04/12/14 11:25AM
So you want to complain about empty_eyes pics!
tl;dr paste that quoted shit in your account>settings>blacklist to get rid of empty_eye-only pics

You are not the first! They're here to stay, and it's one of the reasons why we have a blacklist. "But Takyon, baby," you say, "I like SOME empty eye pics! It's just the ones where they're the only thing implying there's any mind control at all! If I blacklist them, I'll miss the good ones, and my experience will be ruined. I may have to sue." Slow down there pal; ol' Takyon here did the heavy lifting for you already.


empty_eyes -text -pendulum -drool -hypnotic_music -hypnotic_gas -tech_control -parasite -hypnotic_elixer -jellyfish -pocket_watch -stage_hypnosis -talisman -symbol_in_eyes -glowing_eyes -magic -zombie_walk -flame -pen_light -hypnotic_eyes -brain_injection -sleepymaid

"Now Takyon," you say, "how do I know I can trust you? What if you stop me from seeing something I like? M-my experience will be-" Tough titties senpai, but I just stopped 10 more you didn't want to see from filling up your search results. I tried to be very lenient with what all gets through this, though. Best I can do is tell you to play around with it; this is meant to be very general (it's not even exactly what I use.) Add more exceptions (like hypnotic_accessory) with -thing_you_like to the end of the list. If you don't like something (like tech_control,) just take it (and the dash before it) out of the line.

Also, if there's other stuff you don't want to see, add it on a new line without the dash. Pretty straightforward stuff, my friends. If you catch anything I'm not making an exception for and should be, let me know. I'm sure there's some smaller stuff I missed. I notice that this only blocks out a few images on the first few pages and like 50% of the oldest posts, so that's probably a good place to look for potential improvements.

DISCLAIMER - I'm not a mod or anything, but the mods all apparently like this stuff and they're not figuring it out and making anything ~official~ on it. So my casual shitter input is all I have to give to end Mindwipe's madgasms and commenter despair. And I like writing walls of text anyways.

DOUBLE DISCLAIMER - Sleepymaid's collection as a whole gets a specific break for sheer consistency. We all know the context of his pics and he generally uses empty eyes. I at least associate his style with mind control to the point where it's enough for me. If the same is not the case for you feel free to take his exception out.
04/12/14 08:18PM
I feel like this should be stickied.
04/12/14 09:14PM
greasyi said:
I feel like this should be stickied.

Haha, won't happen, probably. Just bump it with tags you think should be added and I'll see what all they unblock. There are a few "contexty" tags I avoided already because they're generally about as MC-bestowing as empty_eyes here. Hypnotic_accessory and drug, for the record. I'm going for hit rate here and those let through more of the ones I think people want blocked than not. Since the one mod I talked to about this was bitching for like an hour about those not being in there I doubt they'll sticky this. But if anyone wants to discuss whether those make an image MC and should be on the OP exceptions, go for it. Bumping is the Glorious People's Sticky anyways.
04/12/14 10:07PM
TakyonH said:
Haha, won't happen, probably.
one mod I talked to about this was bitching for like an hour

You just explained why it might happen :p
04/12/14 10:51PM
i think empty eyes are fine /shrug/shrug/shrug

like, they can be pretty cool. nothing like a random anime pic where the eyes are badly whited out or 'emptied out' in paint and for some reason you just get completely turned on lol. idk maybe that hasn't happened to anyone else >_>
04/13/14 03:14AM
Alternate thread title: "So you think Mugi's manips aren't good enough"
04/13/14 03:31AM
RebKMG said:
Alternate thread title: "So you think Mugi's manips aren't good enough"

I love empty eyes honestly and don't understand why no one just avoided what they don't like as its not that hard.
04/13/14 03:54AM
RebKMG said:
Alternate thread title: "So you think Mugi's manips aren't good enough"

Nonsense! You have heart eye manips, too. :P

This thread is amusing. I'm considering writing up a sticky thread that points to a bunch of important threads sometime soon (maybe early summer, as I'm going to be busy with finals this month), so I'll definitely throw a link to this. I'd rather have a tidy sticky selection, though, as I don't want it taking up 50% of every forum thread list page. XD
04/13/14 04:50AM
I can't get into empty eye manips myself unless the face or posture of the subject hints at being hypnotized as well. Slouched back, dazed faces, that whole thing. Even just slapping spiral eyes or kaa eyes on is really meh for me. Glowing eyes I'm a little more forgiving.

If it doesn't feature any slouching, drool, half closed eyes, etc, then I just dont even think of the image as a manip and base it on the unmanipped part. Like <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10..._eyes-expressionless-fems|this>> I dont even think of as hypno but hey look cleavage, cool, I like that, I can fap to this.

Vanndril said:
This thread is amusing. I'm considering writing up a sticky thread that points to a bunch of important threads sometime soon (maybe early summer, as I'm going to be busy with finals this month), so I'll definitely throw a link to this. I'd rather have a tidy sticky selection, though, as I don't want it taking up 50% of every forum thread list page. XD

04/13/14 05:03AM
Honestly empty eyes are my favorite kind of eyes. Many other types really just throw me off because they don't look right to me. Spiral eyes, especially animated spirals, and whitewash eyes are the biggest offenders, with most animated eyes having the same effect. Heart eyes and empty eyes generally don't, especially if the hearts aren't super easy to see. I really like blank stares.

I do have a tendency to imagine MC scenarios for pretty much any image I like, such as CGs from visual novels which have nothing to do with MC at all, so having little to no indication of MC is no problem for me whatsoever. In my mind, everything is MC, and, in fact, heavy indication of MC can really irk me because my imagination has less room to come up with things.

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