PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
Love Hypnosis?
What's that...
It sounds vile!
lifmcs2020-05-26 05:09:26Revert
029634If you're not Fujiwara-senpai, you can't do it anyway!
Forbidden! Absolutely forbidden!
lifmcs2020-05-26 05:10:02Revert
029635This smells like crime!lifmcs2020-05-26 05:10:41Revert
029636Don't make such suspicious actions popular in school!lifmcs2020-05-26 05:11:19Revert
029637Who knows what hooligans will take it up nowadays...ーー (*)lifmcs2020-05-26 05:11:56Revert
029638Grr.lifmcs2020-05-26 05:14:34Revert
029639*Argh.*lifmcs2020-05-26 05:14:51Revert
029640*Grr.*lifmcs2020-05-26 05:14:57Revert
029641*pissed off*lifmcs2020-05-26 05:16:34Revert
029642*huff*lifmcs2020-05-26 05:17:42Revert
029643*puff*lifmcs2020-05-26 05:17:57Revert
Love Hypnosis?
What's that...
It creeps me out!
Roller2020-10-07 23:06:40Revert
032240Don't go spreading that strange stuff around the school!Roller2020-10-07 23:07:05Revert
032241Who'd fall for something like this in the first place...Roller2020-10-07 23:12:50Revert