2016-09-22 06:56:25
>> #126879
Ahhhhh, more Rei~!
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Very lovely~

Now we just need a pic of Rei and Asuka as sexy busy plant girls. :3

2016-09-22 06:19:54
>> #126876
Very lovely~

Now we just need a pic of Rei and Asuka as sexy busy plant girls. :3
2016-09-22 06:13:43
>> #126875
after several requests over notes to do a sequel to the previous Usagiforehead picture featuring Asuka-

and since nobody seems to have a couple dollars to place art they want to see themselves, i've commissioned Abelia having captured Rei Ayanami, using her vines to secure the EVA pilot while she works on her hypnosis.
2016-09-22 12:17:14
>> #126914
thought it was lucy from ft lol. regardless, great story!
2016-09-22 06:35:01
>> #126878
2016-09-22 05:58:25
>> #126873
Aigis's eyes slowly opened to the sensation of something slithering over her body. Her surroundings were obscured by an almost total absence of light, and she could hear what sounded almost like a heartbeat. "I remember... The creature, it defeated me... And swallowed me into it's body... Am I inside it's stomach..?" Said the Anti Shadow weapon as she tried to move her body, only to find whatever was encoiling her tighten it's embrace around her. "So powerful... I don't feel any stomach acids... Where am I...?" Aigis said as she winced in discomfort in her confinement.
It wasn't long before some of her fears were confirmed. In front of her face a stalk seemed to be opening, and within it a brilliant purple hue escaped and began to flood Aigis's fleshy prison. The dull flesh pulsated and undulated, several veins visible on the surface pumping whatever vital fluids the monster used. Aigis could see her body completely enwrapped in the umber tinged tendrils encoiling around her sleek body. Before the gynoid had time to consider her escape from within the creatures body however she felt a moist sensation caress her cheeks, leading her eyes upward to meet the magenta light which beheld her.
It took Aigis only a short moment to realize her captors intent, but a moment was all it took, one fateful moment and all hope of Aigis's escape seemed to fade away. No longer could Aigis close her eyes or look away, even as she felt more of the tentacles cool themselves around her. The light flickered in rhythmic waves which washed over the SEES member. "A-ah.... No...." Aigis weakly protested, but the beast had already won, her very memories seeming to be rewritten, like her soul itself was being moulded by the creatures power. Soon, she would be nothing but the monster's thrall, her energy feeding the creature, and her body hunting for more women to offer her master....

Here we have a recent quick art from myself, mostly just me practicing hypnosis stuff. The world could always use more Aigis, so i'm happy to share haha
2016-12-10 14:09:03
>> #143078
It seems ridiculous to say outright, but the ending made me sad :(
2016-10-09 08:57:32
>> #130820
New chapter is up!
2016-09-24 06:11:33
>> #127237
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Ooo, advertise that shit here when it happens, I'd pick up a copy of that c:

Will do. I'm hiring AWMBH to make a SFW version of this pic (light glare on the mirror covering the nipples, or a lacey bra lol) and we can put it up here with a link for everyone to buy.

StepfordCrimson said:
If you needed to remember, you could've just reread your first chapter :P But hey whatever you want, it's your story.

I know XD I figured there's no way I'd forget something as easy as that haha
2016-09-24 02:23:36
>> #127174
Baragon said:
Actually when I started the series I described Amy with brown hair, to avoid the busty blonde cheerleader stereotype a bit. Then when it came time to writing the second chapter I tried to remember how I described Amy and came up with the busty blonde cheerleader stereotype and stuck with that ever since XD I feel like I described Cathy with darker hair though, or just never mentioned it. Sorry for the confusion, I do plan on updating the first chapter in mcstories at some point. I've already fixed it up for the collected book I'm going to put out soon

If you needed to remember, you could've just reread your first chapter :P But hey whatever you want, it's your story.
2016-09-24 02:04:43
>> #127171
Baragon said:
Actually when I started the series I described Amy with brown hair, to avoid the busty blonde cheerleader stereotype a bit. Then when it came time to writing the second chapter I tried to remember how I described Amy and came up with the busty blonde cheerleader stereotype and stuck with that ever since XD I feel like I described Cathy with darker hair though, or just never mentioned it. Sorry for the confusion, I do plan on updating the first chapter in mcstories at some point. I've already fixed it up for the collected book I'm going to put out soon

Ooo, advertise that shit here when it happens, I'd pick up a copy of that c:
2016-09-22 01:51:34
>> #126823
Pinkanator said:
Well, yep, totally here all right.

Seriously though, Crim? Strap me in @,@

... Eh. *shrugs and shoves you into the thing and it traps you inside it automatically*
2016-09-22 01:48:49
>> #126822
Well, yep, totally here all right.

Seriously though, Crim? Strap me in @,@
2016-09-22 02:45:38
>> #126836
Anyone know the episode number and time of this scene?

Edit: I found it. It's Episode 33 at ~11:45. It's on Crunchyroll.
2016-09-22 02:28:31
>> #126830
|=(>:3c I wonder with what he fills her heart with...*SHOT*
2016-09-22 02:08:27
>> #126829
pokemongirl said:
Yay does this go anywhere after this though? *giggles*

i wanted to do the entire scene but my program was being annoying and it wouldn't let me basically he laughs lelouch style and that's the end of the scene and there's more of the scene before this.
2016-09-22 01:54:15
>> #126826
Yay does this go anywhere after this though? *giggles*
2016-09-22 01:34:23
>> #126810
Alexander717 said:

the source is there
2016-09-21 16:59:08
>> #126736
Mm hm, just the kind of mind-breaking trauma I've come to expect from Tasuki
2016-09-21 15:22:08
>> #126728
twilightL said:
"Looking for any sings of trouble"?

She must be very vocal about finding them. That's why she got caught. X3
2016-09-21 15:07:24
>> #126727
"Looking for any sings of trouble"?
2016-09-28 07:47:50
>> #128108
Also, I could understand using your fists or at least the pick, but he just shoves the ENTIRE body of the Shamisen into her. wut?
2016-09-24 02:59:00
>> #127191
Now that I watched the god damned film, I can god damn say that I god damned fucking enjoyed it. :D
2016-09-21 21:05:53
>> #126761
Personally Kubo gives me that '...nah, not this' vibe, much like SU and a few other things do. Hardly gonna stop other people making porn of it, but it doesn't really gel with me.
2016-09-21 19:27:40
>> #126754
skullman2033 said:
agreed, considering it's a basically a childrens movie

You mean like Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, or about 90% of the other hypno-fanart on here?
2016-09-21 19:14:31
>> #126753
Contorted said:
Or in some cases, not at all. Like here.

agreed, considering it's a basically a childrens movie
Date Sep 21, 2016User GrimRating QuestionableScore 20(vote up)
2016-09-22 04:38:47
>> #126859
Okay, after seeing this a few times, I actually like the premise around this. And it confirms that Kubo's Pathfinder class would be straight levels in Bard.
2016-09-22 03:30:35
>> #126849
Bobbette said:
Well, I don't get the spoiler, but threw the tag up so perhaps less people will get caught by it.

Thanks bobby.
2016-09-22 03:21:42
>> #126846
Well, I don't get the spoiler, but threw the tag up so perhaps less people will get caught by it.
2016-09-22 02:50:36
>> #126840
"If you must think, do so now"
2016-09-21 20:52:37
>> #126758
Could have done without the spoilers.
2016-09-22 02:42:22
>> #126833
grimest said:
this show was kinda forgetable, but the designs had some charm to them, im all for more Phantom Girl.

Thats what you get when DC forces you to use that dam art style, all visual substance but nothing in terms of story.

Also *forgettable
2016-09-21 10:01:07
>> #126712
I'm all into these types of outfits that cover everything except the best areas ; )
2016-09-21 09:30:10
>> #126710
this show was kinda forgetable, but the designs had some charm to them, im all for more Phantom Girl.

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