11/18/22 11:33AM
God, I could rant about this for days on end. But the most common occurrence of my fetishes would be media that includes like, any hypnotic elements in the story. I would just be a fumbling mess by the end of it.
Examples: The Jungle Book, Incredibles 2, Aladdin, Miraculous ( That one bitchass episode drew me into femdom ) and Danganronpa I guess?..I mean, there are brainwashing plots in the story..
11/18/22 04:51PM
Bluefish said:
Miraculous ( That one bitchass episode drew me into femdom )

There's been a few of those lol
11/18/22 05:48PM
I'm very "disillusioned' by it. If used for NSFW content I'm totally okay with it, it's pretty hot. But used in fictional media in terms of storytelling or real life in terms of entertainment it's pretty off putting for me tbh.

It's because it' really sad and scary to see someone not having control over their own mind and body. I know hypnotizim and brainwashing are two different things in real life. You can't really force anyone to change but it’s just the thought of abandoning who you are to be a completely different person weather it’s a good thing for a bad thing is pretty terrifying to me.

But if it’s just a snake hypnotizing a hot women and coiling her up i’m fine with that lol.
11/18/22 10:37PM
DrWaffles said:
I'm very "disillusioned' by it. If used for NSFW content I'm totally okay with it, it's pretty hot. But used in fictional media in terms of storytelling or real life in terms of entertainment it's pretty off putting for me tbh.

It's because it' really sad and scary to see someone not having control over their own mind and body. I know hypnotizim and brainwashing are two different things in real life. You can't really force anyone to change but it’s just the thought of abandoning who you are to be a completely different person weather it’s a good thing for a bad thing is pretty terrifying to me.

But if it’s just a snake hypnotizing a hot women and coiling her up i’m fine with that lol.

Personally, and I mean no offense, I find that distinction kind of odd. To me, it's actually more "disillusioning" when the MC happens in an NSFW context. It's just not the kind of fantasy I prefer to indulge in. Things like nudity and sex don't appeal to me in the first place but when MC is involved in them, it's just a recipe for disaster.

I like it when the subject matter is implemented in a way that's not too dark and is legitimately creative. I can't for sure if wholesome is always the best because sometimes I think people go overboard and it comes off a little too schmaltzy.
I don't really see hypnosis, at least in certain portrayals, as a concept of sacrifice. People don't have to abandon themselves. I know I can't say it's not always like that but it's I feel there's more nuance to the experience.

Personally, when it comes to snake hypnosis, I can only be okay with it when I know there's no danger to the person being coiled, XD.
12/15/22 12:34AM
Ever since I've realised I had a hypnosis kink, I never let discover that nor did I tell anyone. I mean for me a kink is something intimate that you don't just tell people, even your best friends.

My boyfriend is the only one who knows and guess what? He shares the same kink. It feels so great because I'm able to do roleplay that I'd never do on my own or with anyone else.

We do it only in privacy at home and when we do the roleplay one of us pretends to be hypnotised and second takes the advantage. For people who are as lucky as us and wanna try out some of our roleplay scenarios:

1. He puts the VR helmet on my head with a Black&white spiral already being played on the screen. After a few minutes of brainwash I'm ready to obey his commands and tells me what to do.

2. He tells me to grab the green spiral shaped pendant from between my breasts (I wear it at home only), I pretend like I've never seen it before and after looking at it for a few seconda I'm already entranced but not hypnotised yet. It's when he takes the pendant off my neck and starts swinging it right in front of my eyes. I get hypnotised after a while and ready to obey his commands.

3. I flash my tits and hug him really hard so that he can feel them. Then I put his hands on them and start saying stuff such as "feel my Perfect round tits", "you have to obey my tits", "let my boobs take Control of your mind". 5 minutes of that and he's my obedient tit slave.

4. I'm in my bra with spiral images on the cups, I tell him to come closer and when he does he's already trapped. I take my bra off, I throw him on the couch and lean over his face, then proces to swing my boobs back and forth, he tries to resist but after a few minutes he's already hypnotized by them.

Other than that when I happen to watch a mind Control scene with anyone else than my boyfriend, I just pretend that I don't care. Somtimes when there's a sexy scene of hypnosis I might get a little bit wet but other than that I can Control it.
12/15/22 01:32AM
Lucky you!
12/18/22 05:54PM
Luckally my life irl is not really affected by my fetish,and i would die on the spot if it did.
Although this didn't mean i did not have "incidents"
In the summer of 2017 when i was just starting to get into porn in general i was fapping to venom TF porn, and out of nowhere my mother walks in on me,and she is on her angry state.
I tell her to please get out and she just ask what am i doing and can she see the computer screen, obviously i tried to talk her out of it but it was too late, she just walked up to the screen, opened the tab and saw the image.
She just said this is weird and please do not fap to something like this again.
Ofc i would ignore this and now im here lol.
Also the couple of times where accidentaly google failed me and showed to my friends the hypnohub website name on screen,both on online calls and once irl.
I was laughed at a lot due the fact that "haha you have porn in your browser history" but to my HUGE luck none of them was interested further to actually go into the damm thing.
So yea tl:dr
My fetish fucked my teen self over in a couple of times but outside of that nobody knows or cares about this.
12/18/22 07:56PM
ARS99 said:
Luckally my life irl is not really affected by my fetish,and i would die on the spot if it did.
Although this didn't mean i did not have "incidents"
In the summer of 2017 when i was just starting to get into porn in general i was fapping to venom TF porn, and out of nowhere my mother walks in on me,and she is on her angry state.
I tell her to please get out and she just ask what am i doing and can she see the computer screen, obviously i tried to talk her out of it but it was too late, she just walked up to the screen, opened the tab and saw the image.
She just said this is weird and please do not fap to something like this again.
Ofc i would ignore this and now im here lol.
Also the couple of times where accidentaly google failed me and showed to my friends the hypnohub website name on screen,both on online calls and once irl.
I was laughed at a lot due the fact that "haha you have porn in your browser history" but to my HUGE luck none of them was interested further to actually go into the damm thing.
So yea tl:dr
My fetish fucked my teen self over in a couple of times but outside of that nobody knows or cares about this.

I hate when parents do that but on the other hand they might've thought you were watching some child pornography or necromantic type of shit.

There are many types of people. Some will laugh at your kink, some will understand or share it. The trick is to either don't care or Ignore them.

I mean even if one of people I know exposed my kink it'd be fine as long as they'd not try to act as if there were a psychologist explaining that deep inside be I wanna submit to people or somethibg like that.
12/21/22 09:07AM
Whenever I'm talking with friends and words like "hypnosis", "hypnotized", "entrance", etc. show up in conversation in a perfectly ordinary context, I always chuckle to myself in my head. I just find it funny how words like that have absolutely no meaning to anyone I talk to and yet they are capable of turning me into a horny mess. Whenever I say the word "hypnotize" or something out loud, I almost feel proud of myself like "yes, I successfully said that without letting on to anybody that I masturbate to that!!"

My kink has never really affected my personal life. Whenever hypno/mind control shows up when I'm watching a movie/TV show with someone, I'm perfectly capable of putting on a straight face and acting like it does nothing to me. I have steered well clear of stage hypnosis though. In high school, there were a few times where they had a hypnotist come put on a show and I never went, even when my friends were going. It's one thing when there's like one hypno scene in a movie but I knew that straight up watching people (including maybe some high school crushes) get hypnotized for like an hour straight would make it impossible to maintain my composure and I'd look like such a creep if someone noticed the way I was staring.
12/27/22 12:44AM
LillyTank said:
zenon_dios said:
It's BDSM, which is a semi-common fetish. Opting in to the roleplay is consensual but they're roleplaying non-consensual scenes. Fiction just goes straight to the fantasy because it's fiction. How I reason getting off to some "hardcore" stuff, yet get absolutely disgusted and horrified when I hear a news story of actual torture rape. Would you know most people actually can differentiate between fiction and reality?

Though I didn't know what a psymicon was until just now. And reading up on it, I'm clearly not one. It's just that knowing the reality of hypnosis/mind control I just don't see how it plays out different from S&M.

Being on this site, I've come to realize that hypnotism can be interpreted in a number ways. BDSM is only one of them. I know that a lot of people here, perhaps even most, prefer to see hypnosis that way but I'm definitely not one of them. I feel that the true reality of hypnosis is that it is the embodiment of the wonder of humanity. The infinite possibilities of the human mind rest in a single trance. As the hypnotist or the subject those possibilities become of you.

I know that I'm the odd one out on this site. I think hypnosis in and of itself is "sexy" even though I don't like sex. When I post on this site, I do it in hopes of finding other people like me perhaps those that can even understand me. I'm rambling now... Thanks for your reply, :)
I actually did want to reply to this, but I check this site every 6 months or so and that's 1.5 years old now. I think I didn't reply because I feel I'm usually good at seeing where people are coming from, and just couldn't with yours (so I'm the normie here [but I saw the Jungle Book and Mad Mod so I had the fetish at one point]). I think the thing where we differ is that I came to the conclusion that MC was impossible. (Except for some body control technologies)

The biggest thing for me was realizing that if MC was real, well the soviet union or the CIA would've found it and utilized it decades ago (and oh boy the CIA tried, even literally mindbroke some people in looking for it [MKULTRA]). And if it isn't real, then it's just a fantasy of "I'm the dom, you're the sub, obey me" and things work out from there (for example, all the smartphone app stories).

The other thing could be that I just grew out of it and found other BDSM-related material, but I still like reading good inductions and still come on to this site from time to time. I still look up MC.

"I feel that the true reality of hypnosis is that it is the embodiment of the wonder of humanity. The infinite possibilities of the human mind rest in a single trance. As the hypnotist or the subject those possibilities become of you. "
For some reason I feel like you'd be interested in economics.
12/28/22 06:38PM
LillyTank said:
I feel that the true reality of hypnosis is that it is the embodiment of the wonder of humanity. The infinite possibilities of the human mind rest in a single trance. As the hypnotist or the subject those possibilities become of you.

My brain looks at this and recalls the scene in Star Wars where Obi-Wan says "Let go of your conscious self" and I just think that's neat. (Yes, I'm comparing hypnosis to The Force. Fight me.)

I guess it is true in a way. Hypnosis is a way to bypass most of the ways nature, nurture, and your own internal heuristics shape you into the functional being you currently are. Obviously the reactions to hypnosis are limited by personal experience so there is a theoretical upper bound, but there's still so much you can do in the workable space provided by hypnosis.
12/29/22 04:14AM
Lamia42 said:
Whenever I'm talking with friends and words like "hypnosis", "hypnotized", "entrance", etc. show up in conversation in a perfectly ordinary context, I always chuckle to myself in my head. I just find it funny how words like that have absolutely no meaning to anyone I talk to and yet they are capable of turning me into a horny mess. Whenever I say the word "hypnotize" or something out loud, I almost feel proud of myself like "yes, I successfully said that without letting on to anybody that I masturbate to that!!"

My kink has never really affected my personal life. Whenever hypno/mind control shows up when I'm watching a movie/TV show with someone, I'm perfectly capable of putting on a straight face and acting like it does nothing to me. I have steered well clear of stage hypnosis though. In high school, there were a few times where they had a hypnotist come put on a show and I never went, even when my friends were going. It's one thing when there's like one hypno scene in a movie but I knew that straight up watching people (including maybe some high school crushes) get hypnotized for like an hour straight would make it impossible to maintain my composure and I'd look like such a creep if someone noticed the way I was staring.

I can definitely relate to this. I remember missing a hypnotist show at uni when the girl I had a crush on was volunteering to be hypnotized.

I also find nitpicking movies with hypnosis in them helps to distract me.
01/08/23 12:33AM
don't kinkshame me, but the robot from m3gan did make kinda hard, it's just a shame she was build like a kid, maybe it's just cause i always wanted to bang a robot
01/15/23 03:00AM
I keep mine mostly under wraps, have told friends about it a little but that's about it. That being said, whenever something kinda mind controlly shows up in sfw media I'm always like... Am I projecting or was someone who wrote this totally finding this hot? Biggest example is Callie in Splatoon 2, between the skimpy outfit, lower torso tattoo and enemy conversion with the hypnoshades? At least one person on that team was giving us content on purpose.
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