10/02/20 10:56AM
averageguy17 said:
I'I feel like narrowing down "what" they're gimmick is, it'd be easier to place them into the story and write around that. This i feel is a way to keep it more organised, so you're not trying to balance or write why Chelsea is acting one way and then some other way the next scenario without writing a convoluted connection/explaination as to why she's acting so differently between scenarios.

Understandable. You don’t really need to write out full scenarios, I’m more interested in the various actions they can perform under MC. If a particular type of MC isn’t possible, i’ll find a workaround within reason. If a particular action isn’t possible, same case. Particular triggers and different types of MC are possible depending on their permanence and effect.
To make it easier to work with and not against their particular gimmicks, here’s the breakdown:

Natsume is brainwashed by an enchanted ring, which acts like a programmed computer that can possess people who wear it.

Rina is hypnotised by Hypnotia.

Chelsea is also hypnotised by Hypnotia, but her primary method of MC is nanomachines (documented for the original story).

Etta primarily has a penis-shaped parasite that can possess her (OG story document)

Furthermore, all methods of MC are amplified by the town, making it easier to obtain and maintain control over people. Also, the theme is fantasy, but nanomachines exist so...

Various methods of MC can be mixed and matched, again depending on their permanence and effect, which I will judge. Don’t worry about it too much when you provide suggestions; I will see what elements are reasonable.
10/02/20 03:45PM
Xlmpth said:
Swearing usage? Should I spam profanities at every opportunity (or even at approporiate moments), or should I tone it down to PG? It's not really a narrative requirement.

Less swearing fits the tone of the story so far - or at least that's the impression I got via Translation Aggregator when I was first playing MC Trap Town. Hypnotia using profanitype (i.e. "#@$%!") wouldn't be out of place either, if the situation was particular extreme, like if Rina somehow got free of her MC and was trying to escape & find help.

Speaking of fitting the theme...
Xlmpth said:
Etta primarily has a penis-shaped parasite that can possess her (OG story document)

Furthermore, all methods of MC are amplified by the town, making it easier to obtain and maintain control over people. Also, the theme is fantasy, but nanomachines exist so...

Just glancing at it, it seems difficult but doable to make a reasonable in-game explanation for these. Maybe the MC^2 energy has been leaking into the local wildlife, and someone discovered the properties of said parasite?

For the nanomachines...that's tough. Who's introducing the nanomachines to Chelsea? How'd they get them? Is this person snatching Chelsea away from Ms. Hypno, or did Ms. Hypno decide that Chelsea was too unruly and needed extra reinforcement or...? Idk on this one.

Xlmpth said:
So, the point of this post is to ask for any suggestions for scenarios in the story. They can be character specific (must involve any of the main characters (Natsume, Rina, Cheslea, Etta)), and/or have a particular theme. You can specify events and different kinds of MC methods.


You don’t really need to write out full scenarios, I’m more interested in the various actions they can perform under MC.


Various methods of MC can be mixed and matched, again depending on their permanence and effect, which I will judge. Don’t worry about it too much when you provide suggestions; I will see what elements are reasonable.

For scenarios, long inductions, like Rina's, are really good. So are hypnotized hypnotists working on behalf of the true master/mistress (IIRC, all Rina did was lure Chelsea to the show, so she doesn't really count as a hypnotized hypnotist). Ms. Hypno did mention others were in town, so stealth MC, stealing slaves, & this-person-was-my-puppet all-along also work.

Now that I think about it, some other ideas are:
* having Rina (or someone else) develop an interest in hypnosis, and just so want to happen to want to practice on the other girls
* unaware maid (it's just a part-time job!)
* bringing Ms. Hypno to meet the others back at the hotel after the show

For methods, I'm a fan of standard hypnosis, brain chips or back-of-the-neck chips, spiral/patterned screens + mantras, & brainwashing helmets. Less a fan of drugs & tattoos/seals. Magic rituals are okay. Gives the MC'd person a bit of a chance, you know. But the important bit is the blanked out look on their face & the lack of thoughts once control is complete.

Of course, these are all just suggestions on my part. I'm glad you decided to revive MC Trap Town, so I want to help however I can.
10/02/20 07:12PM
Nano mahine: there's a factory up north of the town, we could make some alien occupied the factory's owner who's a female dwalf or something (possession style) and make her create the nano machines

As for Chelsea I still believe she was meant for the magical school in the west where she visited in day 1 then got entranced by the head master, cult style.

Etta is possessed by the dick monster in the church in the middle of the town, slowly becomes a kind of avatar for that devil

There's also the forest in the east of the town, we could make the factory pollutes the stream in the north east and makes the forest creatures aggressive and become infected with the though of control => creates all kinds of Dom monsters like nymphs or amazons. The will be elves slaves in the forest too, may be we could let the girls be hypnotized hypnotists and roam the forests for new slaves.
10/04/20 12:11AM
Xlmpth said:

Etta primarily has a penis-shaped parasite that can possess her (OG story document)


Do you have any more context to that? Because it could be either taken as either futanari content (the parasite attaches itself on Etta and controls her) or she is getting controlled through intercourse. It would be nice to know.
10/04/20 03:25AM
Lucky13Anon said:
Do you have any more context to that? Because it could be either taken as either futanari content (the parasite attaches itself on Etta and controls her) or she is getting controlled through intercourse. It would be nice to know.

Why not both?
But the former is more accurate, so futa-Etta.
10/05/20 04:23PM
Some posters have been uploaded. I wouldn't exactly hang them up on my wall, but hey...
10/05/20 10:21PM
Xlmpth said:
Some posters have been uploaded. I wouldn't exactly hang them up on my wall, but hey...

What, you're not proud of what you're doing? Hang 'em and hang 'em with pride!
10/13/20 05:03PM
About a month since the start of writing. 62 pages, 24,919 words in.

I rewrote the plot once, because I didn't feel like I was making the main characters "main" enough. I want the story to be about them, even though it encompasses the whole town of Shamballa and its conspiracy. Their particular situation made it difficult for me to figure out how to accomplish this, but I think I have a satisfying answer for it.

Of the scenario summaries to be implemented, I've reached the 6th in-game day out of the 14. At least 20 new characters are going to be made, so any body build suggestions to increase variety between characters would be appreciated.

Once the full story summary is done, I will be able to begin creating scenarios and posting them individually as they are finished. Should they be in a similar format to the other KWMC posts (in a strip or grid of screenshots)?

University exams are approaching, so I might slow down until around early december. Maybe I'll be ready in time for a Christmas debut?
10/13/20 11:47PM
Xlmpth said:
University exams are approaching, so I might slow down until around early december. Maybe I'll be ready in time for a Christmas debut?

Take your time. Your exams only exist for this semester, but there's no rush to finish MC Trap Town.

Wise words I once saw carved into a study carousel:

Pain is temporary, GPA is forever.

Granted, that was in the engineering hall, but still.
10/30/20 02:21PM
Okay I’m back. I think my exams end mid November, so I should be able to slowly get back into this project.

Since last time, I have managed to write up the story summary for almost all scenarios for the 14 days. I still have to do the final scenario containing the good and bad endings, and expand maybe 3 others. From there, I start writing actual dialogue and story boarding actual scenes.

Fingers crossed I actually come up with some sort of satisfying ending!

Of course, there’s some technical stuff to prepare. Because i’m using COM3D2 instead of CM3D2, some maps (such as the stage show platform) aren’t in the newer game. I know there’s a mod that allows you to use the maps as long as you have the files (which I have), but I’m not sure how it works, or where the files go. If I can’t figure that out, I may have to find a replacement map for any used in the story.

The first scenario I release is likely going to miss No Nut November, so at least there’s that.
11/19/20 12:18AM
Releasing a test scenario soon, to explore image fidelity and text legibility.


Link for the test is post #106732
11/29/20 08:12AM
First scenario is coming soon. And probablty the prologue before that.
11/29/20 04:00PM
Prologue is out. I'm making title cards for each scenario so its easier to spot in the hub's posts, rather than a thin line of a comic strip.
11/29/20 05:11PM
Xlmpth said:
Prologue is out. I'm making title cards for each scenario so its easier to spot in the hub's posts, rather than a thin line of a comic strip.

12/01/20 01:21AM
Chelsea (Day 1) Route is out now. 1 particular scene from it was part of the unreleased dialogue from the original story. Can you spot which?

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