2016-09-29 04:58:48
>> #128397
Pinkanator said:
Because people who like Haigure would specifically look for more?

You and I both know that's an absolutely ridiculous reason =____=
2016-09-29 04:46:16
>> #128389
Because people who like Haigure would specifically look for more?
2016-09-29 04:33:05
>> #128384
Pinkanator said:
People see art
People like art
Click artist tag
Rest of art
Choose favs to keep up

That's still not a proper reason for posting stuff all at once that's not part of a sequence. Which was why when we had one of our users mass uploading haigure be told to space it out, thankfully he did just that.

What would be the point of him continuing to have otherwise posted haigure images and then proceed to hide them, assuming other users would bother to click on any tags to look for more of that stuff...?
2016-09-29 04:24:54
>> #128383
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
"...various images that AREN'T all part of a sequence..."

People see art
People like art
Click artist tag
Rest of art
Choose favs to keep up
2016-09-29 04:22:47
>> #128382
Pinkanator said:
You post the first or most important part of each sequence, and hide the rest.
Say if I had 3 sequences, 5 parts each, instead of putting up 15 to the front page, 3 different ones would be seen, and the full set would be visable on a tag search.

"...various images that AREN'T all part of a sequence..."
Date Sep 28, 2016User sheela_hypnosisRating QuestionableScore 4(vote up)
2016-09-28 02:30:03
>> #128061
DisguisedHypnotist said:
If you want requests what about this robot girl, being corrupted and reprogrammed to become a maid robot. Maybe by some kind of PenDrive with a virus in it.

( ͡ ° w ͡ °) hmm...
2016-09-28 02:17:52
>> #128055
If you want requests what about this robot girl, being corrupted and reprogrammed to become a maid robot. Maybe by some kind of PenDrive with a virus in it.
2016-09-28 02:01:31
>> #128049
Well, it's something I am very much into. Though you probably get that by now XP
2016-09-28 02:00:11
>> #128048
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Ik the joke/question tends to be "are these being made in MS Paint?", but seriously, why are the lines used so pixelated...?

Honestly? Half my shit is MS Paint doodles. Like I said, I use other programs for more complex stuff. This series here was just a quicky I cooked up one evening, but better/smoother uses GIMP
2016-09-28 01:58:03
>> #128047
Ik the joke/question tends to be "are these being made in MS Paint?", but seriously, why are the lines used so pixelated...?
2016-09-28 14:16:37
>> #128163
sheela_hypnosis said:
Hence the warning in the tags :V

Wow! Sheela use the Pac-Man face? Well...that's great! :V
2016-09-28 01:54:48
>> #128044
sheela_hypnosis said:
Hence the warning in the tags :V

Oh wow, when the transparency kicks in she looks even cuter ^w^
2016-09-28 01:51:22
>> #128042
EoD said:
It's a shame the animation is so jerky, since this is actually a pretty neat little idea. Maybe change the colors of the screen, since the flashing red and blue are very...seirzutastic

Hence the warning in the tags :V
2016-09-28 01:46:50
>> #128040
It's a shame the animation is so jerky, since this is actually a pretty neat little idea. Maybe change the colors of the screen, since the flashing red and blue are very...seirzutastic
2019-08-31 09:56:28
>> #333669
So she can take orders. Too much lust and they're not listening to you.

(Sidenote because I can't help myself: It's actually kind of impressive that this one's been controlled. Like, conditioning aliens has been tried in the comics. It's NEVER worked. They've always been using the poor sod that tried it, or they've broken loose, or some such thing. They are always smarter, more perceptive, and more deceptive than you think.)
2019-08-30 12:48:38
>> #333522
Foyoyo said:
That's not how percentages work.

Why is her lust only 10% ?
2018-07-24 03:27:48
>> #271652
That's not how percentages work.
2016-10-01 20:29:55
>> #129014
sheela_hypnosis said:
So, a little bit of context:

I like hypnotising this xeno. A lot. But I never really had the power to actually share what I want to see because a) my art is, admittedly, a little shitty, and b) I have procrastination problems

But, I do want the ability to take suggestions and put her into situations where Sheela here gets her mind melted and/or she's put into situations she's not fully in control of. Some animated, some still image, all user suggested. I can get it done fast-ish and if I like the idea I'll damn well deliver

Also, forgive any jerky animations. I'm really learning just the ropes to be honest

You know what, man? I know how you feel. I mean, personally, I think we have similar issues with drawing, but you did something I couldn't... You actually posted not one, but MULTIPLE pieces. That takes guts, man...
Everyone, give this man a round of applause, just for this. Because I swear, this guy has some real balls to think "Yeah, my art is shit... I'll still post it, though." Good on you, man! I hope to see some more from you in the future!
2016-09-28 01:50:53
>> #128041
Ashurath said:
I mean I dont get it but anything pinky wouldnt mind in terms of the hub is something I wouldnt mind (unless it's extreme like "everyone on the hub should go and make art of Timmy Turner's Dad" in which case I can see why it's something I'd mind)

It's the spastic dot that lulls you into a spirally submission, honey ^w^
2016-09-30 04:30:29
>> #128614
Relanor said:
Man, is foot like, one of the three most popular fetishes in the world? Must be some kind of unstudied pheromone there.

I've heard it said that it's actually THE most common fetish in the world. And there have been studies into it, and several different hypotheses about what causes it.
2016-09-30 04:26:31
>> #128613
More of these precious FD litt'lns, great start!

Man, is foot like, one of the three most popular fetishes in the world? Must be some kind of unstudied pheromone there.
2016-09-29 00:59:36
>> #128302
Jakku~ said:
Yep! That sums it up. I'm also not really a fan of the really robotic way a lot of people write dominant characters in these captions speak, there's no character to them and it doesn't feel human at all.

It's dom so I love it.
2016-09-29 00:56:27
>> #128300
Taryh said:
I can see why it would be an issue: it'll completely ruin the immersion of the piece for anyone who knows the character.
And immersion is kind of a big deal when it comes to hypnosis.

Yep! That sums it up. I'm also not really a fan of the really robotic way a lot of people write dominant characters in these captions speak, there's no character to them and it doesn't feel human at all.
2016-09-29 00:27:54
>> #128284
I swear I had to do a double-take upon seeing this. And, for the record, Taryh is right. Toradora's legitimately one of my favorite anime of all time, if not my actual favorite anime of all time. This complete break of character ruins this for me. Well, that and the weird stinky feet thing, but that's beside the point.
2016-09-30 22:15:32
>> #128776
Sure, the animation is a little jerky, but I think it's fine. It's almost charming due to its simplicity.
2016-09-28 09:24:37
>> #128131
Pinkanator said:
Yeah? Follow the spatic dot, until it lulls you into a spiral, and you don't notice the subliminals? I really like this. Seriously, can someone find this for real? I super want it!

Nimja at least has the flashing text down:
2016-09-28 01:09:53
>> #128023
Yeah? Follow the spatic dot, until it lulls you into a spiral, and you don't notice the subliminals? I really like this. Seriously, can someone find this for real? I super want it!
2016-09-28 01:07:19
>> #128021
Which dot? |=(:3
2016-09-28 01:06:45
>> #128020
Hmm, this one can be animated better. Your work looks not bad, just make lines smoother :0
2016-09-28 18:26:35
>> #128184
I never noticed this image (And pinky sent the wrong one to me when tryin to explain), and now that I've seen it yea I agree with pinky we need more of that dot
2016-09-28 17:11:55
>> #128173
Just gonna bump my request for finding this irllllll
2016-09-28 01:06:01
>> #128019
Very likely to be flagged but, I'm super into this mc, and if you guys find something like this, I want to know.
2016-09-28 03:28:40
>> #128066
"We've caught two out of thousands of green lanterns. Now is the perfect time to start betraying each other."
2016-09-28 01:04:51
>> #128018
Hey, this isn't over, is it?
2016-09-28 01:10:29
>> #128024
ShadowCalAgain said:
Am I missing something here, or is this not MC?

This is the intro of the other animations: post #40524 post #40525
2016-09-28 01:02:41
>> #128015
Am I missing something here, or is this not MC?

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