04/17/14 08:39AM
Artist Hypnofood Added To The DNP List
I am sad to announce that one of my (and Mindwipe's) favorite hypno artists, Hypnofood, has recently been removing any hint of their art from the internet all around. They have requested that we take down their art and add them to our Do Not Post list, so that it what we did, however begrudgingly.

Note that <<|The Rules>> have been updated, their name added under the Blacklisted Artists section, to reflect this change.

As an aside: we also lost three epic image of our mascot due to this. :/

Anyway, things be as they are. Just letting everyone know.
04/17/14 03:14PM
Excuse me, I need to go fucking cry now

04/17/14 03:22PM
I just hope this is because he got a job as an artist or something cool like that because the alternatives are all sad. Hopefully I'll see him again in sekrit klub someday.
04/17/14 05:46PM
A bloody shame.
04/17/14 05:47PM
Sigh, no warning in advance so we could have saved his pics?
Too bad... I don't have any backup copies... does anyone have a link to a gallery with hypnofood's stuff?
04/18/14 12:11AM
Dantus said:
Sigh, no warning in advance so we could have saved his pics?
Too bad... I don't have any backup copies... does anyone have a link to a gallery with hypnofood's stuff?

Sorry, I considered doing that, but it would leave a bad taste in my mouth to give people time to save an artist's work that the artist no longer wants people to see. It just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

I even resisted downloading anything, myself, aside from what I already had. :(

It's worth noting that a user on deviantart posted a comment on Hypnofood's profile (which exists but is empty of all art and the like) about how they were trying to build an archive. It might be worth looking into, if you really must have them.

TakyonH said:
I just hope this is because he got a job as an artist or something cool like that because the alternatives are all sad. Hopefully I'll see him again in sekrit klub someday.

When he (they are a he, right?) gave the notice to us about taking it down and when he posted his most recent posts on his comments on his profile page, he sounded a bit down about his art quality. He did, however, pretty much explicitly state that he will return. It sounds to me like he's going off the train his art skills in hiding, then return when he's even better than now.

I really hope he does.
Mister Vi
04/20/14 11:42AM
I am experienceing profound sadness T.T
04/20/14 01:33PM
Vanndril said:
Sorry, I considered doing that, but it would leave a bad taste in my mouth to give people time to save an artist's work that the artist no longer wants people to see. It just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

I even resisted downloading anything, myself, aside from what I already had. :(

Who are you and what did you do with our Vanndril?
04/21/14 11:01AM
Anno1404 said:
Who are you and what did you do with our Vanndril?

Now, now. I said I resisted downloading anything I didn't already have, but I also happened to have nearly everything of his that I liked. :P

Besides, I've never given time on an artist's request to remove their art from the gallery. I've always advocated that we must do our utmost to be on good terms with the gracious people who create the content we enjoy.
04/25/14 07:16AM
From what I noticed in his journal on DA, he took his art down because he was unsatisfied with the quality of his work.
04/25/14 06:49PM
cdyoung said:
From what I noticed in his journal on DA, he took his art down because he was unsatisfied with the quality of his work.

Wat? Makes no sense whatsoever because his stuff was some of the highest quality stuff on here...
04/25/14 11:12PM
Dantus said:
Wat? Makes no sense whatsoever because his stuff was some of the highest quality stuff on here...

Makes perfect sense, any artist who value their skill will always dislike their own work and only see the flaws. 99% of the artist I know are also like that, depending on what kind of person you are it can help you get better faster or demotivate you, so it is a slippery slope. Like for example I hate anything I drew thats older than 48 hours because I usually notice ALL the flaws at that point, but I use that information to avoid it for next time. Honestly I kind of want to take down 80% of the skypenotized pool.

If an artist thinks he's great he'll have less motivation to get better or experiment, which usually leads to being stuck in art limbo. Plus it makes them seem like a jackass, you don't want to hang around someone who thinks their skill is a gift from god, its not a fun time.
04/26/14 12:04AM
All these are great thoughts but he did post that he was taking commissions the other day so I'm thinking that probably has something to do with it? Don't know if he was before this or not.
04/26/14 07:45AM
TakyonH said:
All these are great thoughts but he did post that he was taking commissions the other day so I'm thinking that probably has something to do with it? Don't know if he was before this or not.

What? Really?

I have just spoken to him the other day. He said he was, at the least, taking a break from his art. Did he really change his mind already?
04/26/14 10:12AM
Yep, check his tumblr. Not all that happy with it honestly, but whatever.
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