2017-01-28 14:52:21
>> #153065
NaturalCalm said:
Goddamn I love Wilko's art. The expressions are always on point, and that's not even going into the characters themselves.

The characters are always enjoying what they're doing, without force. That's the nice part, always.
2016-09-29 05:40:26
>> #128406
Love this so much and those markings Mmmmmmm
2016-09-29 04:50:50
>> #128392
Goddamn I love Wilko's art. The expressions are always on point, and that's not even going into the characters themselves.
2016-09-29 03:02:52
>> #128350
that's hot.
2016-10-12 18:25:50
>> #131392
anyone noticed the dark one has no neck?

*EDIT* realised noone made the green guy their avatar so I took the liberty of making it mine
2016-09-30 13:05:08
>> #128705

And now for a sequel caption:
M(aster): Hello there, Bunny Raven, how is your friend adapting to her new life?

R(aven): Oh, hello master. Bunny Starfire is bouncing along beautifully. At first, she was beyond bewildered by Bunny Raven's bubbly outlook, but a few viewings of Master beautifully, brainwashing, bubbly bunny video had her bouncing along. Bunny Raven has made her a bubbly, beautiful, bouncy Boob Bunny. May Bunny Raven and Bunny Starfire give master a breathtaking butt and boob job together as a reward?

M: Not till I've inspected her myself. Now, Bunny Starfire what do you love?

S(tarfire): Bunny Starfire loves giving the boobjobs with her bountiful bunny boobs master. Shall Bunny Starfire give master the boobjob with her bountiful bunny boobs?

M: You, Bunny Starfire, I think you will. Tell me how that makes you feel?

S: Bunny Starfire is bouncing with bliss fills of the bounciness knowing her bountiful boobs of a bunny will receive blessings of giving master a boobjob of breathtaking.

M: Excellent Bunny Starfire, and I apologize Bunny Raven, I never should have doubted you, you have indeed trained Bunny Starfire well.

R: It brings bouncy bliss knowing Bunny Raven has done obeyed beyond brilliance, master.

M: Now tell me girls, do you think your other sexy friends would like to become part of my bountiful bunny girl burrow?

R&S: Bunny Raven/Starfire bounces in blissful awe at master's brilliance. Bunny Raven/Starfire think our friends would be beyond blissed to be blessed with the chance to become master's brainwashed, bouncy, bountiful bunny girl slaves!

I hope fans of the original read and enjoy this. And I hope I made Starfire sound right.

Now if you'll excuse me, all this alliteration and raking my brain for b-words is giving me a headache...
2016-09-30 12:36:02
>> #128702
Ah, the return of Bunny Raven, the b who loves giving buttjobs with her big, bountiful, bouncy bunny butt.

And this time she along her best bud, Bunny Starfire, who just love giving boobjobs with her big, bountiful, bouncy bunny boobs.

For reference, look at this:
2016-09-29 12:17:51
>> #128503
moar pls nao!
I love eberything in the background from that Zatanna poster to BB with his pocket watch...
Good manip, no irises which is good for making spiral eyes.
2016-09-29 09:27:42
>> #128467
Added the tags from the original post...

also Beast Boy's face distracts me...
2017-01-04 17:46:14
>> #148316
Cradily said:
That derpy Hypno face

It's Hypno. Every face it has is derpy.
2017-01-04 13:36:23
>> #148290
Wow, she's adorable <3 I love her expression.
2016-10-01 09:34:48
>> #128945
we NEED more Lusamine!! PLEASE!!!
2016-09-30 05:35:19
>> #128626
Cradily said:
That derpy Hypno face

Ikr XD
2016-09-29 09:53:49
>> #128473
Considering the theories that she might turn into an Ultra Beast pokemon, sex wouldn't even be considered bestiality! =DDD
2016-09-29 13:00:00
>> #128515
you! put a spoiler on that! maybe?? idk i really laughed hard on that joke..
about time there is some mami haigure here!
nice job sleepy!
2016-09-29 02:10:06
>> #128335
Someone should have given her a heads up.
2016-09-28 23:40:39
>> #128276
She looks like a lot of the naysayers: resigned.
2017-02-22 02:27:03
>> #157657
wow, gotta say dhb
even after literally years of waiting for this page...
it surpassed my expectations
heres hoping we get to see it finished some day
2016-09-29 22:15:49
>> #128561
DHB said:
There shall not be more of this running gag. This shall be the LAST you will see in the means of progression... unless I'm payed to do more. Then your hope is solid.

Awh fair enough though glad Malon is what we are holding on at least *giggles*
2016-09-29 14:43:56
>> #128522
pokemongirl said:
Ya...I know but will be worth the wait I'm sure : )

There shall not be more of this running gag. This shall be the LAST you will see in the means of progression... unless I'm payed to do more. Then your hope is solid.
2016-09-29 05:54:45
>> #128414
o_o said:
Might be waiting a while I'd imagine...

Ya...I know but will be worth the wait I'm sure : )
2016-09-29 05:26:02
>> #128402
pokemongirl said:
Mmmmmmm fuck *touches and rubs* can't wait for more of this! Moooooo....

Might be waiting a while I'd imagine...
2016-10-01 20:55:56
>> #129023
SOOO much drool!
2016-09-30 12:30:29
>> #128701
StepfordCrimson said:
[spoilers] Dreams do come true~ ; u; [/spoilers]

[spoilers] And Kyoko doesn't really die! Which is awesome! Meaning any KyokoXMakoto fanfics I make could still happen! I am happy! I... am not being sarcastic in the least. (seriously, I mean 100% of this)[/spoilers]
2016-09-30 04:25:33
>> #128612
Drool. Best. Thing. Ever!
2016-09-29 23:40:53
>> #128568
StepfordCrimson said:
*Wishes that Mikan and the others wake up from their comas someday*

[spoilers] Dreams do come true~ ; u; [/spoilers]
2016-09-29 06:02:40
>> #128419
Pinkanator said:
This is the Internet.
We're ALL trainwrecks.

Fixed it for you. :D
2016-09-30 02:20:51
>> #128594
Link said:
Edit: thanks for telling me how to make child posts and parent posts -_-

You just put the parent post's ID number in the "parent" field of the post you want to make the child post.
2016-09-30 02:15:23
>> #128593
Dystopia69 said:
This definitely needs coloring. This is hot as fuck.

She is fucking meltinggggggggg and I love it.
2016-09-30 02:10:59
>> #128591
This definitely needs coloring. This is hot as fuck.
2016-09-28 08:13:09
>> #128115
Edit: thanks for telling me how to make child posts and parent posts -_-
Here's an alternate version of
...also... I don't know how to make it a child post... I saw the "parent" option... but with a small window... so...
2016-10-05 13:20:35
>> #129901
hwd171 said:
It's the island spirit. She's casting the projections on her own.

I see, Thank you.
2016-10-05 12:59:09
>> #129896
Vanilla-Lover said:
So is it the island spirit or one of her minions?

It's the island spirit. She's casting the projections on her own.
2016-10-05 12:54:36
>> #129895
hwd171 said:
Imagine the projection as a ghost but can become tangible at will.

So is it the island spirit or one of her minions?
2016-10-05 12:43:42
>> #129889
Vanilla-Lover said:
'Projection'? Does that mean she was not the island spirit but was actually a shade? Could you tell me more about what you mean by her 'projections', because I would like to know more.

Imagine the projection as a ghost but can become tangible at will.
2016-10-05 12:30:08
>> #129882
'Projection'? Does that mean she was not the island spirit but was actually a shade? Could you tell me more about what you mean by her 'projections', because I would like to know more.
2021-04-24 09:57:16
>> #416876
cdyoung said:
Actually she's about junior high school age now.

she's still in space.

and a serial killer.

and insane.
2016-09-28 13:54:11
>> #128162
skullman2033 said:
monaca is a gradeschooler. and in space

Actually she's about junior high school age now.
2016-09-28 13:17:35
>> #128158
someguy231 said:
Okay, I'm now seriously considering playing the games and watching the anime.

Super Dangan Ronpa 2 is one of my favourite games of all time.
2016-09-28 08:04:36
>> #128114
Pazuzu said:
Monaca is bae.

monaca is a gradeschooler. and in space
2016-09-28 07:58:34
>> #128111
Pazuzu said:
Monaca is bae.

... You have questionable tastes in who is bae :I
2016-09-29 06:33:29
>> #128429
Jakku~ said:
Not helps, 3 is worthless without 2. The entire reason Naegi is even in this mess and the chain of events for 3 happen is because of something that happens in DR2. Despair skirts over events that it assumes you're 100% already familiar with from playing the game. It doesn't at all hold the hand of anime onlys, it loses all its punch, plus spoils the best end game twist of DR2.

StepfordCrimson said:
It doesn't just help. It's practically REQUIRED that you play DR1 and 2 before you watch this.

Deadpan snark does not translate well to the Internet. I have no idea why I keep trying it. :P

Hattori said:
II didn't know it was on Steam. Thought it was a PSP and Vita exclusive. Now that's easier.

I happened to get both games through HumbleBundle the other day for $4 less than the Steam sale prices, even if the games are redeemed through Steam. But the HumbleBundle sale is over now. Steam is still fairly cheap though if you go through them.
2016-09-29 00:13:48
>> #128281
Jakku~ said:
They're on Steam! A toaster can play them. They're also on sale right now.

I didn't know it was on Steam. Thought it was a PSP and Vita exclusive. Now that's easier.
2016-09-28 21:37:02
>> #128209
UberNimrod said:
Play DR2 before watching DR3. I'm told it helps.

It doesn't just help. It's practically REQUIRED that you play DR1 and 2 before you watch this.
2016-09-28 19:12:39
>> #128190
PornFlakes said:
Wait, by that you mean even slow laptops can run it, right? Mine couldn't handle heavy 3D graphics and the best it can take are DS emulated games. Otherwise I'm going to have to settle for Let's Plays. And to add, I have already played DR1 on my PSP.

DR2 is originally also a PSP game, you should be fine. The port is also good. Enjoy! DR2 is superior to the first in every way, and is an absolutely amazing game.

UberNimrod said:
Play DR2 before watching DR3. I'm told it helps.

Not helps, 3 is worthless without 2. The entire reason Naegi is even in this mess and the chain of events for 3 happen is because of something that happens in DR2. Despair skirts over events that it assumes you're 100% already familiar with from playing the game. It doesn't at all hold the hand of anime onlys, it loses all its punch, plus spoils the best end game twist of DR2.
2016-09-28 18:38:42
>> #128187
Play DR2 before watching DR3. I'm told it helps.

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