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040147After School, I called out the Secretary of the Student Council, and I confessed my feelings for her, but I was turned down...BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:48:59Revert
040148I... I'm sorry! Umm... I don't know you that well... and going out with you might be a little...BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:49:42Revert
040149Inevitably, I had to hypnotize her!BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:50:10Revert
040150With a little hypnosis, she turns into an ecchi girl in no time! I did it ☆BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:51:21Revert
040151With a little hypnosis, she turns into an H girl in no time! I did it ☆BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:52:11Revert
040152With a little hypnosis, she turns into an H girl in no time! I did it! ☆BanannaBread2021-06-23 07:52:18Revert