2016-10-03 18:58:50
>> #129458
asaola said:

Yeeeeessss!!! :^]
2016-10-03 17:40:11
>> #129446
2016-10-03 05:12:18
>> #129374
DouDile said:
For me...this is soooooo erotic!! :^)

fuck yeah
2016-10-03 05:09:58
>> #129373
endgame said:
is he implying this isnt erotic

For me...this is soooooo erotic!! :^)
2016-10-03 05:06:43
>> #129372
is he implying this isnt erotic
2016-10-04 07:38:11
>> #129594
Well... if it's fine, I'll post another one of my works and see what criticisms that will get. just for the hell of it XP
2016-10-03 18:17:26
>> #129451
Here's a little story to go along with it
Ediara and Ryuna were on vacation, while traveling in a desert as a tour, a jeep suddenly drove with magnifecent speed towards them, two men knocked them out, when they woke up. They were wearing some sort of Harem outfits. Then, music started playing, calming, relaxing, hypnotizing music, their body started to move on their own. Their minds went blank and empty, they would only dance now for their master. As they were only petty harem slaves used for pleasure now.
2016-10-03 18:08:09
>> #129449
I think the quality is fine, I mean I don't see any glaring errors or anything all worth complaining about.
2016-10-03 18:03:31
>> #129448
KimeraUltimate said:
Nah, it's all good man XP

Like I said, I'll let quality control decide if it stays

It ain't reported... Yet, and personally I have seen (In my opinion) worse quality content, so I think it'll stay, but hey, that's not for me to say XD
2016-10-03 17:23:29
>> #129443
Hentila said:
Eheh, yeah, my bad XD I didn't really think it through when I uploaded it. Just tell me if you want it deleted

Nah, it's all good man XP

Like I said, I'll let quality control decide if it stays
Date Oct 3, 2016User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 13(vote up)
2018-11-28 18:19:10
>> #291976
pokemongirl said:
I guess wedgies would be a problem *giggles*

Just means more people trying to fix it while touching my butt ; )

I'll surely help you "fix" it my lady~
*haigures with you*
2016-10-03 04:28:53
>> #129366
I guess wedgies would be a problem *giggles*

Just means more people trying to fix it while touching my butt ; )
2017-12-12 14:28:37
>> #219229
Aaah good old candle flame hypnosis, nice to see more of this here!
2016-10-04 18:49:38
>> #129698
Spellbound said:
At first I didn't see it, so I just looked at the candle a bit better, and then a bit more, and then more and then... and then... I... Hm... ◎_◎

spell no this is an actual fire safety hazard.
2016-10-04 17:25:50
>> #129694
skullman2033 said:
this is an outrage. why doesnt she have that candle in a holder. she could get burned in wax

At first I didn't see it, so I just looked at the candle a bit better, and then a bit more, and then more and then... and then... I... Hm... ◎_◎
2016-10-03 08:40:39
>> #129392
skullman2033 said:
this is an outrage. why doesnt she have that candle in a holder. she could get burned in wax

Literally unwatchable
2016-10-03 06:40:31
>> #129388
I've done several fan colorings, pretty sure it's all gravy around here unless you don't tag the sketch/ink original artist, which you did, so all good.
2016-10-31 11:36:51
>> #135322
pokemongirl said:
Yay more sleepymaid and those nipples so realistic *drools and suckles*

*does the same*
2016-10-03 04:18:35
>> #129363
Yay more sleepymaid and those nipples so realistic *drools and suckles*
2016-10-03 03:03:47
>> #129352
2016-10-03 02:48:09
>> #129350
2016-10-03 02:06:59
>> #129340
idunno said:
Giantess or tiny chinese lady?

I'd be very happy with either of those.
2016-10-03 17:19:41
>> #129441
Mindcollector13 said:
Here's hoping this is the case. I'd offer to pitch in and help too, as I do love this comic, but I lack funding right now as well (Oh the woes of picking "musician" as a career...). But if things pick up for me or I stop being lazy and get a real job I may help out as well!

Either way; Looking forward to more. But is this the end of Rebecca's "Chapter"? Because I'm excited to see who's coming next!

No, there are three pages left in Rebecca's chapter along with a cover page at the end. ^^

I'm glad you like it and thanks for the offer. ^^ But I think I'll be good for awhile. I do appreciate it. After Rebecca, April O'niel from the 2012 TMNT series will be next. ^^
2016-10-03 06:36:15
>> #129387
daveyboysmith9 said:
Well, a couple of friends have actually come out and offered to help me with this specific comic commission. So the delay may only be temporary.

Here's hoping this is the case. I'd offer to pitch in and help too, as I do love this comic, but I lack funding right now as well (Oh the woes of picking "musician" as a career...). But if things pick up for me or I stop being lazy and get a real job I may help out as well!

Either way; Looking forward to more. But is this the end of Rebecca's "Chapter"? Because I'm excited to see who's coming next!
2016-10-03 01:59:58
>> #129337
hypnofan147 said:
that stinks buddy

Well, a couple of friends have actually come out and offered to help me with this specific comic commission. So the delay may only be temporary.
2016-10-03 01:55:28
>> #129336
that stinks buddy
2016-10-03 01:55:27
>> #129335
that stinks buddy
2020-10-16 03:39:17
>> #390181
"Legend tells of maiden long passed who died whilst being pleasured by her betrothed and never felt the sweet of that primal act before passing on. All she could do was watch as her lover filled her still warm shell with his seed and wonder what it must be like to be loved. It is said, any who disturb her hollow will feel her sorrow, their souls wrenched from their carnal forms and forced to watch as their bodies, now governless feast on instinct alone." ~ Legend of the Lady Sible
2017-11-07 00:31:35
>> #209845
The ghost acting like obsessed fan forcing their favourite ship

"So yea I like Jessie the wolfgirl and Sarah the witch pairing, they should fuck, here's a 3000 words fanfic I wrote about them. I call this ship Jerah!"
2016-10-03 21:55:35
>> #129478
Blade_Dragonwolf said:
So were their souls pulled out of them or what?

Closest I could find to what I wanted. Disappointed the line isn't isolated in its own video, it seems.
2016-10-02 21:26:12
>> #129279
So were their souls pulled out of them or what?
2016-10-02 21:07:06
>> #129274
I love how the furry ghost looks like she's thinking "God, every fucking time, she makes me put up with this shit. Why me?"
2021-04-25 01:14:38
>> #416927
EoD said:
Holy shit that actually made me feel sick. Like...jesus. Were those rods going into her brain?


No joke I actually feel light headed from watching that. I am never fucking playing or watching Danganropa. Ever.

i think that there is only one worse scene: in "Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls" the main character (komaru) is strapped to a machine specificly designed to hypnotize her into liking being raped by raping her with extanable arms. who straped her to the machine? an elementry school girl (kotoko) who used to get raped a lot because her parents charged to do so, and now she gets a really bad panic attack every time someone says the word "gentle" and starts screaming in a non-existing pain.
2019-01-30 01:18:12
>> #301661
GrandDad said:
This scene is when I realized my fetish has made me a fucked up person. I shouldn't have enjoyed that scene that much.

I've only liked it with zero volume but even then it's a really guilty pleasure for me. It's more so the starfire thing than torturing the poor girl.
2016-10-15 14:19:41
>> #132005
Yuu-chan said:
For me though, it's not the rods, or really the hypnosis in general. But as far as I understand the context, she's being brainwashed to kill herself? (People who know me will understand why I might have problems with this). Mostly likely if I didn't read the context first I would have loved this.

This definitely seems like it's not for the faint of heart, though, so I'm in the same boat as you EoD. I don't think I could ever watch/play this.

Technically that's not completely right. She was brainwashed into spreading despair to her students so that they can be brainwashed, then eventually spread despair across the rest of the world, and eventually become something of a sleeper agent. This brainwashing is what this pic is depicting. Then YEARS LATER she killed herself when she was brainwashed into doing so by someone completely different (And this time without poking around in her brain).

But yeah this series is INCREDIBLY fucked up so if get issues easily or are squeamish, definitely skip out on this series.
2016-10-15 13:43:15
>> #132004
rueiko said:
But in other cases the bad guys order people commit suicide so I do not recommend you this saga.

In the whole saga, from the first game, I think there are around 8 suicides in the main cast, plus a mass suicide of thousands of people.
So yeah, not for you if the theme disturbs you.
2016-10-15 12:13:45
>> #132001
Yuu-chan said:
But as far as I understand the context, she's being brainwashed to kill herself?

If helps you, the bad guys don't ordered her to commit suicide until years later when she is more useful to the cause causing despair and confusion with his death. For years she was the brainwashed Trojan horse within the ranks of heroes. And his death is a key part of the plot of mysterious murders created by the writers in the anime. But in other cases the bad guys order people commit suicide so I do not recommend you this saga.
2016-10-03 17:44:45
>> #129447
Dr_Mabuse said:
Now, forcefully inserting a disk into the target on the other hand would most likely yield the intended result :3

When i was brainstorming ideas for this manip i did consider that as a scenario. I might reimplement it with another Stone Ocean character or Jolyne again if i find another good image of her for it.
2016-10-03 09:30:49
>> #129397
Pinkanator said:
If this is a lewd world, I'm going to assume he reverts to his intended gender, and "suffers" the same fate.

by looking at it. i believe it will not be the case. and pucci gets his ass beaten from the inside out
2016-10-03 09:15:15
>> #129396
Sleepyhead97 said:
More Jolyne for the hub! Though i wish i knew who the artist was because when i found the image it already had blank eyes so maybe it was already intended to be a hypno thing. Anyway this story has minor spoilers of part 6 but only some early stuff but still if you want to go in blind ignore the text. P.s. SPIRAL STAIRCASE!

「HOWAITOSUNEIKU」, yasss, the stand I'd most love to possess... well, after Foo Fighters.
skullman2033 said:
as much as i hate to be that guy ((oh who am i kidding i love cockblocking you people)) white snakes Disc creation doesnt leave them like that. just puts them into a coma and eventual death

Yup. Now, forcefully inserting a disk into the target on the other hand would most likely yield the intended result :3

But we know Pucci doesn't need Jolyne when he has gravity.
2016-10-03 02:14:49
>> #129344
skullman2033 said:

If this is a lewd world, I'm going to assume he reverts to his intended gender, and "suffers" the same fate.
2016-10-03 02:10:03
>> #129342
The_scrublord said:
What about annasui? She's gonna be pissed.

2016-10-02 22:54:00
>> #129292
crazyman said:
<<| Then relay this message to your master, whoever he is.>> Also listen to the music for a bit, its really good.

Talking about little ol' me eh? xD
2016-10-02 22:31:19
>> #129289
G3m4sSt4ff said:
My master likes spiral eyes best, so sorry if I upload these more, tho, I will upload empty eyes sometimes too <3

<<| Then relay this message to your master, whoever he is.>> Also listen to the music for a bit, its really good.
2016-10-02 18:03:50
>> #129241
Emphaticpikachu said:
They indeed are, mmfff. They're my biggest fetish, that's why it's pretty much the only thing I upload. They're so magically hot. They're jewel - like endless voids that have such beauty...those lifeless eyes are like a a beautiful trophy proving your control, it's so...mmf. They look good on all genders, but I'm more physically attracted to girls so I tend to do them more often. That and I can self insert onto them and get blank eyes myself <3

My master likes spiral eyes best, so sorry if I upload these more, tho, I will upload empty eyes sometimes too <3
2016-10-02 16:58:58
>> #129227
G3m4sSt4ff said:
I love it! <3 Empty eyes are best eyes~~

They indeed are, mmfff. They're my biggest fetish, that's why it's pretty much the only thing I upload. They're so magically hot. They're jewel - like endless voids that have such beauty...those lifeless eyes are like a a beautiful trophy proving your control, it's so...mmf. They look good on all genders, but I'm more physically attracted to girls so I tend to do them more often. That and I can self insert onto them and get blank eyes myself <3
2016-10-02 16:00:06
>> #129220
I love it! <3 Empty eyes are best eyes~~

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