2016-09-26 02:34:22
>> #127666
this is giving me flashbacks to that one guy who posted only these weird 3D images with no hypno and only tagged the source as like 3 words
2016-09-24 01:27:11
>> #127166
This art of this girl is awesome. :^)
2016-09-24 14:30:18
>> #127317
AmatureManga said:
well this is a downloaded model i honestly thought it was a pretty close model only thing really off is the hair you can't expect it to look exactly her

well yeah, not every model looks exactly like the character their based on. it is just a nitpick but it cant be helped to be known about it. it just doesn't look like Kurumu, just saying.
2016-09-24 04:22:32
>> #127217
Mindwipe said:
That definitely does not look like Kurumu to me. The hair is completely wrong, for one.

well this is a downloaded model i honestly thought it was a pretty close model only thing really off is the hair you can't expect it to look exactly her
2016-09-24 04:17:56
>> #127215
AmatureManga said:
Oooooook here's the model in the exact same pose front and back

That definitely does not look like Kurumu to me. The hair is completely wrong, for one.
2016-09-24 03:42:10
>> #127209
glitchnoschism said:
i think Mindwipe is right, kurumu doesn't look like herself and i dont think it's the costume, i think it's just the model of kurumu thats rubbing the wrong way

Oooooook here's the model in the exact same pose front and back
2016-09-24 03:23:43
>> #127207
i think Mindwipe is right, kurumu doesn't look like herself and i dont think it's the costume, i think it's just the model of kurumu thats rubbing the wrong way
2016-09-25 03:46:23
>> #127455
EoD said:
...This isn't karma.

Did someone saaaayyyyy.....


no, it's too easy.

I'm not doing it. Nevermind.
2016-09-25 03:31:38
>> #127450
It's "dark" in that she has probably ruined her social life and reputation completely. There's not really a way to "fix" the damage completely or even mostly. Most people wouldn't be likely to believe she turned her brother into a doppleganger of herself and sent him to school instead of her, and even if they did/she proved it, "sent her brother to school as a sex slave to pretend to be her" isn't really much if any better than "is a huge slut" on the social standing ruining ladder. Plus that reveal would ALSO ruin her brother's reputation.

Also, she tried to do something bad to her brother and it came back to bite her, that's pretty "karma"-ish.
2016-09-25 01:20:40
>> #127435
Kalyrian said:
Personally, I think this is intended to be more humorous than dark. It was just an honest mistake, after all :P

Right, and she shows no intent on fixing it.
2016-09-25 01:16:04
>> #127433
EoD said:
I'm usually okay with dark stuff but this? This killed my libido. Straight up.

From what little we can glean from her personality she's not twisted enough to do that.

Personally, I think this is intended to be more humorous than dark. It was just an honest mistake, after all :P
2016-09-24 05:10:56
>> #127224
Drool said:
Loves me some karma.
This was super fun to make. Except for the badly shopped leg.

...This isn't karma.
2019-02-27 17:08:02
>> #306361
2016-09-24 23:59:28
>> #127406
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but doesn't this kind of fall under the "No manips of real-life images" rule?

I mean, it's alll kinds of excellent, but...

Nope. The real life images are not manipped in any way. They are simply a reference for the drawn image, which is the focus.
2016-09-24 21:20:11
>> #127374
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but doesn't this kind of fall under the "No manips of real-life images" rule?

I mean, it's alll kinds of excellent, but...

I think that rule applies to real life images of girls that have been manipped to have hypnosis context.

The girl in the pictures is under real hypnosis the whole time. It should fall under the same category as all the Entrancement UK girls that you see being posted all the time.
2016-09-24 20:14:48
>> #127362
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but doesn't this kind of fall under the "No manips of real-life images" rule?

I mean, it's alll kinds of excellent, but...

What part of the pictures' videos are manips though? They're just inserted as a sorta reference and/or sequence for the lovely drawing on the side...
2016-09-24 18:28:41
>> #127344
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but doesn't this kind of fall under the "No manips of real-life images" rule?

I mean, it's alll kinds of excellent, but...

hmmm... i think? he only cut out pieces of the video right? Darn ,
...lets see...*thinking* ...
what if he only chooses one to stay and uploads that one?
2016-09-24 20:36:44
>> #127366
hm, looks good
2016-09-23 23:47:29
>> #127159
MisterMan4 said:
Double Twilight = Double fun for Rarity.

I could get my head around this :3
2016-09-23 19:09:20
>> #127115
Double Twilight = Double fun for Rarity.

And with this the Hypno games are finished. At first planned to make 1 more pic before this, but after a while I thought to end the series and tell the whole story into this 1 pic. For some of you the magic may have faded away from my first mlp movie manip to this one and some of you might still get a kick out of them. I still hope you enjoy the story and pics at least and hope you liked the time I took to make them and the direction I took them too. Either way, with this all I can say is THE END! Enjoy darlings and remember, Rarity is always watching you xD!
2016-09-23 23:49:07
>> #127160
what about our little idiot, doesn't he deserve some asuka-chan too?
just kidding ofc he doesn't, he wouldn't do that unless ordered to.
2016-09-23 21:29:04
>> #127136
Well that shut her up....... XD
2016-09-23 18:04:33
>> #127106
Nice pic and Manip, I am sure misato is holding a beer in her hand for some reason XD
2016-09-23 17:57:20
>> #127104
Another NGE manip (Asuka is mai waifu :3).
2018-03-04 17:12:10
>> #237842
Drool said:
The Epilogue.
Someone teach me how to pools.

Lol the video scared me
2016-10-16 15:39:15
>> #132255
Catgirls, yes!
2016-09-24 06:15:26
>> #127239
This is a good epilogue. However, I would really like it (and I'm sure others would too) if you showed Mr. Boss entrancing another girl. Basically, I want more!
2016-09-24 00:12:48
>> #127162
wolfkiller99 said:
Pool creation requires the advanced editing to be active. Just click My Account, up top and go to settings. Should be right above Save/Cancel.

2016-09-23 23:35:02
>> #127157

Pool creation requires the advanced editing to be active. Just click My Account, up top and go to settings. Should be right above Save/Cancel.
2016-09-23 19:53:51
>> #127123
Rotem when will you finish up your story on Rose and Huntress? It seemed like you were just about to get into a bigger world you were creating.
2016-09-23 19:02:09
>> #127114
Yeah, probably an umber hulk. They do have a confusing gaze attack, after all.
2016-09-23 17:54:44
>> #127103
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Is this pic actually related to DnD, or just a fantasy-based pic? I assume the former, but I'm wondering what the creature is supposed to be (seeing as it's not a mind flayer like usual)...

It... might be an Umber Hulk? I dunno...
2016-09-23 17:05:20
>> #127099
Is this pic actually related to DnD, or just a fantasy-based pic? I assume the former, but I'm wondering what the creature is supposed to be (seeing as it's not a mind flayer like usual)...
2016-09-23 15:13:12
>> #127094
Master-kun? Jodeeeer. :V
2016-09-23 13:18:21
>> #127086
2018-06-30 13:36:34
>> #267784
2016-09-23 16:45:49
>> #127097
muffinmuffler said:
I want moooooore!

I might, this artist's gallery is a gold-mine of this girl.
2016-09-23 14:43:53
>> #127090
I want moooooore!
2016-09-23 11:49:39
>> #127078

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