2022-02-22 14:29:49
>> #459431
cdyoung said:
The first game didn't have any mind control outside of Junko just being good at manipulating people. The second game began the fad of her being this all encompassing black hole of despair that can seemingly effortlessly infect even the most hope.filled people.

So basically like he said it’s a clusterfuck

2016-09-28 16:56:55
>> #128168
JaoShingan said:
I'm about a tenth of the way through the first Danganronpa game and what the fuck is this franchise? Despair? Brainwashing? More Junko? What the fuck man. Even though those things are spoiled for me I need to desperately catch up so I can understand just what in tarnation all this hypnosis fanservice is

The first game didn't have any mind control outside of Junko just being good at manipulating people. The second game began the fad of her being this all encompassing black hole of despair that can seemingly effortlessly infect even the most hope.filled people.
2016-09-28 00:24:35
>> #128006
I'm about a tenth of the way through the first Danganronpa game and what the fuck is this franchise? Despair? Brainwashing? More Junko? What the fuck man. Even though those things are spoiled for me I need to desperately catch up so I can understand just what in tarnation all this hypnosis fanservice is
2016-09-27 20:17:23
>> #127989
laststand0810 said:
continue to the hope side... XDXDXD

danganronpa hope arc in coming!!! .... right?

Yeah, on Thursday
2016-09-27 20:01:11
>> #127988
continue to the hope side... XDXDXD

danganronpa hope arc in coming!!! .... right?
2021-09-02 19:05:53
>> #435809
animelover489 said:
How in ANY way, shape or form can that be a bad idea. That's like having the option to end a war or choosing to keep it going. Kind if a no brainer, so what's their exscuse?

Had the Hope video been broadcasted in full, *all* negative emotions would have been wiped from humanity. So, grieving for loved ones, heartbreak, everything that makes us human would have been wiped out. There is a philosophical argument to be made about whether or not that would be worth it, but that's not an argument I'm getting into on the comments of a hypnoporn pic :p

Anyways, it's kind of all a moot point nonetheless, since the portion of the video that was broadcasted before they stopped him still basically ended up wiping out all the bad, despair-y brainwashing with no actual consequences. It's a bit of a copout, but that's just my opinion.
2019-08-18 03:23:31
>> #331500
StepfordCrimson said:
Well... if you insist. But seriously, major spoilers here for those who do care or are interested in the series.

[spoilers] So years ago, one of the main characters made a video that makes people feel hopeful via brainwashing, but that video was taken and remade to make people to feel despair instead, and this video helped throw the world into total chaos. But he kept the original hope video and wants to show it to the world now, but the other main characters want to stop him, believing that this is the worst possible option and that there are better ways to eliminate the world's despair. But he escapes by hypnotizing the character in this screenshot to hold off is pursuers while he escapes.[/spoilers]

How in ANY way, shape or form can that be a bad idea. That's like having the option to end a war or choosing to keep it going. Kind if a no brainer, so what's their exscuse?
2016-09-28 00:20:08
>> #128005
Well that didn't take long
2016-09-27 15:31:53
>> #127969
Keough said:

Future Side 12. But there's better MC scenes in the previous ones.
2016-09-27 15:19:35
>> #127968
2016-09-27 03:42:38
>> #127878
Pinkanator said:
Oh, it's THAT ff. The one I don't want to play cause I'm overly sensitive and the ending freaks me out.

8 is actually one of my favorite Final Fantasy games (my top 3 in order being 9, 8, and 7, though 15 is looking like it may well shake up that list) because of how differently it's system works (levels don't mean nearly as much as they do in other games, in fact a 'low-level run' is not only possible, it can actually be a good strategy as enemies, including bosses, get harder the higher your characters' levels are).
2016-09-27 01:02:58
>> #127846
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Ultimecia is supposedly a future incarnation of Rinoa, after losing Squall or something and falling into such despair that she wants to hyper condense time to a single point.

That''s what I've heard, anyway.

Close, Ultimecia is basically this sorceress overlord of her entire world during her time period. It's centuries later or something like that. Essentially Ultimecia just transfers herself through a line of Sorceresses back through time. Rinoa ends up as one and thus Ult transfers from Edea to Rinoa. Her whole goal is apparently collapse time and space to a single point to become a god and thus escape a prophecy about how she'll be defeated eventually.
2016-09-27 00:40:06
>> #127843
Ultimecia is supposedly a future incarnation of Rinoa, after losing Squall or something and falling into such despair that she wants to hyper condense time to a single point.

That''s what I've heard, anyway.
2016-09-27 00:36:57
>> #127842
MindReaver said:
Rinoa is the love interest of the main hero, Squall. About halfway through the game she falls comatose for a long while and later is revealed to have become possessed by the main villain. Said villain possesses three different sorceresses throughout the course of the game, with Rinoa being the second victim.

Oh, it's THAT ff. The one I don't want to play cause I'm overly sensitive and the ending freaks me out.
2016-09-27 00:25:35
>> #127839
Pinkanator said:
No idea on the context, but it's pretty hot.

Rinoa is the love interest of the main hero, Squall. About halfway through the game she falls comatose for a long while and later is revealed to have become possessed by the main villain. Said villain possesses three different sorceresses throughout the course of the game, with Rinoa being the second victim.
2017-01-29 06:33:34
>> #153193
*cuddles with Lola in the corner*
2016-09-30 12:02:14
>> #128695
On a unrelated note, does anyone find it funny that Kyanna is dressed as a cheerleader when the game's actual cheerleader babysits for her?
2016-09-27 09:56:21
>> #127934
Damn, I really do want to like this. However, this pic commits the sin of pink nipples on a non-white girl.
2016-09-27 08:21:07
>> #127903
Too bad I have sgreat story about her and hearing it in her voice would be the best.

Second why no love for any of the Hunie Cam girls, I mean they may not be as sexy but there's some serious potential in that game. With the fetish items what if there was a spiral so that they covered hypnosis fetish.

We could get so much fun out of that!
2016-09-27 07:18:31
>> #127889
Ashurath said:
nikki + polybius thoooo

Ashurath said:
I dont like wars, I just like gaming and so I jump to Nikki first. Momo and Venus joint second x3

ghost13 said:
Why not take them all?

But seriously, my preference is Nikki, Kyanna, and Beli

And frankly, there needs to be more Hunie Pop on here in general.

Actually it's kinda ironic since my real name is Nikki and I'm super into video games too, but I still prefer Aiko and Celeste :P
2016-09-26 18:47:41
>> #127763
Hmm, beautiful
2016-09-26 17:45:20
>> #127757
A version without text for anyone who wants it.
2016-12-26 13:15:21
>> #146388
Wait...Yasuho's Stand is automatic and she has no direct control over it. would still go get Josuke.
2016-09-28 01:18:29
>> #128028
We DESPERATELY need more JoJo MC.
2016-09-27 18:20:53
>> #127982
NyxtheOminous said:
Oh, nah nah nah! You mean to tell me we have Jojolion art, and ithe is NOT of Daiya Higashikata!? She is best gril, no questions. Also her femdom potential is H-I-G-H. Still, even without best girl, this is a nice picture.

I plan to make more jojo manips and Daiya is on the list. Just got to find a good image.
2016-09-27 16:22:04
>> #127975
Oh, nah nah nah! You mean to tell me we have Jojolion art, and ithe is NOT of Daiya Higashikata!? She is best gril, no questions. Also her femdom potential is H-I-G-H. Still, even without best girl, this is a nice picture.
2016-09-27 09:21:03
>> #127923
Is it just me or can soft & wet be one of the best stands ever
2018-05-04 02:56:56
>> #249726
waluigithewalrus said:
I hope you guys don't mind, but I added a few more tags, 'cause this image is a bitch to find again when it has so few tags to begin with.

Nobody will ever mind if you add additional tags to images, and I'm sure others will appreciate your efforts to make undertagged images more readily searchable.
2018-05-04 02:18:02
>> #249720
I hope you guys don't mind, but I added a few more tags, 'cause this image is a bitch to find again when it has so few tags to begin with.
2018-03-16 17:30:06
>> #240294
It's too bad there haven't been more dutiful messengers from the Happy Valley.
2016-09-27 14:49:16
>> #127965
Well, you can use all the sex appeal and hypno you want, it'll do no good if you're no good for the job. And the job's clearly non-sexual.
2016-09-27 02:10:22
>> #127863
Very nice !
2016-09-27 01:44:01
>> #127856
2016-09-26 14:35:01
>> #127742
Oh myyy~..
Date Sep 26, 2016User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 6(vote up)
2016-09-26 17:16:38
>> #127750
Dantus said:
Do you want a contract too? Contact me now and have all your wishes fulfilled /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\!

*clicks pen*
2016-09-26 13:07:15
>> #127741
Do you want a contract too? Contact me now and have all your wishes fulfilled /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\!
2016-09-26 08:13:41
>> #127716
Nice thong.

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