2016-10-15 08:51:24
>> #131990
Pinkanator said:
Oh hey, you're back!

yep I am back
I always back

2016-10-15 08:50:51
>> #131989
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Nice. You've got a cute style


2016-10-14 02:22:30
>> #131733
Nice. You've got a cute style
2016-10-13 19:10:59
>> #131628
Oh hey, you're back!
2016-10-13 15:28:34
>> #131595
Drawing by BillCiphersPuppet
Hypnozied Veronica
2016-10-13 17:44:10
>> #131608
SarcasticSlave said:
More please, this was amazing!

I agree, it was incredibly hot @.@ I'll keep an eye out if the artist does more of this stuff!
2016-10-13 16:49:13
>> #131603
More please, this was amazing!
2016-10-13 14:52:14
>> #131589
Story from Desscription:

"After spending a few hours hunting down a few new tops, Jabber eventually made it back home. He felt exhausted, his back aching, his shoulders chafed from the straps of his bra. The first thing he did was slip a hand up one sleeve and unhooked his bra's clasps, peeling the oppressive garment out the other sleeve in a deft motion. Handy, the tricks a lifetime of bra-wearing could teach.

He sighed with relief as his breasts spilled out into freedom, and then he went to go put his new clothes away. His mind was settled, the bothersome notion that maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't be a very busty, male dragon fading as he hung up his adorable new tops in peaches and creams and pastels. Once that was done, the dragon scooped up his DS from his nightstand and laid down on his bed, using his generous endowments as a comfortable pillow and rest for his handheld. He fired up the latest RPG he'd bought and began playing, not a care in the world as he kicked his feet up behind him.

He loved his breasts."
2016-10-13 20:21:28
>> #131637
I like dudes snd I like boobs, but i dont like boob men. I feel like I should though.
2016-10-13 14:51:52
>> #131588
Story from Description:

"Jabber was having a difficult time with...well, everything. He had to rummage through all his clothes to find a shirt that just barely fit comfortably over his bra-less endowments. He didn't want to be poking through his tops all day long, especially if he was going to go shopping. Even when he got to his car, he found the steering wheel was adjusted wrong, his boobs pressing up against it and forcing him to spend ten minutes readjusting the seat. It must have been one of his friends, he decided, playing a prank on him, and soon enough he was off at the mall.

He didn't mind the stares. The turning heads were just an affirmation that his big breasts were attractive, and they were. He loved his breasts. He loved showing them off, and talking to other large-breasted girls about the benefits of being chesty. As he turned down the aisle for the men's wear, he stopped. Jabber's mind felt fuzzy for a moment. These tops aren't cute. "These tops aren't cute," the dragon said out loud, and turned to a section he'd never spent much time in - women's underwear. Ah, now here was what he was looking for!

Now came the hard part. Jabber grabbed a few bras off the rack. He was pretty sure he was...what, a 34...G? H? He was pretty big, he knew. When was the last time he got measured? As he tried to reach for the memory of being fitted for his first bra, his mind clouded over. He felt...hazy, almost like he was in a dream. When he blinked again, his breasts were neatly contained in comfortable cups, and several more were draped over his arm. He smiled. Silly dragon, he was already wearing a bra! He just needed to buy a few extra just in case.

With that settled, Jabber turned towards the tops on racks, picking out some brightly-colored ones to hold up and compare. Ugh, it was so difficult sometimes, shopping for cute tops when he was so busty! Some of these barely looked like they would cover his nipples, let alone his entire bustline. With a resigned sigh he began picking through for some of the bigger ones, trying to find some that were on sale..."
2016-10-13 14:51:13
>> #131587
Story from Description:

"As the music began to play, Jabber zoned out. It was actually quite good, but then, as he relaxed his body and mind he could have sworn he heard something. Was somebody talking? It was coming from the headphones. He could almost swear...they were talking to him. You like your breasts. Well, that was obvious, he did enjoy breasts very much. You like having big breasts. It was...wait, what? He didn't--You like having big, affirming, womanly breasts. Well, yeah, of course. You love your breasts. He loved his breasts.

Jabber blinked out of the trance and looked around. The mp3 player had fallen in between the cushion of the chair, and he fished around for it, a big, heavy breast mashing against the arm. Slightly flustered, he sat up, looking down at his tightly-stretched shirt. The two huge globes jutting off his front made him think something was amiss...what could it be?

He fidgeted and adjusted his shirt again. Ugh, it was too small. It was - wait, that was it! ...he wasn't even wearing a bra! How silly. The dragon got up, wobbling only once as his body adjusted to his new center of balance and extra weight on his chest. You've always had big breasts. "I've always had big breasts," Jabber said out loud, as if to dismiss the nagging thought of why he would have trouble balancing with such huge boobs. He gracefully sashayed back to his room and pulled open his drawers...then his closet...and finally searched high and low, under his bed, on top of the shelves, and even in the shower.

He had no bras. Darn it, where had all his bras gotten off to? Oh well. He'd need to replace them, and get some better shirts...maybe something a little cuter..."
2016-10-13 14:57:07
>> #131590
Wonderful, would love to see more of Jabber as a male hypnotized =3
2016-10-13 14:50:04
>> #131586
Story from Description:

"Jabber downloaded some new music to add to his easy-listening playlist. He'd never tried any of that "delta wave" stuff or special relaxation hypnotherapy before, and to be quite honest, he didn't really believe in any of it. Regardless, free music was free music, and after adding a bundle of supposed "reaffirmation and relaxation" audio to his mp3 player, he was going to give it a test.

What, you don't think a dragon would own a cheap pair of earbuds, do you?"
2016-10-14 11:30:27
>> #131812
DisguisedHypnotist said:
Oh I see you traced the body, not the animation, thats awesome. What program did you use??

I use toonboom harmony~

Pieman754 said:
If we ever see shampoo from you, I won't complain. >.I

Well, I also have Shampoo's nude character sheet so who knows? I might be interested on making one!~

Evilunicorn said:Awesome eyes and expression, and fantastic booby physics!

Someone actually notice the little breast physics I apply on her! XD

2016-10-14 05:43:26
>> #131773
Awesome eyes and expression, and fantastic booby physics!
2016-10-14 04:57:27
>> #131761
Lovely... very lovely...
2016-10-13 22:14:13
>> #131651
Mmmmm this is lovely *drools and wobbles*
2016-10-13 20:25:18
>> #131638
"I must be nicer to Ranma!"

A Ranko wouldnt go amiss too. ;)

2016-10-13 22:12:50
>> #131650
Mmmmmm more White and Hypno is good *drools*
2016-10-13 19:27:47
>> #131633
Mindwipe said:
Realized the WIP version of this pic had a different facial expression than the finished version, and decided to upload it for those that like that sort of thing.

Thank you so much

Bokasa said:
This expression is totally better

Totally agree =P
2016-10-13 17:40:23
>> #131607
Hilda > Dawn
2016-10-13 11:45:43
>> #131571
This expression is totally better
2016-10-13 10:52:55
>> #131568
Realized the WIP version of this pic had a different facial expression than the finished version, and decided to upload it for those that like that sort of thing.
2016-10-18 01:37:42
>> #132581
Link said:
So... the fuck was Joyce doing???

Bathing probably

Plants can be sticky. Sticky sap.
2016-10-16 22:22:58
>> #132313
2016-10-15 06:40:03
>> #131975
So... the fuck was Joyce doing???
2016-10-14 22:02:20
>> #131874
hypnofan100 said:
I am SO glad there are great artist like you, who are into this fetish. Can't thank my lucky star enough.
This just

Thank you!! :)

Though, I'm not a great artist, just a good one at best.
2016-10-13 19:27:01
>> #131632
How can she be sad after being treated to that scene with Joyce just now? D=
2016-10-14 15:29:50
>> #131821
greasyi said:
In case you missed it: the visor has text (backwards from our perspective) reading "You are a happy bunny".

Hehehe, yes, nice little details~
2016-10-13 09:02:37
>> #131557
In case you missed it: the visor has text (backwards from our perspective) reading "You are a happy bunny".
2016-10-14 06:22:09
>> #131778
Link said:
why... unhappy trance... looks more dazed to me

It doesn't meet the criteria for the dazed tag, but it doesn't warrant the unhappy_trance tag either.
2016-10-14 05:59:27
>> #131776
why... unhappy trance... looks more dazed to me
2016-10-13 22:09:37
>> #131649
LordWasp said:
Cosmo is like, a Kirlia/Bellossom fusion.

That or something from the Roserade line *giggles*
2016-10-13 17:57:06
>> #131613
TheSpoon said:
Hands up if you saw a Kirlia

Cosmo is like, a Kirlia/Bellossom fusion.
2016-10-13 17:34:05
>> #131606
skullman2033 said:
you know whats even better? pov gardedom

You know whats even better? <<|Pomf>> GardeDom.

Lovely work Penken, your Gardevoir art is always great :3

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