2024-09-06 09:10:04
>> #555178
Artist's description from source:

As Fiona's soft lips gently caress her toes, she remains blissfully unaware of the enchanting desire that has overtaken her. When the fairy's spell begins to fade unexpectedly, a flicker of awareness stirs within her.

What will our Fetish Fairy friend do?
2024-09-06 09:04:11
>> #555177
@HypnoHammer In the old PC game Age of Empires, there is a mechanic where your priests could convert enemy units to the players faction. Although this was meant to represent the influence of religion in ancient cultures, that sort of thing is hard to show in a 1997 RTS. So instead, Priests seemingly convert opponents by facing them and saying Wololo until their outfit changes color.
2024-09-03 09:06:10
>> #554923
look up "wololo" and all will be explained. maybe.
2024-09-03 06:46:22
>> #554913
uh... I don't know what's going on
2024-07-09 18:25:52
>> #549410
I mean if it works XD
2024-07-09 10:54:33
>> #549385
Damn... Now I feel old.
2024-09-06 08:57:52
>> #555176
Heh, "spiraled" out of control.
Or, rather, into control.
2024-09-05 10:32:22
>> #555090

If you wait long enough, the entire comic will eventually be released in full for free. Though obviously I spread out the uploads enough to incentivize people to buy it if they feel like supporting my work.
2024-09-05 03:03:39
>> #555068
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gosh that twerking *bites lip and drools and cums* @.@
2024-09-05 02:54:32
>> #555066
That last 2 panels makes it does count as consent, cause she is asking him to put her under again despite knowing what he did to her. Most people would be sueing by now :p
2024-09-05 01:03:59
>> #555062
Does this count as "consent"?
2024-09-06 08:35:55
>> #555173
@Argonis: here you are, four years later :)

"Sleepy and limp on your cushiony bed, Absorbing the spiral into your head. Hardening up as you trance deeply down. Arousal tenting your pretty pink gown.

Softly scritch-scratching, a pen makes a mark. Could it be youre not alone in the dark? When did they get here and what will they say? You blush and hope for commands to obey.

Whispers and snickers from every which way. Then one of them tells you, Its time to play. Like a puppet on strings you rise and sit. Helpless to do anything but submit.

The lights come on and you see what you heard; Several women in lab coats with clipboards. Embarrassment strikes you like a strong shock, As they order you to play with your cock.

Brainwashed as you are, you cant disobey. Your hands lift your skirt and do as they say. They watch you intently and take down notes. Some of them take cameras out of their coats.

The flashes and shutter sounds make you wet, But somehow you cant make yourself cum yet. They tease you with naughty phrases well-planned, And take pictures of your precum-slicked hand.

An involuntary feminine squeal, Escapes as the women tell you to kneel. You slide off the bed of your own non-will. High on lust and the obedience thrill.

They smile not at you but at their own work, Seeming content to just leave you to jerk. The ones with the cameras nod to the rest And say theyre set to record the last test.

Act properly like a good girl, they said. And all thoughts of sex were gone from your head. You stand and curtsie as good girls all should. Indifferent to your unladylike wood.

The women scrutinize you with their gaze. Your blank little mind is deep in a haze. Orgasm now. The words roll from their lips, And vibrate within your panty-clad hips.

Immediately you cum where you stand. So automatic theres no need for hands. Squirming and squeaking with mindless pleasure, As they name you the best sissy ever."
2020-09-23 02:24:59
>> #386924
I remember there was a short story to this pic.
Does anybody still know what that story was?
2013-12-15 08:50:44
>> #6083
2024-09-06 08:21:48
>> #555170

Thanks, I'm glad to hear! It's a fun formula but I worry some people will get tired of them.
2024-08-31 00:49:17
>> #554588
Gosh I love these~~~~
2024-09-06 06:57:18
>> #555167
Oh, do gotta point out that you shouldn't upload thumbnails and resizes, though.
2024-09-06 06:29:20
>> #555164
At a glance I thought it was yuri brainwashing, but no. Neo's paused her dronification of Blake to force her to watch her kiss and kidnap Yang as well. As her, of course.
That's so incredibly, deliberately cruel. I love it.
2024-09-06 01:44:19
>> #555137
That's Neopolitan with the taser, it's her eye color not Blake's.
2024-09-06 06:40:50
>> #555165
It's a shame nobody remembers a game called "Remember Me." A lot of interesting concepts in that video game.
2024-09-06 04:35:23
>> #555157
It's freeze play. She's frozen in that pose. She's been laid on the floor by the hypnotist in the 2nd panel. This reminds me of those videos by FreshFrozenFemales that used to be on YouTube.
2024-09-06 04:11:39
>> #555153
Awesome pic, but mc where?

Also, I think I have this game in my Steam Library. I have to see if it's playable on my Steam Deck.
2024-09-06 05:24:29
>> #555161
Lo malo de meterse con serpientes hipnticas...
Por suerte, nuestra querida Nene pareca traer (convenientemente) un collar para una correa
2024-09-06 04:47:27
>> #555158
well damn adios with the fourth wall ig XD
2024-09-06 04:20:29
>> #555156
i love body control collars, so hot even if is AI, easy to tell by the faces so it should have the tag.
2024-07-20 02:31:52
>> #550556
She needs to stop making excuses, we all know why she wants one
2024-07-20 02:25:27
>> #550554
I feel like I know exactly where this is going.

Also, if there's anything the last couple of years have taught me, it's that just because an AI can't do your job effectively doesn't mean it can't fake it well enough to fool your CEO.
2024-07-19 21:44:31
>> #550530
I'll take three, and I may be back later for more.
2024-07-19 21:15:05
>> #550527
lady, if a smart shock collar and a sterilized livestock girl could do your job your employer would've been using them ten years ago

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