04/18/14 06:44PM
Recommended artists?
I'm thinking about commissioning some comic-style Scott Pilgrim hypno pics. If the stars align and my finances allow it, who do you think would do a good job with the style?
04/18/14 07:55PM
Scott Pilgrim hypno? Ooh, I'm interested to see where this goes. The comic's style seems right up <<snakeguyjack.deviantart.c...issions-updated-432554867|Jack's>> alley. He'd be my first pick.

<<|Mindwipe>> (the other Mindwipe) might be a good fit, too. He's not taking commissions at the moment, but as soon as he opens them back up, maybe give him a buzz.

<<|DarkChibiShadow>> is always really solid. He's a liiittle on the pricey side, but does amazing work. My avatar is from a comic I commished from him.
04/19/14 12:10AM
Probably a ton of tumblords drawing in that style. Browse the Scott Pilgrim tags until you find someone who also does NSFW (if that's what you're going for.)
04/19/14 05:17AM
Going to assume you mean a comic with Scott Pilgrim characters. In which case I would go with Vorp's recommendations. DarkHatBoy and Sleepymaid are also pretty good and have done comics before. Not sure if either are taking requests though.

If you meant that you want the same art style as the Scott Pilgrim comics then I have no idea how to help so I guess go with Takyon's suggestion and look through tumblr.
04/19/14 07:29PM
finerhats said:
I'm thinking about commissioning some comic-style Scott Pilgrim hypno pics. If the stars align and my finances allow it, who do you think would do a good job with the style?

Oh HI there! Yes! I believe I can do what you are looking for! Shoot me a message on here or on skype! I can definitely help you out here!

My skype is penkenarts

my gmail is [email protected]

My DA is

annd... that's it

I hope I can prove to be of assistance!
04/20/14 04:01AM
PenKen said:
Oh HI there! Yes! I believe I can do what you are looking for! Shoot me a message on here or on skype! I can definitely help you out here!

Oh dang, that's right! I forgot you were a comic artist by profession.
I'll vouch for you. Your art is solid, and your prices are great.

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