2024-03-09 15:19:29
>> #537615
Oh yea that is certainly way better. Much apprieciated for the remake.
2024-03-09 14:14:05
>> #537609
I asked to my Patrons which one of my old images they thought would be worth remaking with what I've learned so far, and this one was one of the requested images.
2024-03-09 15:15:59
>> #537614
Really wished we got more Haruno stuff.
2022-10-20 02:37:37
>> #486310
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Big Cock Sucking~~~
2024-03-09 15:15:37
>> #537613
God I want Kurumu to suck me off like that
2024-03-09 11:40:07
>> #537598
It look so biiig!~
2024-03-09 05:53:19
>> #537578
This is a good thing to see on my birthday, best girl zonking.
2024-03-09 14:58:45
>> #537611
Changed the third note as it seems Abraxis (the translator), did not know that sutto is commonly written as su-tto (using wa-puro style romanization) and instead thought it was su-tsu to hence why suit was in the translation, also changed the last sentence to mention the strength draining out of the body rather than it just being all strength (this one really was fine just decided the bit more explicit "literal" translation fit better.) So the it changed from this:

Your consciousness is drawing further and further away from your suit... All your strength is draining away...

to this:

Your consciousness is briskly drawing further and further away... All the strength draining from your body...

Also no hate on the og translator it really does look like a normal sized tsu.
2024-03-09 13:07:51
>> #537607
Also added that translation as a note, don't feel like the translated tag is all that fitting since it's not the main content, but I could be swayed otherwise.

It took exactly an hour to find that square symbol, since I was certain there was a way through the Japanese keyboard. Unfortunately I was wrong and had to look at the geometric shapes unicode list to find it. There were lots of diversions I went down as well... DAMN YOU Sci.Lang.Japan FAQ, FOR BEING SO INTERESTING.
2024-03-09 12:05:21
>> #537601
It's funny the topic of the termperature of the tea was brought up, since at the bottom the Japanese says:
"The black tea has completely cooled down, now drink/eat up"

Not sure which one would be the best here, probably drink since it's tea but still.
2020-07-27 21:50:03
>> #379608
HypnoFyre said:
Here's a manip, requested by Privatesoup. I've had a few motivation problems, but none too large.

Anyways, I tried my best to make this caption in the style of TA75, one of the best caption-makers on the entire hub, and one of my favorites. I'm thinking about doing some manips in other styles too, such as OverlordMiles, Kitsunami, and others, so those might take a bit more time than usual.

I've got a <<|Twitter>> now! You can vote on what manip I should do next, and I allow write-ins in the comments.

Remember: if you want to provide feedback and constructive criticism, or have a captioned manip you desperately want to exist, just PM me at sunrae#4351, if I like the idea, I'll make sure to do it. You can also contact me @FyreHypno, I post all of my manips there as well.

As a reminder, please check the tags before creating new ones. The artist already has an existing tag here, and thus doesn't need to have _(artist) added at the end. That only applies for when an artist shares the same name with an existing tag.
2020-07-27 21:13:53
>> #379604
HiddenAgenda said:
Wonder how long she had to wait for the tea to cool to start this induction.

I'd say it was iced tea. I should have made a cool down/chill out pun. Missed opportunity.
2020-07-27 20:46:35
>> #379600
Wonder how long she had to wait for the tea to cool to start this induction.
2024-03-09 12:57:05
>> #537606
The Manga seems to show that she does a bit. So does her mother.
2024-03-04 17:36:39
>> #537186
Thats a nice arc to go through~~~
2024-03-04 01:29:30
>> #537140
While I hate the gross bastard trope, I genuinely love Reina's arc in this, going from bitchy popular girl to so addicted to pleasure that she actually is conditioned into being kinder and polite.
2024-03-09 12:42:58
>> #537604
This hub need more xiangling
2021-11-23 19:57:09
>> #446830
Denseguy9000 said:
Do something guoba

The ways of the gods are enigmatic and unknowable to us mere mortals.
2021-11-23 16:09:28
>> #446801
Do something guoba
2024-03-09 12:30:56
>> #537603
"Hey babe, plug this mystery jumpdrive into your brain."
'Duuuuh, okay!'
2024-03-09 06:15:42
>> #537591
Gosh that eye effect is really nice~
2024-03-09 12:24:18
>> #537602
typical a-hole hypnotists. to tell a lie to someone who trusted you... meh.
2024-03-09 09:15:57
>> #537595
OK this just keeps getting hotter and hotter. my new favourite hypno couple.
2024-03-09 01:21:08
>> #537567
There's two more pages on the artist's twitter that I haven't uploaded yet (will do so tomorrow) and they've been uploading new ones daily
2024-03-09 01:04:02
>> #537565
holy shit i need more of this.

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