Wiki History Listing

2A dom's [[thighs]] are used to hypnotize the subject. For a list of other hypnotic body parts, see [[category:hypnotic]]. [h4] See also:[/h4] * [[hypnotic_legs]] * [[hypnotic_feet]]
Updated by Hypnorgasm Mon, Jul 03 '23, 09:58
Version 2
1A dom's [[thighs]] are used to hypnotize the subject. h4. See also: * [[hypnotic eyes]] * [[hypnotic hands]] * [[hypnotic breasts]] * [[hypnotic ass]] * [[hypnotic penis]] * [[hypnotic pussy]] * [[hypnotic legs]] * [[hypnotic feet]]
Updated by jaaysiin Wed, Jun 23 '21, 07:11
Version 1