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Love hypnosis to get the person you like?
Was it Fujiwara-san?
lifmcs2020-05-24 18:13:57Revert
Love hypnosis to get the person you like?
Was it Fujiwara-san?
lifmcs2020-05-24 18:14:15Revert
029599Good grief···
It’s really cute to believe this kind of child's trick could work.
lifmcs2020-05-24 18:15:23Revert
029600...You know, Ishigami-kun, you don't have to do dumb stuff just because Fujiwara-san suggests it.lifmcs2020-05-24 18:16:42Revert
029601...I guess it can't be helped.
Show me how it's done and I'll try it later with the [student council] president instead of dating...
lifmcs2020-05-24 18:18:32Revert
029602*panting*lifmcs2020-05-24 18:19:00Revert
029603*shuddering*lifmcs2020-05-24 18:19:26Revert
029604*shaking*lifmcs2020-05-24 18:19:43Revert
029605*phew...*lifmcs2020-05-24 18:20:08Revert