2016-10-11 03:32:11
>> #131145
endgame said:
is it just me or am i concerned that this nigga has no foreskin

Just you.
2016-10-11 02:32:00
>> #131140
Hm... the blue fur of the one on the left is a bit too intense, don't you think?
2016-10-11 00:59:09
>> #131125
I can appreciate pink furred sub sluts.
2016-10-11 00:56:31
>> #131124
Malesub on eachother <3
2016-10-11 00:22:46
>> #131107
I'm wondering where she got the dildo box.
Date Oct 10, 2016User master-controlerRating QuestionableScore 39(vote up)
2016-10-12 01:46:55
>> #131264
Can someone manip to add the yellow pupils?
2016-10-11 00:16:06
>> #131102
Arata said:
It's the Shukaku's Cursed Seal

2016-10-10 21:16:16
>> #131041
I'm okay with this...more sexy versions of the tailed beasts would be lovely *giggles*
2016-10-10 20:32:48
>> #131034
but why tho?
2016-10-10 19:05:16
>> #131030
skullman2033 said:
oh god why does it look it has veins??

It's the Shukaku's Cursed Seal
2016-10-10 19:44:30
>> #131032
Mmmmm I really love this drawing as well~
2016-10-10 15:58:33
>> #131024
Holy fuck that's amazing! Great job, really love this pic <3
2017-02-09 09:45:16
>> #155233
SubbySaschi said:
Th- Thank you, sir!

Enjoy your treat ;)
2016-10-11 16:25:33
>> #131231
Hypnojp said:
Good boy ;)

Th- Thank you, sir!
2016-10-11 14:45:41
>> #131226
Nopetist said:
Why isn't dhb a character

Because no one knows my intentions~!!!
2016-10-11 12:56:47
>> #131223
Good boy ;)
2016-10-11 01:07:01
>> #131130
Interesting dick |=(:3c
2016-10-12 05:16:33
>> #131304
StepfordCrimson said:
Provide the story plz? :3

It's not that detailed. Here's the link to the 3 images, the story is in the description. Basically old girls getting revenge on ash for dumping them each season for new ones.
2016-10-12 00:49:46
>> #131253
Imasuky said:
Ok, Normally the girls geting made into grunts is boring and kind of dumb. But this is legit super fucking hot and awesome.

I agree. I think it's because of how seductive they look, especially Serena, as she's normally very innocent. When Poke-girls are turned into rocket grunts in a cliche watermarked Jimyru pic (nothing against Jimyru, great artist), they just salute or look robotic.
2016-10-11 16:40:56
>> #131233
pokemongirl said:
I knows hopefully I can look into it soon : )

Especially if you have lots of business for me *giggles*

I have at least 2 things in mind

2016-10-11 16:19:28
>> #131230
asaola said:
Ash: So pops, HOW long do I have to continue this 10 year old stick? I'm really growing too fast about now, it's hard to even fake my voice.
Giovanni: Just give it a few more years so that my database can account for all regions.
Ash: Fine, and can you make James and Meowth take a vacation or something? I just want Jessie.
Gio: You know those idiots will follow her no mather what, so I can't do that.
Ash: Fine, so is my Kalos pick down?
Gio: Oh, that Serena girl... Xander should be finish by now.
Ash: Alright Dad, I'll be visiting my girls before leaving for the next region, make sure eve...
Gio: That no one notices, you know I wouldn't sell out my heir.
Ash: Have fun with mom.

Not a big fan of that theory, but makes me feel a little better about them getting MCed by team rocket
2016-10-11 08:33:53
>> #131185
Ash: So pops, HOW long do I have to continue this 10 year old stick? I'm really growing too fast about now, it's hard to even fake my voice.
Giovanni: Just give it a few more years so that my database can account for all regions.
Ash: Fine, and can you make James and Meowth take a vacation or something? I just want Jessie.
Gio: You know those idiots will follow her no mather what, so I can't do that.
Ash: Fine, so is my Kalos pick down?
Gio: Oh, that Serena girl... Xander should be finish by now.
Ash: Alright Dad, I'll be visiting my girls before leaving for the next region, make sure eve...
Gio: That no one notices, you know I wouldn't sell out my heir.
Ash: Have fun with mom.
2021-08-17 19:49:47
>> #433370
Erza awoke feeling very strange. Above her was a man she recognized. He had been the man who'd given her the vacation to this beach she'd enjoyed herself at so much. She blushed as she remembered all of the lewd dreams she'd had about him during her nap. She hadn't thought him particularly attractive before, but for some reason in her dreams she had found him irresistible, she was desperate to please him, and had obeyed every sexy order she'd been given. Just the memory of the dreams made her want to moan in pleasure.

Staring up at the man, she found herself wishing she could experience pleasure like he'd given her in the dreams for real.

But how could she ask him for a favor like that? She needed to give him something in return for what she wanted from him. But what would she give?

As the thoughts of submission and arousal inside her grew as she mentally reimagined going through her dreams again, she realized that she truly wanted to live through those dreams not just for this one time to relieve her lust, but forever. Obeying and being a sexy slave girl for a master seemed so fun and arousing, she knew she just HAD to find a master to give herself to so he could own and control her from now on, and who better to give herself to than the man from her dreams that had made her realize her true calling in life?

As the man smiled down at her, Erza looked adoringly up at him and breathed out

"Please take me... I want to obey you master”

Her master smiled and without a word began to unbutton his pants. Erza smiled, her master had accepted her submission. Now she could live out her dream of being an obedient slave girl on this beach forever, and nothing else could make her happier.
2016-10-10 16:44:34
>> #131026
DanGambino said:
...and then "master" wore himself out and fell victim to the enchanted beach himself, but Erza was too submissive to wake him. Dark.

lol that sounds like what would happen to me if I were the master in this situation XD
2016-10-10 14:09:28
>> #131014
Erzi of Red!
Hostia!! :V
2016-10-10 13:48:17
>> #131013
...and then "master" wore himself out and fell victim to the enchanted beach himself, but Erza was too submissive to wake him. Dark.
2016-10-10 11:01:17
>> #130993
Part 2 of the Erza manip, now to figure out the child post thing and then do that so that everyone can enjoy
2021-08-17 19:42:33
>> #433369
When Erza received a vacation to an exotic private beach as a reward for a successful mission, she had jumped at the opportunity. In her usual manner when she got excited about something, she departed for her vacation immediately and without hesitation, despite the unusual name of the beach “Cape of Eternal Dreaming.”

Her first day on the beach went just as Erza imagined it would be, and she soon wore herself out with her various activities. Deciding to rest a bit and get a tan, Erza undid her bikini top and laid down, soon falling asleep. The moment she dozed off. the spell of the beach took hold. lulling her consciousness into a sleep-like trance that she would never wake from unless awoken by another.

Once she was sound asleep, her client came out of hiding and approached her sleeping form. Sitting down next to her he whispered in her ear, suggesting increasingly lewd and submissive dreams for her to live through in her mind. Erza began to blush in her sleep as these suggestions took hold. with her client continuing to shape her dreams and desires through the trance the beach held her in.

Hours later, the man carefully put her bikini top back on and rolled her onto her back, then shook her awake.
2019-05-02 08:24:29
>> #316825
wish i could go 2 that beach 2 sleep~!!!!
2016-10-10 10:40:16
>> #130985
Part 1 in a 2 part thing. I'll do the parent/child post thing once I upload the 2nd one and also figure out how that works... can't be too hard
2017-04-10 10:36:43
>> #167401
HypnoLover1 said:
Great picture. Also is that happy being the master? If it is then I want to read that fanfic too

I kinda just assumed the Happy was just like a notification thing, not the actual sender, seeing as it's miniaturized
2017-04-09 17:20:56
>> #167202
Great picture. Also is that happy being the master? If it is then I want to read that fanfic too
2017-03-14 08:45:03
>> #161500
ghost13 said:
Now that I think about it, I'd love to make a fanfic about this. That okay with you?

So long as you send me a link to it once it's done ;)
2017-03-14 05:54:40
>> #161478
Now that I think about it, I'd love to make a fanfic about this. That okay with you?
2016-10-11 04:18:48
>> #131152
ghost13 said:
This is nice. Very nice indeed. If at all possible, please make a follow up, either with this alleged master or maybe some of Fairy Tails other sexy girls getting brainwashed.

If I can find the proper images then sure, phones aren't really a thing in fairy tail though so I doubt there's many phone related images to use
2016-10-10 09:36:41
>> #130952
These should probably all be in a pool, right?
2016-10-14 03:09:44
>> #131746
PrincessLucina said:
*cub-cake. :P

No, stop it you x3
2016-10-14 02:46:34
>> #131742
slmrip said:
Continue posting comments forever please thankyou.

I'll try, whenever the inspiration strikes me.
2016-10-11 23:07:42
>> #131248
Taryh said:
Goddamn, that pose in the final panel is perfect. That face-down, completely relaxed position, sinuous and curving wonderfully. Like she's being moulded to the walls around her as she's pumped deeper in by the pulsing movements of the stomach.

Continue posting comments forever please thankyou.
2016-10-11 01:42:39
>> #131134
Goddamn, that pose in the final panel is perfect. That face-down, completely relaxed position, sinuous and curving wonderfully. Like she's being moulded to the walls around her as she's pumped deeper in by the pulsing movements of the stomach.
2016-10-11 01:24:46
>> #131132

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