06/19/22 10:59PM
So one of the funnier interactions I had today was being at a planetarium and there were a lot of really swirly or spinny images, like "spiral galaxies colliding". It was... Distracting x:
07/11/22 06:48AM
I've been getting dumber for sure. Sometimes I have trouble thinking of words I want to say, and I am always secretly happy when I can't think. I just love being a dum himbo dildo for girls to use as their personal fuckstud.
07/11/22 04:26PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
So one of the funnier interactions I had today was being at a planetarium and there were a lot of really swirly or spinny images, like "spiral galaxies colliding". It was... Distracting x:

oh gosh that sounds pretty hot actually @@
07/11/22 11:33PM
I usually don't reveal my fetish to anyone in real life, but more than one girlfriend I've had has talked about having had some past experience being hypnotized, or of wanting to try it out. I get the sense that I attract a certain type, even if I don't go out of my way to advertise my tastes.
07/20/22 01:30AM
I mostly hide it. There’s not really anyone in my life I talk to it about… But it leaks through in little ways. I’m fond of himbofication, as a submissive dude, and it’s partially a motivator for me for being fit and healthy and positive. I care for my health regardless, buuuut my kinks end up being great fuel to stay on track. Like, I tend to work out in private, because I prefer to do so in skimpy underwear so I can flex and pose around. I can still exercise clothed and around others but it just feels so nice to do it where I can fantasize. And furthermore is that it affects how I act around my girlfriend. I’m still my genuine self, but I’ll subconsciously do things, like say “like” more, or get confused, or even outright spacing out and drooling, unintentionally. But she loves it. Though oblivious it’s my little kink acting up she still finds me charming, which is a godsend. She even presses more buttons for me herself with how milf-y she is. But I do bear a genuine and significant love for her that goes beyond even all that. So, technically all in all it’s been a net positive. Save for the same squirming at the mentions of hypno and other related material much like many others on this thread, but that’s never really come to bite me thankfully.
07/28/22 04:57PM
i think i can put literally every other post in this thread to shame by detailing my catastrophic luck with experiencing hypnosis-related media around other people. my pet story on that front is the time when, in the first grade, i had to read a chapter from a Wayside School book where a quasi-evil hypnotherapist hypnotizes a woman to quit smoking, out LOUD, to my teacher as part of a daily reading comp exercise. the chapter includes a pendulum induction with a verbal component, the woman being given suggestions, and the suggestion being tested upon awakening. i was so acutely uncomfortable that when i reached the “3…2…1…SLEEP!”, i verbally sped through it, trying to pass it off as a joke with an incredibly cringy forced laugh.

i’ll provide other stories on request, i’m pretty tired right now lemao. ask about the time my mom made me see a hypnotherapist before double digits
07/28/22 05:49PM
TheSpoon said:
i think i can put literally every other post in this thread to shame by detailing my catastrophic luck with experiencing hypnosis-related media around other people. my pet story on that front is the time when, in the first grade, i had to read a chapter from a Wayside School book where a quasi-evil hypnotherapist hypnotizes a woman to quit smoking, out LOUD, to my teacher as part of a daily reading comp exercise. the chapter includes a pendulum induction with a verbal component, the woman being given suggestions, and the suggestion being tested upon awakening. i was so acutely uncomfortable that when i reached the “3…2…1…SLEEP!”, i verbally sped through it, trying to pass it off as a joke with an incredibly cringy forced laugh.

i’ll provide other stories on request, i’m pretty tired right now lemao. ask about the time my mom made me see a hypnotherapist before double digits

Jeeesus, I feel that. Do provide more if you wish.
08/14/22 06:28PM
Gamingtime said:
I mostly hide it. There’s not really anyone in my life I talk to it about… But it leaks through in little ways. I’m fond of himbofication, as a submissive dude, and it’s partially a motivator for me for being fit and healthy and positive. I care for my health regardless, buuuut my kinks end up being great fuel to stay on track. Like, I tend to work out in private, because I prefer to do so in skimpy underwear so I can flex and pose around. I can still exercise clothed and around others but it just feels so nice to do it where I can fantasize. And furthermore is that it affects how I act around my girlfriend. I’m still my genuine self, but I’ll subconsciously do things, like say “like” more, or get confused, or even outright spacing out and drooling, unintentionally. But she loves it. Though oblivious it’s my little kink acting up she still finds me charming, which is a godsend. She even presses more buttons for me herself with how milf-y she is. But I do bear a genuine and significant love for her that goes beyond even all that. So, technically all in all it’s been a net positive. Save for the same squirming at the mentions of hypno and other related material much like many others on this thread, but that’s never really come to bite me thankfully.

Same here, although in my mind I don't frame it as a himbo thing exclusively. I'm applying the same idea to my career as well, you see. Trying to think of it as office drone brainwashing or something lol. My job's quite nice and anything but soulless though, don't get me wrong. But framing personal progress in the context of my kink has been more motivating than nearly anything else.

It's not like I think about it often, barely ever honestly, but it keeps me on track especially when I start to feel demotivated.
08/14/22 09:30PM
Darkira said:
Gamingtime said:
I mostly hide it. There’s not really anyone in my life I talk to it about… But it leaks through in little ways. I’m fond of himbofication, as a submissive dude, and it’s partially a motivator for me for being fit and healthy and positive. I care for my health regardless, buuuut my kinks end up being great fuel to stay on track. Like, I tend to work out in private, because I prefer to do so in skimpy underwear so I can flex and pose around. I can still exercise clothed and around others but it just feels so nice to do it where I can fantasize. And furthermore is that it affects how I act around my girlfriend. I’m still my genuine self, but I’ll subconsciously do things, like say “like” more, or get confused, or even outright spacing out and drooling, unintentionally. But she loves it. Though oblivious it’s my little kink acting up she still finds me charming, which is a godsend. She even presses more buttons for me herself with how milf-y she is. But I do bear a genuine and significant love for her that goes beyond even all that. So, technically all in all it’s been a net positive. Save for the same squirming at the mentions of hypno and other related material much like many others on this thread, but that’s never really come to bite me thankfully.

Same here, although in my mind I don't frame it as a himbo thing exclusively. I'm applying the same idea to my career as well, you see. Trying to think of it as office drone brainwashing or something lol. My job's quite nice and anything but soulless though, don't get me wrong. But framing personal progress in the context of my kink has been more motivating than nearly anything else.

It's not like I think about it often, barely ever honestly, but it keeps me on track especially when I start to feel demotivated.

Nice!! Yeah, it’s definitely fun to think about sometimes.
08/15/22 01:39PM
Some of my friends knows about my Hypno-stuff.

My Stepmom don't know about this, she lives in some part of México so...she never know.

when i was in a school girls reunion, we talked about us.

We started talking about fetish.

When i talked about Hypnosis, her first reactions was freak out but later started laughing.

They asked me "Why you like that? What's making that hot?"

I just tell her "having a girl with this expressions and talking to you so submissive is kinda hot to me"

About my husband and wife, both knows my stuff.

When we have the house, we make like some roleplay that he "hypnotized her roomates" or other stories.
08/22/22 05:57PM
It does not affect my regular life at all.

My hypnotist side doesn't clash with my regular life at all, so seeing so many people who do have this... Quirk, makes me feel like I'm the odd one out.

I mean, I like to think it's not that rare that one can compartmentalize his or her fetishes to the point that they only come out to play when it's time for that... Right?

Nobody really knows I like this and that I find it erotic and I see no reason to share it.
08/23/22 06:08PM
Can only think of two scenarios where my kink kinda affected by day-to-day life.

1) Every year, my university would host a hypnosis show and every year my friends would try to have me tag along. I'd politely decline or give excuses, of course, so I wouldn't have to deal with possibly popping a boner during the show or something. One year, apparently one of my guy friends got hypnotized to orgasm (or get aroused, I forget) when they got a handshake. Only reaffirmed my resolve to not go in case some hot chick gets induced on stage.

2) This happened just a couple days ago actually; I was driving my buddies around and this ad came on the radio. I believe it was Blink Fitness advertising hypno sessions to enjoy working out. Soon after and for the next couple minutes, all my friends start joking around about mind control and getting hypnotized to do various things. My friend in the passenger seat jokingly asked me, "Would you still be friends with me if I was hypnotized to be super into working out and drank protein shakes all the time?". I quickly laughed off her question with, "Maybe if you wore yoga pants all the time, I'd consider it". The conversation shifted to something else but for a good while after that, I could barely focus on the road... >->

EDIT: Not the exact ad but turns out it was Blink Fitness -> twitter.com/blinkfitness/status/1560665423095287808
11/05/22 01:53AM
Defcon7 said:
Much like Skullman, I absolutely refuse to allow my fetish to come to light. If it did, my life as i know it would be over.

Maybe this is just my aspie brain making things worse than they actually seem, but a small part of me doubts it. I constantly have invasive thoughts about my parents and siblings finding out about this, because one of my parents is abusive and their both Christian, so the odds are good that they'd think something was wrong with me. In the doomsday scenario that my brain seems to love tormenting me with, my parents find out and i am thrown into some kind of rehab facility or asylum in order to "fix me" and stop me from being...well...me. Just their good little autistic boy bumbling his way through the world. That or I would be out of the house and cut off from any and all familial ties. (Not that that would hurt me much...I'm bad at keeping relationships going even within my own family...)

I think the reality would be less severe, but still worse. If I know my family, and i'm fairly certain I do, it would come from my parents, and not my siblings, and as a result the rest of my family. My father would disown me, or try to beat it out of me. That parts plain and simple. In his mind, violence is the best solution when it comes to a disobedient child that is male (Even though im NOT). My mother would probably not disown me, but wouldn't talk to me. She'd probably """"SUBTLY"""" suggest getting help or going into some kind of rehab, seeing a psychologist or some kind of mental health expert or whatever.

Again, probably me making a mountain out of a molehill, but after years and years of things that i do being criticized, mock, insulted and not being taken seriously, It's a little hard to have faith in my family being accepting.

You are not in the wrong for thinking that given your circumstances, you aren't overblowing anything and I hope you know that.
11/16/22 08:04AM
I never tell anyone and I can easily supress any mild feelings I get from media. Then again I struggle to even discuss my taste in girls so IRL... I do wish I had friends I could talk about it to with mutual enthusiasm.
Sargin2 said:
My stepdad sometimes jokingly calls me 'Spiral Boy' because I wrote a novella called "Lady of Spirals."

I'm surprised you don't punch him for that. What a wanker.
11/16/22 05:21PM
I don't let it affect my life at all. Nobody irl knows I have this kink, and I don't intend to tell anyone

Not like I have many irl friends or anything to tell anyway.
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