 11:17PM
Just an minor example, but, it made it REALLY awkward to watch Incredibles 2.

Now I have to look up minor spoilers if a movie has MC elements, in order to mentally prepare myself for it.
07/16/21 12:25AM
Over this pandemic I began writing hypno fanfics over on chyoa, Naruto Love Potion and a Fairy Tail Hypno collective and have spent a lot on them even though I don't have that many chapters posted (kinda proud of them maybe check em out or ask for link?). Anyway I've shared with friends and family that I'm writing for fun and they want to know what I'm writing about. So I sorta bs them about it. Though I am working on non-hypno stories, so its not entirely a lie, just I am focusing more on the hypnos atm.
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