2016-09-27 07:19:10
>> #127891
pokemongirl said:
This is so fucking adorable to me *giggles*


2016-09-26 08:12:40
>> #127715
This is so fucking adorable to me *giggles*
2016-09-26 08:03:59
>> #127714
Always love these different hypno faces pics *giggles*
Date Sep 25, 2016User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 14(vote up)
2016-09-26 06:42:27
>> #127708
There's never enough Precure.
2021-01-11 19:30:00
>> #402042
AngelGrace said:
I feel like I'm missing something
Why is Madoka suddenly evil

I get the feeling that she's always been evil, and not only that, but she faked her death on purpose to trick Homura into doing this.
Who knows, it might not even be the real Madoka...
2016-09-27 10:25:35
>> #127946
builder396 said:
I know someone else who wanted to make a better world. He did that by killing a shitton of criminals using a notebook. Ring a bell?

thats the joke...
2016-09-26 19:29:18
>> #127772
TheHypnoPandemonium said:
no no there must be a miss-understanding, she's not evil!
<<|They will bring peace to this world!>>

I know someone else who wanted to make a better world. He did that by killing a shitton of criminals using a notebook. Ring a bell?
2016-09-26 19:08:20
>> #127767
Homoru would do that without hypnosis, if it meant protectiong Madoka...
2016-09-26 18:15:09
>> #127761
AngelGrace said:
I feel like I'm missing something
Why is Madoka suddenly evil

no no there must be a miss-understanding, she's not evil!
<<|They will bring peace to this world!>>
Date Sep 26, 2016User Sleepyhead97Rating QuestionableScore 10(vote up)
2016-09-26 22:41:16
>> #127806
2016-09-26 17:21:48
>> #127751
madoka is in crater that looks like it came from a explosion or crash from really high if your going into a more anime like reason and she is dead but her clothes and body dont have a scratch...
2016-09-26 15:31:09
>> #127746
<<|dont know why, but i though the last panel would be like that>>
2016-09-26 03:03:49
>> #127672
dont do this
please dont do this
2016-10-03 21:04:36
>> #129465
cannibalism tag?
2016-10-03 20:08:38
>> #129462
thought there would be more miia vore before i say this xp eather im not looking in the right spots or not hehe oh well i love it <3 10/10 great job perfection as allways <3
2016-09-28 04:08:05
>> #128069
Pinkanator said:
On the other, that naga should be sending rings into my eyes, not having them shot into hers.

i concur wholeheartedly. and her name is miia.
2016-09-28 02:31:29
>> #128062
slmrip said:
FINALLY some good quality content on this site

Shadopivot said:
Beautiful description there :3

Oh jeez, you'll make me blush, saying things like that.
2016-09-27 17:51:32
>> #127981
Taryh said:

You can just imagine Miia bucking her hips dopily against the soft, wet interior, every inch of her sensitive tail wriggling and squirming about as the walls pulse around her, sending her deeper and deeper until she's completely wrapped up in a lovely, tight hot sleeve.

Beautiful description there :3
2016-09-26 08:16:43
>> #127718
pokemongirl said:
Mmmm yes of course hehe *assumes the position*

Good girl -strokes her head-
2016-09-26 08:13:52
>> #127717
gothboyfang said:
-brainwashes her and dresses her in lingerie- Now get into your pose.

Mmmm yes of course hehe *assumes the position*
2016-09-26 05:40:17
>> #127704
pokemongirl said:
What a lovely pose to ride cocks with *drools*

-brainwashes her and dresses her in lingerie- Now get into your pose.
2016-09-26 02:13:11
>> #127656
What a lovely pose to ride cocks with *drools*
2021-04-21 19:45:40
>> #416369
Pinkanator said:
Maybe I'm just in a shitty mood, so I'm being more critical , but does this make anyone else... Sad?

Yeah it did... poor Miku. I used to listen to her music on and off, and I remember her kinda just falling off in 2018. This explanation makes a lot of sense actually, and I just want to hold her and have her cry on my shoulder for a while...
2016-09-28 01:02:52
>> #128016
so, that was the post for philosophy of the day apparently. Can't say I did see that one coming.
2016-09-26 23:49:09
>> #127823
This is really good...
I love it!
2016-09-26 12:25:26
>> #127739
Numbuh214 said:
The sad part is more that her life was irrevocably changed because of someone essentially hacking her mind; it's a little mitigated by the fact that she seems happy doing what she's doing, but... can we even be sure that that happiness is genuine?


Yes we cano.o

Happiness of all kinds is genuine as long as it's there. Don't romanticize happiness we came to reach on our own accord, a happiness brought on by a mind controlled state is just fine.

The human mind isn't magic. It can't tell the difference between happiness it developed through actions and happiness you hacked into it as far as sensation is concerned. We have no natural predators able to take over our mind like, say, ants do. The closest we have to that is Toxoplasma gondii, and all that does is make us a bit surly. We never had the need to develop a "this happiness is not my own" sense.

Also, Hatsune Miku is a robot, and who she is was programmed into her in the first place. I don't think human morality would even apply to her. But if it did, this is alright! They could have just as easily made her unhappy with it, if they were sadists.

I mean, if you are disturbed by the notion of her will being violated on pure principle, this ain't the site for you. In practical terms, she is happy, and that's the best we are getting here.
2016-09-26 09:39:38
>> #127731
Numbuh214 said:
The sad part is more that her life was irrevocably changed because of someone essentially hacking her mind; it's a little mitigated by the fact that she seems happy doing what she's doing, but... can we even be sure that that happiness is genuine?
2016-09-26 01:26:05
>> #127636
Please only put external/outside links in the source, and not subject descriptions like "Natsuki Hypnotized." We use the source to help find where the images were originally featured.
2021-10-30 04:30:43
>> #443364
DouDile said:
For me this series left me with a bad taste in my mouth, stupid Yuri transformed in a card to my favorite waifu. :'^[

Don't feel bad, I stubbornly ignore Yuri because of what he did to Alexis. Why give her such a kickass intro then pull that? Thank goodness for Duel Links.
2021-10-11 19:07:00
>> #441204
This was one of the first posts I saw here. It was on the front page back then. It also introduced me to the screenshots tag where I also check for mind control in anime.
2020-11-15 01:37:18
>> #394559
so much for it getting interesting. also shame that they never gave mind controlled yuzu a duel
2016-09-27 07:42:21
>> #127894
Between the MC and the promise of Berserk Yuya next week, Arc-V is finally getting interesting again!
2016-09-27 00:01:57
>> #127826
scorpion404 said:
I am pretty good yugioh fan. Seen all the series and play the game irl in fact. The mc though in it is my friend. I remember being excited when kotori and katty were hypnotised sadly that ended in 1 episode. This at least lasted longer. Most probably will end next episode ;(

I hope not. And I don't know if they would have Yuzu be brainwashed and not have her duel. Seems like a wasted opportunity. Excluding Anzu, every brainwashed main girl dueled. Even Kotori, as short-lived as that was. And if possible I'd like to see more of Rin as well. She was great. Her voice actress really pulls off a hint of sexiness in her voice I doubt will be there once she's not corrupted anymore.

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